Part 4

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When the other Avengers arrived back at the Campound, they ran into Fury.
"How did it go for you guys?" he asked. Steve answered immediately. "Very well, all the Widows are freed and the serum worked great, they are free now. Are Nat and Y/n back yet?"
At that moment Bruce came into the room. His shirt was smeared with blood.
"What happened?" asked Wanda immediately. At that moment, Nat also came into the room.
"Omg Y/n!" Wanda knew it could only be her.
"She's fine so far, she got shot but she's stable, she's sleeping".
"What happened?"
"Dreykov happened! He was going to shoot me when Y/n threw herself in front of me and took the bullet. I'm so sorry Wanda, I couldn't stop it" Nat slowly walked towards Wanda.
"It's not your fault okay" she said, a tear running down her cheek. "Can I go see her" she asked in a sad voice.
"Yeah sure, she's probably still asleep. I don't know when she will wake up. Her body has lost a lot of blood"
Wanda didn't answer anymore and made her way to the patient's room. When she enters the room, she sees Y/n lying on the bed, her face is pale and she is wearing some kind of surgical clothes. Wanda became sadder and sadder at the sight. She took a chair and sat next to her. She was very exhausted from the mission, so after a while she fell asleep in the chair.

A few hours passed. Y/n is slowly waking up. She has no real orientation, but she sees Wanda next to her, which calms her down a bit. "Wanda?"
Wanda immediately woke up and walked closer to her. "Hey, how are you?"
"According to the circumstances okay I guess"
"Don't ever scare me again, please! I was worried about you"
Y/n started to grin.
"What?" asked Wanda.
"Nothing, it's just.... Nice. I've never had anyone worry about me before, so know"
"You don't have to worry about that now, I'm not leaving you again!"

"Can I maybe talk to Natasha sometime?" said Y/n after the two talked for a while longer.
"Yeah sure, I'll go get her"

After a short while Nat comes into the room. "You want to talk to me?"
Nat went into the room and closed the door behind her. "How are you feeling?"
"Better" Y/n said, then she took a deep breath because what she wants to say will be very hard for her. "I wanted to thank you, you saved my life".
"Are you kidding me now? You saved mine, you're the one who jumped in front of the bullet".
There was silence between them for a moment. "Why did you do that?" asked Nat. "You hate me, which I can't blame you for, you said that if your father wanted to kill me, you wouldn't stand in his way"
"I don't know. I didn't think about it at that moment, I just did it"

"I brought you something" she said suddenly. She pulled out a flash drive from her back pocket.
"What is this?" asked Y/n as she received the stick.
"This is the code to give Wanda her memories back. When you ran to Dreykov, I looked for it and found it."
"Omg! Thank you Natasha, that really means a lot to me".

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