Part 28

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Yelena stayed again for some time in the Campound. Nat's room, was changed to a guest room anyway, since y/n and her now share a room.
Y/n and Nat had a nice and long night in their room yesterday.

"Good morning wife" Nat whispered to y/n and gave her several small kisses on her face.
Y/n stroked Nat's naked body until she got to her thighs. Nat crawled up on Y/n so that she was sitting on Y/n's hip with her legs wide. She started kissing Y/n when Yelens suddenly came into the room.

"Omg, sorry, sorry" she screamed all of a sudden.
Nat got off y/n and covered herself and y/n with the blanket. She held the blanket tightly over y/n so that nothing could be seen of her.

"Ever heard of knocking?" asked Nat, annoyed.
"What's up?"
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm about to go on a mission and I'll be back in a few hours."
"Fine, now get out" said Nat.
Y/n started laughing, making Nat laugh too.
Yelena left the room and closed the door very quickly. Y/n put her head in Nat's shoulder and continued laughing.

"We really need to learn to lock our door" Nat said and started kissing y/n again. This time it was y/n who was sitting on Nat. They spent the whole day in their room.

In the evening they decided to leave the room and went down to the others.
Yelena was back by now.
"Look who's getting out of bed" said Tony laughing.
They all ordered some food and watched some TV in the evening.

It was the next day when all the Avengers quickly get ready for a fight. Some aliens attack the city and the Avengers rush to the aliens to save the people.

There were more aliens than thought after all. The Avengers fought while the humans ran away screaming. They fought for a while and were able to defeat all the aliens.

Just as the Avengers are about to fly back, y/n hears a child crying. Without saying anything, she goes over to the little child. It was a girl, about three years old. She had brown hair and green eyes. Her face was dirty and her clothes were covered in blood.

"Hey little mouse"
The little girl looked at y/n who was kneeling down to her.

"Where are your parents?" asks y/n.
The little girl pointed to a building that had been destroyed next to them. She took the little girl in her arms and went into the building. The whole building was devastated. When she looked around a little she saw two people lying on the floor. A man and a woman who were not moving. She went to them and saw that the two were no longer alive.
Next to them was a photo in a picture frame that had been broken. In the picture were the two of them and on the woman's arm was the little girl that Y/n is now holding.

"Oh God, you poor little girl," Y/n said.
She walked out of the building and went back to the Avengers who were already waiting for her.

"Where were you?" asked Nat until she sees the little girl. The others were also curious.
"I found her on the street. Her parents are lying dead in one of the destroyed buildings" said Y/n.

"Poor thing, come here little princess" said Nat and took the girl from Y/n.
"What are we going to do with her now?" asked Y/n.
"We'll take her with us for now, Fury will figure it out" said Clint.
The Avengers flew back to the campound.

When they told Fury about the girl, he set to work in figuring out what to do with the girl.

Tony had to go fix his suit, as it had just suffered a bit from the fight.
Clint and Wanda let Bruce fix them up because they get injured a little.

The little girl started to cry.
"Do you feel like going for a walk? The fresh air will do the little one good" Nat said to Y/n.
"Sure, Wanda has another stroller, I'll go get it" said Y/n and disappeared.

Nat sat down on the sofa with the little girl and tickled her a little, making her laugh a lot.

Y/n was just coming back with the stroller when she stopped and watched Nat. She had to grin at the sight.

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