Part 17

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Five years have now passed. Many have now come to terms with it. Nat, among others, was one who still has a long way to go to come to terms with it. She still suffers from severe grief. She can never sleep through the night. She can't stop thinking about Y/n. She has lost the love of her life, a love she will not find again so easily.

One evening Nat lies sadly in her bed. The place where Y/n used to lie was empty. She stared sadly at the empty place and had a flashback.

It was a sunny morning and Nat was lying in the same spot. Next to her lay y/n, who was still sleeping.
"Are you watching me" y/n said softly without opening her eyes.
"Maybe" Nat just said and had to grin.
Y/n slowly opened her eyes and looked at Nat. "You are so beautiful" said y/n and gave Nat a kiss.
"We have the whole morning to ourselves" Nat said and moved closer to Y/n.
Y/n's hand stroked Nat's thigh. She was wearing only one of y/n's tshirts.
She grabbed her thighs and carried Nat up onto her. So now Nat was sitting on y/n's lap, bending over and kissing her some more.

The memory slowly faded and a tear ran down Nat's cheek. It had been five years. Five years she's been alone, without y/n, and it hasn't gotten better a day. She doesn't even know the last time she laughed.

Suddenly there was a knock on her door. "Come into the meeting room, Nat," she heard Clint call.
Nat got up and went into the meeting room, where Scott was standing among others.

" is that possible?" asked Nat. Everyone thought Scott had disappeared into the blib as well. Scott explained everything to them. After a long meeting, a spark of hope came back to the Avengers when they came up with the idea of time travel.

(You know the rest of the story, just imagine that the Avengers traveled back when Thanos had all the stones and somehow defeated him without Tony and Natasha dying. Thanos, meanwhile, died.)

So the Avengers were now in possession of the glove. Thor took it in his hand and snapped his fingers. The power shot through his body, but it didn't do too much damage to the god.

Everyone waited anxiously to see what would happen now. A short time later, a gate opened. From which many people came. Peter and many other Avengers also came out.
Peter immediately ran to Tony.

A short time later, y/n came out and saw Wanda, who wrapped her arms around y/n's neck.
"Omg, is it really you?" Wanda couldn't believe her eyes, she immediately started crying when she noticed that y/n was freezing. Come I'll give you a blanket. They went to the jet they flew in and y/n sat down in it. Wanda put a blanket over y/n's shoulders.

Nat came running into the jet. When she saw y/n, she stopped. She couldn't believe the moment. She felt like she was in a dream.
Y/n noticed Nat immediately and stood up, the blanket flying off her shoulders. She slowly walked towards Nat, coming straight towards her. Nat puts her arms around Y/n and hugged her tightly.

After a long hug, they both broke away and look into each other's eyes. Nat was crying with joy. She put her hands on y/n's face and looked at her.
"I just can't believe it. You're alive!". She moved closer to y/n and kissed her. During the kiss, tears continued to run down her face.
"Hey it's okay, I'm fine, ... I love you" y/n said while wiping away Nat's tears. She puts her arms around Nat again and hugged her back.
At that moment, the other Avengers came into the jet. All the Avengers, they were finally complete again.

The Avengers flew back to the Campound. They got out and entered the building.

"Mommy," two children's voices were heard shouting.
Two little boys came up to Wanda and hugged her.
Y/n stood next to her, not knowing what was going on.
"Mommy?" she said. She had to grin when she saw Wanda with the two twins.

"Go on inside, I'll join you in a minute" Wanda said to the two boys.

"What?..." y/n didn't know what to say.
"This is Tommy and Billy, mine and Vision's kids" Wanda said "I was already pregnant when Vision died, but I didn't find out until after."
"Tommy?.." y/n had a tear running from her eye.
"You always wanted to name your child that, then when you..." Wanda had to clear her throat for a moment "then when you were gone, I wanted a part of you to live on in my children"
Y/n hugged Wanda. It was a hug of meaning and they both felt it.
"I can't wait to meet them" Y/n said and walked into the building with the others.

The Avengers all spent the evening together and drank a little. They had a great time together. Nat didn't leave Y/n for a second, which y/n liked though. She wanted to be with Nat just as much.

Nat sat down on y/n's lap after grabbing a few more beers. The evening was enjoyable and the Avengers laughed a lot.
"Do you want to maybe go?" whispered y/n in Nat's ear.
Without answering, Nat stood and grabbed y/n's hand to help her get up. As they were leaving the room they heard only one voice.
"Not so loud, we have children in the building"

Y/n and Nat went into Nat's room. Y/n sat down on the bed. "It's all so crazy, somehow it didn't feel long to me when I was gone, but it kind of did, but five years?" y/n couldn't quite understand the whole situation yet.
"The worst five years of my life" Nat said, sitting down next to y/n. "I thought I would never see you again, we even had a funeral service" Nat looked sadly at y/n.
"Now I'm back and I'll never leave you again" Y/n held Nat's hands tightly.
Nat looked at y/n and gave her a kiss. Y/n grabbed Nat's legs and lifted her onto her lap without breaking the kiss.

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