Part 22

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The next morning y/n wakes up, but the place next to her was empty. She got up and noticed the severe headache, so she took the painkillers. She first took a shower and got ready.

By the time she was done, she was feeling much better. She went to the kitchen when she saw Nat and a blonde girl.
"Good morning" said y/n as she was about to go to the coffee machine.
"Good morning" said Nat, stood up and gave me a kiss.
"This is Yelena" said Nat pointing to the blonde girl.
"Hey Yelena, nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you" said Y/n, sitting down with the coffee with the two of them.

"I was just telling about our engagement" Nat said and put her hand on y/n's thigh.
"When will it be?" asked Yelena, you could see she was very excited.
"We don't really know yet" Nat answered.
"Then it's about time" said Yelena smiling.

"Y/nnnnnnn" suddenly came a voice and y/n was jumped on. "Hey Tommy, you okay?" she picked him up and lifted him onto her lap.
"I'm hungry" he said.
"Come on, let's go make you something to eat" he took her hand and they both walked a few feet away. "Can we make pancakes?" asked Tommy. "Sure."
They took all the ingredients and mixed them together.
"You have something there" said y/n.
Y/n took the flour and brushed some of it on his face. They both started laughing and smeared flour on each other.

Nat and Yelena watch the two unobtrusively.
"She's a good catch" said Yelena.
"I know" said Nat as she continued to watch y/n grinning. When the pancakes were done, Tommy ate some while he and y/n were full of flour.

"What happened to you guys?" said Wanda as she came into the kitchen.
"We made pancakes" said Tommy proudly.
"Yes I can see that" Wanda laughed.
"When you finish eating you can go take a bath" said Wanda patting him on the head.
Y/n cleaned up too and sat down with Wanda, Nat and Yelena.

"How long are you staying?" asked Wanda Yelena after a while.
"I'm on vacation at the moment, so I'll be staying for a while" said Yelena "I hope the wedding will be soon so I can be there" said Yelena.
The four of them laughed a lot and talked about many stories of Nat and Yelena in the past.

Yelena sleeps in Nat's room, which is not so bad because Nat and y/n always sleep in the same room anyway.
Everyone except y/n and Nat have already gone to bed.
The two of them were still lying on the sofa.
"Maybe we should really start planning the wedding" Nat said while stroking y/n's head.
Y/n stood up. "Where are you going?"
She gets a pad and pen.
"okay, we already know we want to get married on the beach".
The two start planning, they are in relative agreement on everything.

After writing the guest list, they realize how late it is. They put the pad aside and head into the elevator to go to bed.
"You don't know how excited I am" y/n says as she turns to Nat. Nat puts her hands on her shoulders and kisses y/n.
"Me too" she said between two kisses. The kisses get hungrier and y/n presses Nat against the elevator wall and starts kissing her neck as the elevator door opened too. They didn't break the kiss though and went into the room.

When they closed the door, they started undressing each other. They threw the clothes across the room and landed on the bed.

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