Part 20

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It was already the next morning. Nat and y/n were having breakfast together.
"Shit, shit" they heard all of a sudden. Peter came running into the kitchen, throwing something from the fridge into his backpack.
"Peter, what's wrong?" asked Nat as she calmly ate her cereal.
"I overslept and missed my school bus" he said as he put on his shoes.
"I can drive you if you want" said y/n.
"Yeah, but put your shoes on right first" said y/n pointing to his shoes with her spoon.

Y/n drove Peter to school and also promised to pick him up after school.
When y/n arrived back at the campound, she went to the training room and did some training. A few hours passed when Nat came into the room.
"You should take a break" she said and handed y/n a water bottle.
Y/n sat down at the edge of the boxing ring, took off her gloves and took a drink.
Nat sat down next to her.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.
"Yeah, why?" replied y/n, taking another sip.
"You only work out so long when something is bothering you" Nat said and looked at y/n.

"It's all good" she said and stood up, put on her gloves and went back to the punching bag and punched hard. She boxed without pauses.

"I know you y/n, you have something".
"It's all good" she said while punching harder.
"Y/n" Nat said and walked closer to y/n. She didn't answer though and kept hitting harder until y/n's eyes started to turn purple.
"Y/n, please talk to me" Nat said as she spotted the eyes. Y/n took a wide swing and this time punched so hard that the punching bag broke and fell to the floor.

"Fuck,...fuck, fuck," Y/n screams and kicks the punching bag. Suddenly her strength decreased and she started to cry, she kicks with less and less force until finally she falls on her knees.

"Fuck" she said one last time before Nat sat down with her and put her arms around her body and hugged her.
„Hey, what's going on? You know you can talk to me" Nat said to her quietly.

Y/n laid her head on Nat's chest and slowly started breathing regularly again.
She took a breath and started talking.
"I think I have something important to tell you before the wedding" y/n said, looking at Nat.
"No matter what It will be, you can't scare me off that easily, I love you too much for that".

"I know you want to have kids, which I can understand, kids are great, but I don't want any of my own" y/n said as more and more tears leaked from her eyes.

"How come? I thought you loved kids?"
Nat stroked y/n's back to calm her down a little.
"When I was seventeen I had a one night stand, then a few weeks later I realized I was pregnant. I was so scared, but I really wanted to keep the baby. I was able to keep it a secret for the first few months, but after a while my dad found out. Oh God he was so angry, I have never seen him so angry. So he took a knife and stuck it in my stomach. The baby died instantly."
"Your scar on your stomach-" began Nat.
"It's not from a fight, it's from my father when he killed my child" finished Y/n with a lot of tears.
Nat also started crying, she hugged y/n closer to her to show her that she is there for her.
"I should have protected my child better, I have been his mother..."
"Hey, no, you're not blaming yourself, are you? Y/n, this is not your fault, you were defenseless against your father, he did this, unfortunately there was nothing you could have done about it"

Y/n leaned back on Nat's chest.
"I know, but I was afraid of my father all along, I kind of knew it wasn't going to end well"
"You were a good mother, you wanted to keep the child even if you knew it would be difficult for you, you knew it would take you a lot of strength to raise this child in this world and then alone. Come here, look at me" Y/n picked her head back up and looked at Nat.
"It's okay if you don't want kids, I'm fine with that, the only thing I want is you, even if you would be a hot mom, you're an even hotter girlfriend, and if I ever feel like having kids, I'll go to Tommy and Billy's or Clint's house. The only thing I wish is that you would stop blaming yourself, okay?"

"Thanks Nat," y/n said, looking Nat in the eye.
Nat brushed the tears from her face and gave her a kiss. Then Nat stood up and helped y/n up.
"I have to go to Fury's for a minute" said Nat.
"And I'm going to take a quick shower, when you're done at Fury's you can join me".
"I'll tell him to hurry up" said Nat and quickly went to Fury.

Y/n showered and then put on a robe and was about to change into something else when Nat came into the room.
"Och I'm late"
"Who says?" said y/n, undoing the belt from the bathrobe and walking up to Nat and starting to kiss her.

After a while the two lay in bed and cuddled.
"How about on the beach?" said Nat.
"What, sleeping together?"
"No, getting married, though your idea isn't bad either" she said, grinning.
"Remember our first date?" Nat asks.
"Sure, we went stargazing".
"Yeah right, we could get married there"
"I think it's perfect. A beach wedding, that's what it's going to be" y/n turned to Nat and kissed her as she saw the clock behind her.

"Shit" y/n jumped out of bed and quickly put some clothes on
"What's wrong?"
"I promised Peter I'd pick him up from school, I have to be there in five minutes".
Nat just grinned, got up as well and put some clothes on too.

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