Part 14

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Ava hugged Y/N as Nat and Clint came into the kitchen. "Who's that?" asked Clint.
"This is Ava, she was a Widow too." said Y/N.
Nat could still remember the name clearly and looked at Y/N confused. "The Ava?"
"Yes" said Y/N "this is Nat and Clint" Y/N introduced Ava.
There was an awkward silence as Wanda said "dinner is ready, would you like to join us for dinner Ava?"
"I'd love to" she replied and sat down next to Y/N.
On the other side Nat took a seat.

After everyone had eaten, they cleaned everything up.
"I came to talk to you" said Ava to Y/N.
After cleaning up, the two went into Y/N's room and closed the door behind them.
"What are you doing here Ava?" said Y/N a little angry.
"I wanted to talk to you about our relationship. I still love you Y/N and I will always love you!" she said, moving a little closer to Y/N. "You know I don't love you anymore, and there's nothing you can do about it!" said Y/N, moving back a little again.
"Please give me another chance!" said Ava.
"Stop it, and get out of my life!" said Y/N and walked out of the room.

Y/N walked back into the kitchen. "Are you okay?" asked Nat, stroking Y/N's shoulder. "I'm okay" said Y/N.

A short time later, Ava came back into the kitchen.
"I'm going to head out again, is there a hotel nearby?" asked Ava to the group.
"Why do you want to leave already? You can spend the night here, we still have a room available!" said Thor, not knowing what was going on.
"If it's no trouble" said Ava without looking at Y/N.
"Great" said Y/N and stormed out of the kitchen.
Nat followed her.

"It's just for one night, we'll get through it" said Nat as she grabbed Y/N's arm to make her stop.
„I hope so," Y/N said, taking Nat in her arms.

Later, the Avengers were still sitting together on the couch having a drink. Then Ava came over.
„Come sit with us!" said Thor. Ava sat down and grabbed a beer.
„Do you know what time you're leaving tomorrow?" asked Y/N without looking at Ava.
„I'm getting picked up by a friend in the morning".
"Good" said Y/N and walked out of the room. Ava followed her. "Y/N, I'm sorry, really, now stop already"
"please leave me alone Ava, I really can't do this anymore, I'm happy"
"I just wanted to apologize once for everything! I wasn't a good friend!" said Ava.
Y/N turned to Ava "I couldn't agree more. You're not a good friend, Nat is and I'm happy with her!"
"Please Y/N, you are so important to me, you are the only person who has ever understood me." Ava walked closer to Y/N and stroked her cheek.

"Ava, please, don't!"
Ava didn't stop, though.
She moved even closer and kissed her.

At that moment, Nat came to check on Y/N. She saw them kissing and rushed out of the building into the fresh air.

Y/N pushed Ava away from her.
„What the hell was that about?"
"I don't know, sorry!"
"Now please go away and leave me alone!"

Y/N walked out of the building to get some fresh air when she saw Nat crying on a bench outside the building.
"What's wrong, Nat?"
Nat looked at Y/N. "Are you kidding with me? You're asking me what's wrong?"
Y/N immediately remembered the kiss from a moment ago. "Did you just..."
"Yes, Y/N I saw you and now leave me alone!"
Nat walked away, leaving Y/N alone.

Nat walked back into the building and went to her room without saying a word. A short time later, Y/N came after her, but the door was locked.
"Nat, please open the door!"
"Go away, I don't want to see you!"
"This is all a big misunderstanding"
"So you didn't kiss?"
"Yes, but..."
"So it's not a misunderstanding"

There was silence for a short while and Nat was wondering if Y/N was still standing outside the door or had already left when suddenly the door opened. Y/N was now standing in Nat's room.
"How did you-"
"I'm a Widow, remember?"
Nat had to grin slightly.

"Nat listen to me" says Y/N and took Nat's hands, "You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You make me feel free and safe. You constantly give me butterflies in my stomach and whenever you grin you make me feel happy. What you saw was a stupid action by Ava. She kissed me. She thought it was a good idea, I pushed her right away because I don't love her. She hurt me so many times and didn't understand. Please Nat, I can't lose you, and certainly not because of Ava. I promise, that's all it was."

Nat looked deep into Y/N's eyes and kissed her very intensely. Another tear ran down her cheek.
„Please promise me that you will never leave me. I love you so much. I can't live without you anymore" Nat said before giving Y/N another kiss.
"I promise! ... So everything is good?" asked Y/N while brushing a tear from Nat's cheek.
„Yes, all is well" said Nat.
They both held hands and walked back to the other Avengers who were having a great time. Y/N sat down next to Wanda on the couch and held her hands out to Nat. Nat took her hands and sat between Y/N's legs in her lap. Y/N hugged her from behind. "I love you so much," Y/N whispered in Nat's ear.

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