Part 26

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The next morning, y/n woke up and saw that Nat was getting ready.
"Do you have to leave already?" she asked as she slowly opened her eyes.
"Yes, I have to be downstairs in 10 minutes" Nat said and went to y/n to give her a kiss.
"Good morning" she said.
"It would be a better one if you came to bed with me for a little while".
"You know I can't" said Nat and gave her another kiss.
Y/n held Nat by her tshirt and pulled her onto the bed so she was now lying on top of her.
"I would love to, but Fury is expecting me" Nat said between kisses.
Y/n put her arms around Nat's body.
Nat stayed there for a moment, enjoying the cuddle very much. She sank her head into y/n's neck and kissed it afterwards. Then she stood up, y/n following her directly.

"I love you," Nat said, giving y/n one last kiss.
"I love you too and take care of yourself" said y/n and closed the door after Nat left the room.

Y/n got ready and went to the kitchen to make herself some food. When she entered the room, she saw Peter eating cereal. Y/n also grabbed a bowl and sat down with it.
"How did it go yesterday?" asked y/n.
"Very well" said Peter.
At that moment, MJ entered the room.
Y/n just looked wide-eyed, then looked at Peter and grinned.
"That good then?" she whispered.

"No, it's not what you think. We kissed, but that's all there was to it, she just didn't want to..."
Y/n interrupted him "easy boy, I'm not your mother, I'm your friend."
Peter grinned "there was nothing more than a kiss"

MJ sits down with the two and eats too.
After the two leave for school, y/n spends some time in her room, she takes a bath, reads a bit and listens to music.

"Hey sis" Wanda suddenly stands in her room.
"Do you have anything planned for today?" she asked.
"No, why?"
"Do you feel like going into town and getting something to eat?"
The two of them left immediately and go to the city by car. They listened to loud music and sang, when they arrived in the city the two went to a restaurant and ate something.

After a little time passed, all of a sudden y/n's cell phone rang.
It was Peter.

"Yes, what is it Peter?"
"I don't know what to do, Aunt May found out that I am Spider Man, she knows and is very angry with me".
"Relax Peter, it's not a big deal, she's your aunt"
"Yes but she's mad because I didn't tell her, she's mad because I'm putting myself in danger, she's mad that I'm with people, meaning you, that she doesn't know and are strangers to her. She has so many questions" he said with a flurry.
"Take it easy, where are you right now?"
"At home"
"Why don't you come with her to the campound, then she will see that all this is not so bad, I can talk to her if you want"
"Okay, I'm on my way, thanks y/n"
"No problem, see you in a bit"
"See you"

Y/n stood and put money on the table.
"What's going on?" asked Wanda.
"I'll tell you in the car"

When the two arrived at the campound, Peter and Aunt May were already standing outside.

"Hello, I'm y/n..."
"Maximoff, I know you" said May. She was a little excited.
"I can't believe I'm meeting you in person, thank you for saving the world".
"We'd love to" replied Wanda.
"Let's go inside then"

"Good afternoon Ms Y/n Maximoff, I have a message from Fury, he is expecting you in his office in 2 hours".
"Okay thanks Jarvis" replies Y/n.

"Where did that come from?" asked Aunt May looking through the air.
"This is Jarvis, an artificial intelligence developed by Tony" said Peter.

The three sat down at the table and talked. Y/n and Wanda answer all of May's questions, who becomes more and more reassured after time. Two hours pass when Y/n is reminded by Jarvis for the meeting with Fury.

Y/n excuses herself and goes to see Fury, who is already waiting for her. Fury had only a few questions about y/n's last mission, as Y/n still enlightens Fury about Aunt May.

Aunt May met many more Avengers, Fury, Thor, Clint and also Tony. Aunt May was very excited, she seemed like a little fangirl at times, which was a little cute.
They all talk very nicely, and the conversations became more and more personal.
"Is it true about you and Nat? So that you guys are together?" asked Aunt May Y/n.
"They're actually getting married soon" said Peter.
"Yeah, that's right" said Y/n, grinning.
"Oh wow, I have to say, without even having known you two, I think you're a good match" said Aunt May
"You can come to the wedding too if you want, it's in just under three weeks" said Y/n.
"Really? Yes, I'd love to!" said May.

The evening was still very nice, Peter showed his aunt the whole campound. You could tell he was very happy that she finally knew.

After Peter and Aunt May went home, the Avengers watched another movie and had a relaxing evening.

A few days passed with Nat at the mission. Wanda and y/n spent a lot of time running the rest of the errands for the wedding and getting the last things ready.

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