Part 12

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The next morning Tony went to check Y/N's vitals when he saw Y/N and Nat in bed together.
"Good morning, lovebirds," he said as he went over to Y/N to check her vitals.
Nat jumped out of bed and asked "is everything okay with her vitals?"
"Everything is great" he took her off everything that was hanging on her
"She can start back on everything slowly starting today. But very important, start slowly!"
"So I can go back to eating normally too?" asked Y/N.
Tony nodded and left the room.

"Eating is what I'm looking forward to the most, I have some catching up to do" said Y/N with a laugh. "How about I take you out to dinner tonight?" said Nat.
"A date?" asked Y/N.
"Yeah, right! I'll pick you up from your room tonight and then we'll go out to dinner together!"
"That sounds great" said Y/N trying to get out of bed.
Nat helped her walk a little until Y/N managed to do it herself. Y/N walked into the kitchen to Wanda and hugged her from behind. "Good morning sis" she said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"You're up" Wanda said happily.
"Yeah, Tony said my stats are great and I can slowly get back to everything" said Y/N and opened the fridge.

In the evening, Y/N was getting ready for her date with Nat. There was a knock on the door and Wanda came in.
"What are you doing?" she asked
"I'm getting ready. I have a date with Nat" Y/N replied while putting on a necklace.
"So it's serious between you guys now?" asked Wanda.
"I think so, it feels right with her".
"I'm very happy for you, do you need anything else?".
"I don't think so, thanks".
"Have fun tonight" Wanda said with a smile and left the room.

Promptly at 6pm there was a knock on Y/N's door "Come in".
Nat came into Y/N's room.
"I'm here to pick up my date" she said and looked at Y/N. "You look beautiful" Nat said as she walked up to Y/N to give her a kiss.
"You don't look bad either Romanoff."
Nat gave Y/N another kiss. "Are you ready?"
Y/N nodded and took Nat's hand and locked her fingers with Nat's. Then the two left the room and slipped out of the campound so the others wouldn't notice.

They walked to a car and got in. "Where are we going?" asked Y/N while Nat drove the car.
"You'll see soon" said Nat.

A short time later Nat stopped in front of a restaurant. "We're here" she said and gave Y/N an intense kiss before getting out.
They both entered the restaurant. It looked very posh and very romantic. Music was playing in the background and candles were everywhere. A waitress led them both to a table where Nat held the chair for Y/N to sit down.
"Are you feeling any better?" asked Nat after they ordered drinks.
"I realize I'm not at full strength yet, but otherwise I'm doing very well!"
"I'm glad to hear that" said Nat, holding Y/N's hands on the table.

The meal was very tasty and the evening was very enjoyable. When they were done eating, Nat paid for the meal and they both walked back to the car. "are you still fit?" asked Nat.
"Yes" replied Y/N "why".
"Because I have another idea" said Nat and started the engine.

It was getting dark outside and Nat drove the car to the beach. When they arrived Nat got a blanket and a basket out of the trunk and went with Y/N to the beach and put the blanket there.
They both sat down and Nat got candles, two glasses and a bottle of wine from the basket.
"I didn't know you were so romantic!" said Y/N with a smile.
"For the right person, I am!" said Nat, pouring Y/N wine into her glass.

"I wanted to tell you something else, Y/N" said Nat after taking a sip of wine.
"What is it?" said Y/N after she too took a sip.
"You became so important to me. And when I thought you were going to die, I realized I couldn't live without you. I need you and I want you! I love you Y/N," Nat said.
"You have also become very important to me Nat. You are always there for me, you know exactly what I need right now. I need you! I love you too Nat!" she slid over to Nat to give her a very romantic kiss.
"Do you want to maybe make this public with us? Your sister already knows and I'm sure it won't be long before the others suspect something if they don't already" Nat grinned.
"I'd love to, I just want you! So let's make it public!"
Nat laid down in Y/N's arm and they both watch the beautiful starry sky. When it got colder outside after a while, they both decided to head back.
When they arrived at the Avenger Campound, the others were already in bed.

Y/N joined Nat in the room. "The date was just beautiful! We have to do it again" said Y/N and took Nat in her arms.
"The date will be even better" said Nat and pressed her lips against Y/N's. She slipped her hand under Y/N's sweater. She pushed Y/N onto the bed and lay on top of her. They kissed very intensely as Y/N began to undress Nat. Y/N kissed Nat's neck while she undressed as well.

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