Part 25

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It was the next morning and many of the Avengers were still asleep because of yesterday. They were all still out for a very long time.
Y/n and the twins were making breakfast when Yelena came into the kitchen.
"Hey you three" Yelena said and sat down with them.
"Hey" replied Y/n "would you like some pancakes too?"
"I'd love to, I'm starving" said Yelena.
"Are the others still asleep?" asked Yelena while getting plates from the cupboard.
"Yes, mommy and the others are all still asleep" replied Billy.

The four of them eat together and the twins talk about the kindergarten they just came to. When they finish eating they put everything away.
"Where is the training room? I would like to do some training" asked Yelena.
"I have to take the twins to the kindergarten quickly and then I can show it to you if you can wait a little while. I was going to go train anyway, if you want we can train together."
"Sure, I'll wait for you here" Yelena answers.
Y/n puts some food in the twins' backpacks, puts their shoes on and drives them to the kindergarten.

Yelena and Y/n are about to exercise together when Nat comes into the room.
"So here you are, y/n I've been looking for you. Peter wants something from you, but he won't say what" said Nat.
"I'm coming" said y/n
She walked over to Nat and gave her a kiss and left them alone. She quickly changed her clothes and then went to Peter who was already waiting for her.

"There you are" said Peter as if he was in a hurry.
"Take it easy, I came as fast as I could".
"I need your help" he said.
"With what?"
"It's about MJ, we have a date later".
"That's great"
"Yeah but I don't know what to do"
"What are you guys planning?"
"She's coming here and then we're going to order some food and watch a movie"
"But that sounds good, what's the problem?"
"I'm just so nervous and I don't know what to talk about"
"First of all, you don't need to be nervous, you see her every day at school and secondly, let yourself be surprised"
"Be surprised?"
"You'll find topics to talk about, it will all come up over time, don't worry about it"
"thank you" said Peter, hugged Y/n and walked out of the room.

It was evening and Y/n and Nat were cooking themselves something to eat while the others were on a mission.
Nat was cooking noodles while y/n hugged her from behind and put her head on Nat's shoulder and watched what Nat was doing from there.

"I can't believe you're going to be my wife in three weeks" said y/n kissing Nat's neck.
"Neither can I" said Nat, turning around and starting to kiss Y/n. The kiss became more intense and Y/n puts her hands on Nat's butt and carries her to the countertop without breaking the kiss. While Nat is sitting on the countertop, y/n starts to take off Nat's tshirt.
"What about the twins?" asked Nat.
"They're sleeping over at a friend's house"
"Okay good" said Nat and took off y/n's tshirt too.

"How about an appetizer?" asked Y/n.
"I love appetizers" said Nat. Y/n takes Nat off the countertop. Nat puts her legs around Y/n's waist and is carried out of the room by her.
"Wait" says Nat suddenly
"The stove."
Y/n walks back with Nat in her arms and Nat turns off the stove. Then Y/n carries her out of the room and they make their way into their room. Y/n is still carrying Nat and Nat closes the door with her feet and then Y/n puts her on the bed so Y/n was on top of her.

They continued to kiss. Y/n was kissing the body of Nat when suddenly they heard a knock on the door.
"We'll just ignore it" Y/n said and kissed along Nat's stomach until she got to her neck. There was another knock on the door, this time louder than before.
"Who is it?" calls Nat a little annoyed.
"It's Peter, is y/n there?"

Y/n and Nat got up from bed and quickly put on a tshirt as y/n opens the door.
"What's up Peter?"
"Can I maybe talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure what's it about?"
Peter looked at Nat.
"I'll be going then" said Nat realizing she was unwanted.

When Nat left the room Peter sat down on the bed and immediately started talking.
"How did you know it was the right moment to kiss Nat?" asked Peter immediately.
"Ehm..., she kissed me".
"Yeah but you kissed her back didn't you? How did you know it was right?"
"I liked her. I didn't think anything of it. It was a second decision"
"A what?"
"A decision I made from one second to the next. I didn't think about the after. I just thought about the second. I wanted to kiss her, so I let her... listen, if you like MJ, you should just go for it, just do it"
"But what if she just thinks of me as a friend?"
"She's on a date with you right now, isn't she?"
"Yeah, why"
"Do friends go on dates?"
"There you go, there's your answer. If she just wants to be friends then she wouldn't be there right now, with you on a date"
"You're right, thanks, your tips are just the best" Peter said and walked out of the room.

Y/n looked for Nat and found her cooking in the kitchen. The noodles were already done when y/n came into the kitchen.
"Hey, sorry the appetizer didn't turn out" said Y/n when she saw the food on the two plates.
"that's okay, we'll have dessert then" said Nat, winking at y/n.
"I like where this is going" said Y/n taking the second plate. 

"What did Peter want from you so urgently?" asked Nat while eating the noodles.
"It seems like I'm a relationship expert".
"I can agree on that" Nat said, grinning at her.

After the two ate their pasta, they had their dessert in Y/n's room.
They lay in bed and cuddled.
"Fury told me earlier that I have to go on a mission tomorrow" Nat started to tell them.
"For how long?"
"I don't really know, for a few days" said Nat while stroking y/n's arm.
"How am I supposed to last that long without you?"
"You'll manage somehow" said Nat giving her a kiss on her cheek.

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