Part 27

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It was one night before the wedding.

Y/n and Nat were lying in bed, cuddling.
"I still can't believe you'll be my wife tomorrow" said Nat.
"Neither can I" said Y/n, grinning.

This was their last night as unmarried, which they were making great use of. It was a long night for them.

The next morning they were awakened by a knock.
"Are you guys dressed? I'm coming in now"
Wanda enters the room, but the two were just lying in bed cuddling.
"You guys need to get up and get ready. Nat, Clint is waiting for you in your room" Wanda said.
The two got up and gave each other a kiss before Nat left the room.

Y/n got changed with the help of Wanda. (you can choose what to wear, a tight dress, a long dress or maybe a suit?).
It passed a few hours until Y/n was ready.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "It's Nat" they heard a voice. Wanda immediately jumped up and went to the door. "What are you doing here?" asked Wanda.
"I want to y/n" Answered Nat, as if that wasn't obvious.
"What no?"
"No, you can't go to her!"
"Why not?!"
"Because it's bad luck!"
"Seriously now?"
"Yeah, get out of here" said Wanda din little laugh.
"Sorry babe, my sister loves traditions".
Nat laughed a little. "I'll see you later then, love you" she calls through the door.
"Love you too" y/n called back.

Not so much later y/n and Wanda were picked up. They were driven to the beach as traveled the guests were. Y/n and Wanda got out and walked along the beach until they arrived at the front. Everyone looked at y/n, she looked just beautiful. Y/n stood in the middle next to the pastor and Wanda stood behind her. Wanda was y/n's maid of honor.

A few minutes later, the car pulled up with Nat. Nat and Clint got out of the car. He gave her his arm and she hooked up. Then the music started playing and Nat and Clint came down the beach path on their way to y/n. In front of them walked Tommy and Billy, as flower boys. The two boys were very happy. When y/n first saw Nat, her breath was taken away. Nat looked just beautiful (you can let your imagination run wild again about what Nat looks like).
As Nat got closer and closer, a tear flowed down y/n's cheek. When Nat got to the front, Clint let go of her and handed her to y/n. Then Clint stood behind Nat because he was her best man. The twins walked over to Wanda and stood in front of her. Wanda put a hand on each of the boys' shoulders.
"You look so beautiful" said Y/n.
"Look at you" said Nat, grinning.
Then the music went off and the ceremony began.

"Natasha, do you take y/n to be your wife, do you promise to love and respect her, do you promise to stay with her in good times and bad and be faithful to her from this day forward?"

"Yes I will" answers Nat, looking deep into y/n's eyes.

"Y/n, do you take Natasha to be your wife, do you promise to love and respect her, do you promise to stay with her in good times and bad and be faithful to her from this day forward?"

"Yes I will" now y/n also says.

They handed the rings to each other.

"Following the declarations made here and in the presence of the witnesses here it is now my joyful duty to declare you wife and wife. You may now kiss each other"

Nat took y/n's face and kissed her passionately. Everyone applauded and cheered as they both kissed. Then music was heard again and the two walk back down the aisle.

Happy drove the two back to the campound where a big party was now waiting for them.

When they arrived, there were already many guests waiting for the newly married couple. When Y/n and Nat entered the hall, everyone cheered.
Then when all the guests arrived, the party really started. Yelena was on a mission the last few days, but was able to make it in time for the ceremony. Aunt May and Peter's friends also came.

There was a big buffet set up and everyone ate together. The atmosphere was perfect. Everyone was laughing, dancing and just happy.

All of a sudden a glass clinked and Wanda stood up. She wants to make a speech. Everyone is quiet and looking at her. Y/n and Nat sit side by side on two chairs and hold hands.

"About 7 years ago I found out I had a sister. I have felt complete since y/n has been back in my life, like there was always something missing in my life, which there was. From the first second, there was a bond between us that instantly lifted the last few years without each other. It was as if she had never been gone. Then when I found out that my sister was dating my best friend Nat, I was almost as happy as they were. You could tell from the first moment that they were just meant for each other, they understand each other like no one else does, and be there for each other like no one else is. I'm happy that Nat is now part of my family too. To Y/n and Nat!" Wanda raised her glass.

Y/n and Nat went to Wanda and hugged her.

Many others also gave a speech. After that, some alcohol was also added and there was a lot of drinking.
Y/n danced with the twins, who looked really cute in their little suits.

"May I?" asked Nat to the twins, who shook their heads and walked away.

Nat took Y/n's hands and started dancing slowly to the music. Y/n put her hands on Nat's shoulders and Nat put her hands on Y/n's hips. They dance close to each other. They enjoy this dance very much. They went closer and closer together until Y/n's head was on Nat's shoulder. She gave her a kiss on the neck. "Natasha Romanoff, I am the happiest woman in the world right now" Y/n whispered in her ear.
"Not as happy as I am, y/n Romanoff" she whispered back.

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