Part 19

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In the evening, Nat and y/n were getting ready for the conference when there was a knock at the door. "Come in."
It was Wanda, coming to check on y/n.
"Hey" she said and threw herself on the bed.
Y/n laid down next to her just as Nat came out of the bathroom. They were about to leave when Wanda spotted the paper ring on Nat's hand that she hadn't taken off yet.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing to the ring.
"An engagement ring," Nat said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"A what?" Wanda couldn't quite believe it.
"An engagement ring, well a temporary one, we got engaged a few hours ago" Y/n said as she couldn't take her eyes off Nat.
"Whaaat?" Wanda beamed with joy.

Wanda hugged y/n and rolled over the bed with her.
"Easy Wanda, I haven't quite realized it yet either".
"I just can't believe it, my sister and my best friend are getting married".
After letting go of y/n, she walked over to Nat and hugged her too.

"I think you might want to leave that one for the conference, before everyone finds out we should tell the other Avengers" said y/n as she picked herself back up from the wild hug.
"Yeah maybe it's better that way" Nat said and put the ring on the table.
Then the three of them went to join the other Avengers as well.

The conference was going quite well, so the Avengers decided to have a drink in the evening.
"Y/n, can you come over here please?" said Wanda.
Y/n and Wanda disappeared into Wanda's room.
"What's up sis" said y/n and threw herself on Wanda's bed.
"I have something for you"
Wanda gave y/n a ring.

"What's this?"
"This is our family's ring. Our mother actually wanted to give it to Pietro, for his future wife. When he died, the ring didn't really have any meaning anymore in this generation, so I kept it. But now it would have meaning again. It's an engagement ring" said Wanda.
"It's beautiful" said y/n as she looked at the ring.
"I'm sure Nat will like it too" said Wanda.
"Thank you so much" said y/n and hugged Wanda.

Even though y/n and Nat are already engaged, y/n wanted to propose to Nat again romantically, with a real ring. She planned the proposal for a very long time with Wanda.

It was a warm summer day and the sun was shining.
"How about a walk?" asked y/n Nat.
"Sure, I'll just get ready" Nat said and quickly changed before the two headed out.
The two held hands and talked while birds chirped in the background.
"I have a surprise for you" y/n suddenly said and stopped. She took out a blindfold.
"What kind of surprise?"
"If I tell you, then it won't be a surprise anymore" said y/n, tying the blindfold around Nat's eyes.

She carefully guided Nat to a certain spot, then let go of Nat when she stopped.
"Okay, you can open your eyes" said y/n.
When Nat opened her eyes she saw whole lot of balloons, then when she turned around y/n was standing in front of her. The floor was covered with red carpet and there were candles on it.

"I know you already said yes a few days ago, and I know we're already engaged, but I wanted to do it right again, more romantically, because you more than deserve it. You make my life a better and happier one every day you are by my side. I'm so glad you showed up in my life. I just can't imagine my life without you. So I stand here now, again, and ask you, Natalia Alianovna Romanov, will you be my wife?" y/n knelt in front of Nat and held the ring out to her.

Nat had the ring put on and helped y/n up.
„Yes, definitely I want to be your wife, more than anything in the world" she took y/n's face in her hand and kissed her. After the kiss broke away, they were interrupted by a honk.

"Happy?" Nat wasn't expecting him.
"Come on," y/n said, reaching for Nat's hand.
They get into the car, where champagne was already waiting for them. They toasted the engagement and were driven back to the Avenger Campound by Happy.

When the two went into the building, the others were already waiting for them. As Nat and y/n entered the room the lights went on and a "surprise" echoed throughout the room.
Everyone was standing there, Tony, Wanda, the twins, Peter, and even people who they never seen before.

Tony once again outdid himself with the party.
Wanda immediately rushed up to the two and gave them another hug. Pepper looked at the ring and Tony passed around champagne so everyone could toast the engagement. Tommy and Billy were also very excited and eager to see the ring.

The party was very nice. Everyone danced a lot and had a lot of fun.

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