Part 29

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It was very warm outside. Nat and Y/n enjoy the walk very much and it does the little one also very well. Nat is pushing the stroller with one hand and holding y/n's hand with the other.
"We should go for a walk more often" said y/n looking at Nat.
"Yeah we should"

After an hour, the three were back at the campound.
Fury came up to them. "The adoption agency is closed today, they don't open again until tomorrow, so she'll have to stay with us for the night"
"No problem, we can take care of her" said Y/n.
Nat has to grin when she hears what Y/n said about volunteering to take care of a child.

The two took the little girl to their room. They put new clothes on her from the twins.
Nat tried to talk to her again.
"Hey little princess, do you know what your name is?"
The little one looked at Nat for a while.
After a while, a small delicate voice is heard saying "Amelia".
Nat is very happy.
"Y/n come here quickly, she talked"
Y/n quickly comes out of the bathroom and goes to the two. She puts her hand on Nat's back.
"Her name is Amelia" said Nat.
"Amelia, what a beautiful name"

"She's like us" says Nat suddenly. "She has no one else"

"She's not like us, she's lucky like we weren't, she'll find a new family who will love her, who will raise her like a normal child" said Y/n hugging Nat from behind.
"Yes hopefully" said Nat.

They all went to join the others and eat something.
After eating the twins and Amelia play together. Amelia gets along well with the twins.

In the evening Nat put Amelia in her bed. She told her another good night story, during which Amelia fell asleep. Amelia had laid down in Nat's arm. A short time later Nat also fell asleep.

"Nat where are you..." y/n was about to say when she saw that Nat had fallen asleep. She leaned her head against the door frame and watched them both.

"What are you doing?"
Y/n startled and turned to Wanda.
Y/n closed the door and went with Wanda to her room.

"I don't know what's wrong with me" y/n began.
"You and Nat have been thinking about adopting Amelia haven't you?"
"What? No, so I don't know."
After a short pause, y/n started talking.

"You know I was pregnant, I talked to Nat about it and said I didn't want kids. She understood and accepted it. But now that I see Amelia I don't know what I want. Nat doesn't expect anything, she knows I don't want kids and she doesn't try to talk me into it either, which I love about her because she accepts that point about me."
Y/n and Wanda continue to talk throughout the evening. They watched another movie before Y/n joined Nat and Amelia in bed.

The next morning, Nat wakes up to see Amelia lying on top of Y/n and snuggled up to her. Nat has to grin at the sight and watches the two of them for quite a while.

"Stop staring" Y/n said in her morning voice.
"I'm sorry but I can't, it just looks so cute" said Nat and gave Y/n a kiss on the cheek.
"Looks like you're getting some competition in cuddling" said Y/n laughing as she looked at Amelia.
After a while Amelia woke up too.
They got themselves and Amelia ready and went downstairs to join the others.

"Someone will come to pick up Amelia in an hour" said Fury who just met the two. The two didn't have time to answer because Fury was already gone.

"I'm going to miss that little princess" said Nat, stroking Amelia's cheek.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" asks y/n.
"Yeah sure, wait I'll take Amelia to the others for a minute".

After Nat comes back, they go into the room and close the door.
"Is everything ok?" asked Nat.
"Ehm yes, it's about Amelia".
"What about her?"
"Remember when I told you about my pregnancy?"
"Yeah sure"
"I said I didn't want kids"
"Yeah and I'm okay with that, I love kids but..."
"Let's adopt Amelia" Y/n suddenly said.
Nat sat there quietly not knowing what to say.

"I know I said I don't want kids, but it's different with her somehow, I've taken her to my heart and I love it when I see you two together. I see that you are happy, that a child makes you happy. I know inside you would like to be a mother. And until today I didn't know that I wanted it too."
"Are you serious now?" asked Nat.
"Let's do it, let's adopt Amelia, but only if you are one hundred percent sure"
"I'm two hundred percent sure" y/n answers.
Nat kissed Y/n very passionately.
"I can't believe it, you're going to be a great mom" Nat said between kisses.

"We could make your old room to her new room and have a door installed between our rooms, but a door with a lock" the last Y/n said a little seductively.
"I like that idea" Nat said and gave her another kiss.

The two went to Fury and told him the news. After Fury was happy about the idea the two went to the others and told them the news too.
They were all very happy and the twins were also happy about their new cousin.

A short time later, a woman from the adoption agency arrived who also thought the idea was great. It took a while until it was official, because there were still a lot of papers, but they were more than happy.

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