Part 16

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It was the first night for Nat without y/n.
She was gone and no one knew where she or the other 50% of humanity were.

Nat was just happy.
She felt safe and was filled with love.

It was three o'clock in the middle of the night. It was
dark outside and raining.
Nat had put on a sweater that smelled like y/n.
She sat down in the kitchen and made herself some tea. She set it in front of her, but didn't even touch it. She bent her knees on the chair and leaned her head on it.

A short time later Wanda came into the kitchen. She was crying. She didn't expect to see other people as she saw Nat in the kitchen.
They didn't exchange a word.
It was just quiet.

Wanda decided to sit down next to Nat.
After a few minutes, Wanda started talking.
"Do you think they're okay, wherever they are?"

"I hope so, I hope so much" Nat said, you could tell from her voice that she hadn't talked in a long time.
They sat like that for a few more hours without another word.

When morning came, Nat decided to retire. But instead of going to her room, she went to y/n's. She lay down in the bed, put the blanket over her body and tried to sleep. But as soon as she closed her eyes, all she saw was y/n just disappearing into thin air. Nat immediately wakes up again. She gets up and goes into the bathroom.

She turns on the shower and stands under it. She sits down and lets the cold water run over her body.

This went on for many days.
Days turned into weeks.
Weeks turned into months.

The Avengers have not much to do.
Nat wished there was a lot to do so she could distract herself a little. Distraction is very hard for her because she has to think about y/n for everything. The kitchen where they used to cook together, y/n's room by kissing for the first time. The party room where they danced together. The car where they had many deeptalks together.

The other Avengers also suffer a lot, especially Wanda. Wanda has lost not only her sister, but also the love of her life.
She also found out that she is pregnant.
She is expecting a child from her dead boyfriend. Nat is the only one who knows so far.
You can't tell yet, and as long as she can cover it up, she wants to keep it a secret.
She is sad that Vision can't be a father to this children, when he wanted it so much. Besides, the kids won't have a great uncle, or a cool aunt.

There was a funeral service coming up to honor all the missing person. The Avengers had organized this funeral service for the whole town. The Avengers try to be strong for their country, they don't want people to see them sad and weak, because the Avengers were the people who have to be heroes for the others, who have to spread hope that everything will be okay.

The funeral service was held in the afternoon at a lake. Stones were placed that included all the names, of the missing people.
After all the speeches given by the Avengers or residents, Nat went to the lake. She stared at the calm water. She had no strength left. She had cried so much in the last few weeks that there was nothing left for this moment.
So there she was, with no emotions, no feelings of happiness.
Everything was perfect, their relationship was the best thing that had ever happened to her and within a second it was all taken away.

Clint often tried to be there for Nat, but he also wanted to give her enough space. At that moment he decided to go to her. He didn't say anything, he just put his arm around her. Nat laid her head on his shoulders.

The next few months didn't get any better.
Nat was only at the campound. She rarely left the building. She exercised a lot to keep her emotions somewhat under control. She felt so many emotions at once. Guilt, hate, sadness. She only wore clothes from y/n and ate her favorite foods, if any, like noodles with ketchup or peanut butter sandwiches.
Just as she was about to make one of those sandwiches Wanda came up to her.

"What do you think of the name Tommy?" said Wanda. She seemed sad, but you could tell she was trying to stay strong. After all, she's having a baby soon, she had to be somehow.

"Y/n used to have a rabbit, she named him Tommy. She always said that when she has a son that she wants to name him Tommy" Wanda looked sad when she mentioned what y/n wants to name her child.

Nat took y/n's sweater she had on, held it by the collar and pulled it up over the bottom half of her face. "I like that name, I like it a lot actually".

"Does it still smell like her?" asked Wanda
"Not anymore" said Nat, letting go of the sweater again.
She walks over to Wanda and stroke, the by now recognizable belly. "Tommy is going to have a great mom. I can't wait to see him, he's going to bring a lot of joy in the building" Nat said, gave the belly a kiss and left.

5 years later.

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