Part 5

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When Y/n opened her eyes, it was already dark outside. She felt much better and got hungry. She decided to go to the kitchen and make herself something to eat. When she arrived in the kitchen, the other Avengers were sitting there and Wanda was cooking.

"What are you doing here? You should be on the cannulas!" said Bruce.
"I don't need them anymore, I need something real to eat"
"then you're in luck, because I'm cooking right now" Wanda said.
"You could have just called me, then I would have removed your cannulas, then you wouldn't have had to rip them out" said Bruce looking down at my bloody arms.
"Oh that, yes that is not bad" said Y/n and joined Wanda at the stove. "I have something for you!" said Y/n with excitement. She held out a stick to Wanda. "A stick?"
"this was more than just a stick...these are your memories". Wanda's eyes were full of joy "I don't know how this works, but we'll figure it out somehow"
"I can take a look if you want" I heard Tony say behind me. For a moment I had forgotten that the others were there too.
"Thanks Tony" I said and handed him the flash drive. Wanda walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Thank you, that's the best present I ever got" she whispered to me as she hugged me closer.

After dinner, everyone was still sitting together. They all sit comfortably on the sofa and have a drink together.
"So what's happening with Y/N now anyway?" asked Clint to the group, smiling.
"I was thinking that maybe she could stay here with us, I mean after all she is my sister and I can't lose her again!" said Wanda looking at Tony.
"Well I think it's a good idea" he said and the others agreed.
"Then welcome to your new home!" said Clint, holding the beer in the air to toast Y/N.

"I took a look at the code" Tony suddenly started "with your powers they were removed, so with your powers they have to be added back"
"Isn't there any other way? I don't know how to do it, if I try to use my powers I lose control and everything around me goes kaput"
"I'm sorry but there is no other way" said Tony.
"Don't worry, I'll just teach you to get your powers under control and then when you're ready you can try. I know you're my sister even without the memories!"

The next morning, the Avengers were eating breakfast when Tony walked in. "Shield arrested Loki, he's in the cell with us".
"Who's that?" asked Y/N.
"That's Loki, my brother, and when he's there it never means anything good. Just in my defense, he's adopted" said Thor with a laugh. Tony said "we need to find out what he wants here on Earth".

So the Avengers decided to go to him and ask him some questions. Y/N was also there. "My dear brother, I missed you" said Loki when he saw Thor. "listen Loki and tell us what you want here".
Loki looked around an sees Y/N.
"Do you guys have a new member? She looks hot, is she single?"
Wanda "that's none of your business at all okay".
"Who are you?" said Loki with a lot of charm to Y/N. "I'm Y/N, Wanda's sister".
"Oh another one of those?"
"Yes, now tell us why you are here" said Wanda with a slightly more evil look on her face
"first I want to know if your sister is single, before that I won't say anything".
"Yes I am, but you are not my type".
"That can't be, all women are into me".
"That's not what I mean by type!"
Nat looked at Y/N and was a little confused.
"So now tell us why you are here brother!" said Thor.
"I am looking for something, but don't worry, it has nothing to do with you guys, just let me go and I will be gone as soon as possible".
"You can forget it" said Tony and left the room with the others.

Nat kept trying to get something out of Loki, but he just didn't say anything.
"So Nat, have you had any success with Loki yet?" asked Tony.
"Nah, all he does is ask for Y/N" said Nat grinning.
"Maybe you should give it a try Y/N, well only if you want of course" said Tony looking at Y/N.
"I can try, I've had to ask people out before. I'm pretty good at it" said Y/N. After dinner everyone cleaned up the table and Nat and Y/N went to Loki.
"There's my beautiful" said Loki when he saw Y/N. "Shut up Loki and tell us what you want here" said Y/N "Oh you are hot when you are angry!"
"Now listen to me, you don't know me by a long shot" Y/N's eyes turn purple and the purple gas around Y/N hands appear. This is the first time Nat sees Y/N's powers. This is the first time any Avenger has ever seen her powers.

"If I want to, I could kill you at this moment. I could give you a very painful death." Loki slowly starts convulsing in pain and said "it's ok dear" Y/N quickly stopped before losing control again. "What are you doing here!"
"I'm looking for a stone, a stone that Thor is hiding from me. Now, release me already!"
Y/N left without another word and Nat followed her.

"That was amazing" Nat said as she caught up to Y/N.
"Thanks, I can't hold it for so long though because otherwise I lose control"
"It was definitely enough, we now know why Loki is here and by the way the color purple really suits you!"
"Thanks" said Y/N. They both went to the Avengers to tell them the new information.

"Y/N is really a natural" said Nat when they arrived at the others.
"Were you able to find out anything?" asked Bruce.
"He is looking for a stone that Thor is hiding from him" said Y/N.
"What kind of stone?" asked Tony.
"The Tesseract, if he has this stone he has telepathic and telekinetic powers" said Thor.
"Where is the stone?" asked Nat.
"Don't worry, it is safe, he will never find it".
"I hope so" said Tony.

With that the meeting was over and Y/N started training with Wanda helping her to control her powers better.
"So when was the last time you used your powers Y/N, like really, not like with Loki?"
"When I tried to get out of the Red Room, but I almost killed myself with them because they got out of control".
Wanda places a can on a small table. She activates her powers and moves the can through the air. "See, you have to stay calm and focused. All your thoughts go to the can. Try to block out the environment" "Okay I'll try."
Wanda steered the can back to initial position. Y/N looked very concentrated and activated her powers. Her eyes did not turn red, as well as Wanda's but purple. Y/N concentrated and a purple gas appeared around her hands.
The can began to move and flew high into the air. But all of a sudden Y/N's hands started shaking and the can flew all over the room. The table the can was on also flew across the room all at once.
"Stay calm and focused," Wanda said.
"I'm trying but I can't, I can't stop it".

Everything flew wildly across the room and Wanda was almost hit by the table as she stopped everything with her powers. "I'm so sorry Wanda, I really tried but I just couldn't."
"you don't have to apologize, I had trouble getting my powers under control at first too, we'll figure it out."

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