Part 15

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Nat and Y/n were very happy together. The Avengers didn't have so much to do at the moment, but there were more parties. Wanda finally got together with Vision and they took a vacation, since there is not so much to do at the moment anyway.

A few months have passed.

The Avengers were having breakfast when Wanda and Vision came into the building. Vision didn't look well. He was hurt.
"We need your help" Wanda said and Steve and Thor took Vision to the infirmary.

"There are people after us, they wanted Vision's stone" said Wanda completely out of breath.
"Calm down, sit down first" said y/n and went to Wanda and stroked her shoulders.
When Wanda calmed down for a moment she continued speaking.
"I don't know what they want, but it's something big".

Everyone gathered in meeting room. Fury also joined them, he was able to pick out some information.
"His name is Thanos. He's looking for all the Infinity Stones to have all the power. With all the stones together you are invincible. He already has 3. The one from Vision is one of them, so he sent people to get it" said Fury.

"Which ones is he missing?" asked Nat.
"I don't really know, definitely Vision's, until he gets that one he can't execute his plan".
"That we have to get him to safety and try to stop this Thanos" said Wanda.

They took Vision to Wankanda because they knew he would be safest there. Besides, they might be able to help him. They spent a few days there.

One day they were attacked.
Thanos and his army came right at them. Thanos was wearing a glove with 5 stones in it, the Infinity stones. One was still missing, which was the reason he showed up.
The last stone he was missing was with Vision.

The Avengers and the soldiers of Wakanda were ready to fight.

Thanos was already very powerful with his 5 stones. He threw soldiers through the air, killed them and moved on to the next ones. Many soldiers died.

Before the Avengers started fighting too, Nat and y/n looked at each other.

They looked in love, but also scared.
You can expect anything on any mission.
It could always be the last.

The Avengers went after Thanos and tried to take the glove from him so he would no longer be in possession of the stones. However, they do not succeed so easily. After a while, Thanos' soldiers managed to get hold of Vision. They carried him to Thanos. Y/n used her powers against Thanos and Wanda ran to Vision.

"You have to destroy him before he gets him" said Vision to Wanda.
"I can't do that, you will die if I do" said Wanda and started crying.
"The fight doesn't look good for us, if you don't do it Thanos will get the stone" said Vision squatting on the ground.
Wanda cried more and more, but realized that Vision was right. She looked back and saw that Y/n was getting weaker towards Thanos. She couldn't hold him back much longer.

Wanda began to use her power against the stone to destroy it. You could see the sadness in her eyes.
She knew that her love of life was about to die.
"It's alright" said Vision before the stone shattered and Vision fell to the ground.

A short time later, Thanos joined the two.
"Do you think you can get away with this?" asked Thanos and then he reversed what happened through the stones.
Vision was alive again and the stone was in one peace again.
This time Thanos picked Vision up and ripped the stone out of his head. A short time later, the other Avengers joined in and saw how Thanos pressed the last stone into his glove.
You could see all the power going through his body.

The Avengers tried again to fight Thanos with their last strength. Thor came flying and shot his axe into the stomach of Thanos, who fell to his knees. Thor moved closer to him and pushed the axe in deeper.
"You should have aimed for the head" Thanos said, snapping his fingers.
One by one, bodies turned to dust.

First Black Panther disappeared, then Peter, then Bucky, Dr Strange, Maria. So many disappeared.
Y/n just sat on a stone next to Wanda, who was full of grief.

"Wanda" Y/n suddenly said in a low voice.
Wanda turned to her and saw her slowly turning to dust.
"No, no y/n" she said "we will get you back, I promise" Wanda stretched out her little finger and y/n interlocked her finger with Wanda's.
A short time later she was gone. At that moment, Nat was coming.
"No, y/n!" but it was already too late.
Y/n was gone.


A few weeks later.

The Avengers were able to track Thanos down again and wanted to take the stones away from him to undo the whole thing, but it was too late. Thanos had already destroyed the stones.

The Avengers were able to kill Thanos and went back to the Avenger Campound.

The atmosphere there was not like before. Everyone was very quiet and in the much mourning. Everyone lost important people, and now there was no hope of bringing those people back. And if that wasn't enough, they also have to explain to people what happened and why they failed.

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