Part 9

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The next morning, the Avengers sat together at the table and had breakfast. While doing so, they look at the headlines from the conference yesterday.
„New Avenger - new girlfriend of Natasha?" was the first one they saw.
"What? How did they come up with that?" asked Clint, opening it.
"The Avengers have a new member. Y/N Maximoff, is she not only Wanda's sister but also Natasha's new friend? At the conference, the two didn't leave each other's side. They were holding hands and whispering things in each other's ears"
"What, just because we were holding hands they immediately think we're together?" said Y/N.
"Reporters use every little detail to start any rumors, don't worry about it, it's normal." said Tony.

"At least they are excited about you" said Wanda.
"How about we throw a party tonight for our newest member?" said Tony.
"That's a great idea" said Wanda.
Y/N grinned and Tony started getting everything ready.

Y/N was getting ready for the party, wearing a short, tight, black dress, when there was a knock at the door. Nat came into the room. "You look hot" Nat said with a smile on her face.
„I can say the same about you!"
"I was wondering if there was anything else you needed"
"could you maybe help me zipper up my dress" said Y/N.
"Sure." Nat walked over to Y/N and saw another scar on her back. She gently stroked it with her fingers. Y/N winced a little.
„I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
"that's okay" Y/N replied.
Nat zipped up and said "I'm glad you're part of the family now, you mean a lot to me"
"I'm very glad too. You mean a lot to me too. I haven't felt as safe as I do with you in a long time"
Y/N said while looking Nat in the eye.

Nat moved closer to Y/N and lightly pressed her lips to Y/N's lips. After a short while, Nat realizes what she is doing and backs away.
„I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" she said and started walking towards the door when a hand grabbed her arm.

Y/N pulled Nat back and now pressed her lips to Nat's. She kissed her passionately. Nat stroked her hands through Y/N's hair. Y/N slid her hands over Nat's body and put her hands on her hips to pull her closer.
As Y/N gasped, Nat kissed her neck and a small moan came from Y/N's mouth. Y/N took Nat's head and brought it back to eye level. Then Y/N pressed her lips against Nat's again.
Suddenly they heard a voice
„Mr. Stark is expecting you at the party Ms. Maximoff"
Y/N grunted softly, then Nat gave her one last kiss and they left for the party, which was already underway.

When they entered the room, Y/N was immediately called over by Tony, he wanted to introduce her to a few people. Nat walked up to the bar where Wanda was sitting. "The party seems to be a big success!" she said to Wanda. "Yes, it is."
"do you want a drink?" asked Nat. Wanda nodded. They both had a cocktail and talked for a while. When Y/N went to the bar, Nat was called by Clint.

"You kissed Nat?" said Wanda before Y/N could even sit down.
"What, how do you know?" asked Y/N as she sat down next to Wanda.
"You didn't, did you?"
"I couldn't help it, she wasn't thinking about anything else" Wanda said with a smirk on her face.
"You're supposed to stop that!" said Y/N while drinking a cocktail.
„I'm trying, but now tell me, how did it happen? Was it good? Are you guys together?" Wanda was all curiosity.
"Easy! She came into my room earlier, and one thing led to another, and then we kissed, and it was very nice. And then we were interrupted, we didn't talk after that." said Y/N.

"I'm happy for you sis. You look so happy." Wanda hugged Y/N.
"I'm really glad how it all went" said Y/N during the hug.

The party was going great and the music was getting louder and the dance floor was getting more crowded. Nat walked up to Y/N. "Do you want to dance?" she said as she stuck her hand out.
"How can I resist!" said Y/N, putting her hand on top of Nat's.
Together they hit the dance floor.
Nat puts her arms over Y/N's shoulder and Y/N put her hands on Nat's hips.
„Very sad we got interrupted earlier!" whispered Nat in Y/N's ear as she stroked her hand through Y/N's hair.
„Well, we can pick up where we left off later" whispered Y/N back. "We better!" said Nat and gave Y/N a kiss on her neck. After that, the music picked up a bit and so did the dancing. Y/N stroked her hands over Nat's body and vice versa.

After a while, the two were very warm and they took a break at the bar. Nat made cocktails for both of them and they sat together at the bar and talked. The guests became less and less and in the end there were only the Avengers. They sat down on the couch and had another drink together.

"How about truth or dare?" asked Steve to the group. The others nodded and agreed to the idea.
„Okay I'll start" said Steve, "Clint."
"Okay, did you kiss a woman at the party today?" asked Steve.
"Yes I did" replied Clint taking a sip of his beer.
"Then the evening was a complete success for you" said Nat.

After a few rounds it was Y/N's turn. "I'll take dare" she said.
"Kiss the most attractive person in the room" said Thor. Y/N got up without hesitation and went to Nat. She gave her a passionate kiss and sat back down.
"I didn't expect that now" said Thor.
"So the headlines are true?" asked Tony with a grin on his face.
"That wasn't a truth assignment I took" said Y/N.
Nat had to laugh and said "you won't get anything out of Y/N that easily."

As the evening came to an end, all the Avengers went to their rooms. Y/N stopped outside Nat's room and looked at her. "Do you want me to come in with you?" she asked.
Nat opened the door and made a hand gesture inside, so they both went into Nat's room.

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