Part 21

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Y/n stopped in front of Peter's school. There were many students outside.
"Peter, hey" y/n shouted after she rolled down the car window. The shouting got the attention of many students.
Peter said goodbye to Nate and MJ and then walked towards the car. Many students looked over at Peter.

They recognized the person in the car.
They recognized y/n.
She was an Avenger, which the other students noticed immediately.
A few approached the car.

"Aren't you y/n Maximoff?"
"And you are?" asked y/n as Peter got in the car.
"He's an asshole" said Peter.
"Peter I didn't know you knew the Avengers, you can introduce me to them" said the boy.
"I don't like you and you don't like me Flash so why should I" said Peter.

"Bye, bye" said y/n, rolled up the window and drove away in the expensive black Lamborghini.

"That  was one awesome gig, can you maybe pick me up more often?" Peter was all excited.
"Calm down boy" y/n drove back to the campound.

"Who was that girl?"
"Who do you mean?"
"The girl you hugged".
"Ah, that's MJ, she's a friend".
"A friend?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because I'm not blind"
"Now what do you mean by that"
"That you have a crush on her" y/n had to laugh a little.
"Oh I don't know"
"That's not a no"

"How did you know you loved Nat?" asked Peter.
"I just knew it, it's such a feeling in my heart. Whenever she was with me, I felt at home. I felt safe. I knew the only place I wanna be was with her. She can always make me laugh, no matter how crappy I feel."
"Wow" is all Peter said as the two arrived.
Peter gets out of the car
"thanks" he said as he slammed the door shut afterwards.

It's evening by now and a few of the Avengers are on a mission. Nat, Wanda and y/n are watching a movie when an idea came to y/n.
"Wanna go to a bar?" she asked because everyone was a little bored.
"I'm in" Nat said immediately.
"And you Wanda?" y/n turned to Wanda.
"You go ahead, I'll stay here".
Y/n started tickling Wanda "oh come on, you're bored too".
"I can't, I have to watch the boys".
"That's an excuse" y/n said smiling and got up and went with Nat.

The two quickly got ready.
"Come on" said y/n taking Nat's hand.
"To the cars is that way" Nat wondered.
"Who said anything about cars?"
Y/n stopped in front of the motorcycle and climbed on. Nat got on behind her and put her arms around y/n. Y/n started the engine and drove off. They stopped in front of a small bar and parked the motorcycle. Y/n took Nat's hand and together they went into the bar where there were already many people. They go to the counter and order something to drink.

Y/n had drunk a little more than Nat. When they both want to order another beer Nat went to the toilet.

While Nat was gone a man came up to y/n.
"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, sitting down in the seat where Nat had just been sitting.
"Why not" said y/n without giving it much thought. When the drinks arrived, the two drank together as he put his hand on the back of y/n's chair and talked to her.

Nat came back from the restroom when she saw her seat was no longer available.
"Hey babe, wanna dance?" asked Nat as she joined the two.
"I'd love to" said y/n, stood up and gave Nat a kiss in front of the man and walked with her to the dance floor.
The man was still a little speechless and remained sitting on the chair.
"I can't leave you alone without any people hitting on my hot girlfriend" Nat said laughing, she found the situation funny as she could trust y/n.

The evening was very nice, the two danced a lot, talked and drank (y/n a bit more than Nat). When Nat realized that y/n was very full, she decided to go home. "Come on, let's go" Nat whispered in y/n's ear because the music was so loud. "Okay" y/n just said and followed Nat outside to the motorcycle.
"Where are the keys" y/n asked.
Nat held the keys up in the air.
"сука" (bitch) said y/n when she saw Nat took the keys from her.
"тоже тебя люблю" (love you too) said Nat and got on, y/n followed her and got on behind Nat. She clasped her arms around Nat.

Y/n ran her arms over Nat's body under Nat's sweater.
"You're so hot" y/n said to Nat. She left her hands where they were and put her head on Nat's back.

Nat took y/n to her room. Y/n laid down on the bed.
"Hey, come here, we need to get you undressed first" Nat said and went to y/n and helped her up.

Nat dressed y/n in comfortable clothes and put her back to bed. Nat also changed clothes and lay down with y/n.
"I'm sorry," y/n said softly.
"Sorry for what?"
"For being a wreck."
"Hey" Nat turned to y/n, "you're not a wreck".
Y/n snuggled up to Nat.
Nat put her arms around y/n and they both fell asleep.

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