Part 24

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So the Avengers made their way to a bar. They were driven by Happy in the car. During the ride, Nat took y/n's hand. Y/n held Nat tightly without either of them saying anything or looking at each other.

When they arrived at the bar, everyone sat down at a table and had a drink. The more they drank, the more relaxed the mood became and everyone, including Nat, began to forget their fears. They all laughed a lot.
"Hey look, there's a karaoke bar up ahead" said Steve suddenly.
"Y/n?" asked Wanda.
"What now? Here?" she replied
"Yeah, why not, we haven't done that in a while".
"Okay" says y/n, takes another shot and then gets up with Wanda and they go to the karaoke bar and pick a song. They each grab a microphone and then the song starts.

"I feel a little nauseous and my hands are shaking
I guess that means you're close by
My throat is getting dry and my heart is racing
I haven't been by your side
In a minute, but I think about it sometimes
Even though I know it's not so distant
Oh, no, I still wanna reminisce it"
Wanda starts to sing the song.

Y/n continues singing.
"I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark
And we stayed up for hours
What a time, what a time, what a time
You clinged to my body like you wanted it forever
What a time, what a time, what a time
For you and I"

Y/n stares all the time at Nat, who has put her elbow on the table and holds her head with her hand. The others also listened with interest.

And then they both sing together
"What a time, what a time
For you and I
I know we didn't end it like we're supposed to
And now we get a bit tense
I wonder if my mind just leaves out all the bad parts
I know we didn't make sense
I admit it that I think about it sometimes
Even though I know it's not so distant..."

The Avengers didn't know that the two could sing so well, so they were very surprised by the performance. The other guests also thought it was great, because when the song was over, everyone clapped and cheered.

"Woah" cheers from the Avengers as well.
Y/n and Wanda hugged and sat back down at the table. Nat put her hand on y/n's thigh and said
"are there any more secret talents we don't know about yet?"
"Secret talents are secret for a reason" y/n said and winked. The others also laughed and drank some more.
"Y/n, Pietro and I used to have a little band. We used to practice together and then play the songs to our parents" Wanda said laughing.
"Oh God yes that's right, our parents were sometimes annoyed because we wanted to play something every day" said y/n laughing.
"And did your band have a name too?" asked Clint.
"Yes, but I won't tell you..." y/n was about to say when Wanda suddenly said "Chocolate".
"Wanda!" said y/n.

"Chocolate? You called your band chocolate?" asked Nat laughing.
"We were kids who loved chocolate" said y/n trying to defend herself.
"It's kind of cute" said Yelena.
"Thank you, look your sister thinks it's cute".

Yelena and y/n got along better and better as time went on, which Nat really liked. It was important to her that y/n get along with the people she was close with and who were part of her family.

Everyone except Nat and Yelena got on the dance floor and danced.

"I like y/n" Yelena suddenly starts the conversation with Nat "She's really cool on it, she's great to talk to and most importantly, she makes you happy, which makes me happy".
Nat started to grin.
"I'm glad, I really am, it's kind of important to me that you guys get along, you're my family and she'll be part of it soon too" Nat said.
"You really don't have to worry about that, we are going to be the best sisters in law ever" said Yelena.
Yelena stood up and grabbed Nat's hands and joined the others on the dance floor.

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