Part 13

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The next morning, Nat was lying with her head on Y/N's chest when they both woke up. They enjoy this moment very much. They decided to tell the Avengers at breakfast that the two of them are together. For this reason, they enjoyed the moment for a few more minutes.
"I loved the day yesterday, and the night even better" Nat said while stroking Y/N's naked belly.
"Me too, thanks again for the most wonderful date".

They both got ready and joined the Avengers in the kitchen. Everyone else was already sitting at the table eating breakfast.
When Y/N and Nat enter the room, all the attention is already on the two of them.
"Were we this loud last night?" whispered Y/N, so only Nat could hear. She grinned and sat down at the table with Y/N.

"Did you guys had a good night?" asked Tony. Nat and Y/N look at each other.
"We have something to tell you" started Y/N.
"Does it have something to do with your secret relationship?" asked Steve as he and the others grinned.
"What, how do you know?" asked Nat.
"Not only we know, the whole world already knows" said Wanda and opened the internet.

There were pictures everywhere in the headlines. Pictures of paparazzi taking secret shots of yesterday. Pictures of them kissing in the car and holding hands together in the restaurant.
"I didn't catch that!" said Y/N.
"That's a talent from the paparazzi" said Tony "Now tell me, how long has this been going on between you?"

"Not that long, it started at the party" said Nat.
"So you guys are officially together now?" asked Clint. Nat and Y/N smiled at each other. "Yes we are".

"How romantic, a few weeks ago Y/N wanted to kill Nat and now they are a couple!" said Thor. "Sometimes things just don't work out the way you think, and I'm very happy about that" said Y/N, stroking Nat's thigh with her hand.

After breakfast, Y/N and Wanda decided to keep working on Y/N's powers. It worked better and better. It was rare now for Y/N to lose control.
"Shall we try?" asked Y/N.
"I think I'm ready to give you your memories back." said Y/N to Wanda.
"If you're ready, we're welcome to try."

Y/N and Wanda went to Tony, who prepared everything needed. He explained to Y/N exactly what she should do. When it started Y/N stayed calm and everything works great. All of a sudden Wanda flinches and her eyes close. A short time later she is calm again. "Did it work?" asked Tony.
"Yes, I think so" said Wanda and hugged Y/N. "I love you so much" she said into her ear.
"I love you too" said Y/N.

Nothing special happened for the Avengers that day. Wanda and Y/N were in the middle of cooking dinner.

"Y/N, you have a visitor" said Tony as he walked in to the kitchen with a girl.
"What are you doing here?" said Y/N.
"I wanted to see you".
"Who's that?" asked Wanda.
"This is Ava"

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