Part 2

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Wanda started to laugh a little. "Yeah right" she said wryly and was about to leave the room. "I can prove it to you" Y/n called after Wanda, who slowly turned around.
"Read my mind again" she said.
"What's that going to change now, just now I couldn't see anything either".
"A moment ago the door was closed, now I open it".
Wanda was even more confused. Wanda looked at Tony who was just as confused as she was right now.

He opened the door to the cell and Wanda stepped inside. She put her fingers to y/n's head and tried again. You could tell from her face that she didn't believe any of it. But then she was able to peek into her mind.

She saw a meadow with a picnic blanket on it. Two people were sitting on the blanket. Wanda recognized them immediately. They were her parents. Then she heard laughter. Children laughing. Then she saw them. There were three children. One boy and two girls. The one girl was a little older than her two younger twins. They were running across the meadow laughing. "y/n not so fast" shouted the younger girl as she tried to catch her older sister.

Wanda jerkily took her fingers off y/n and walked out of the cell. "Stop playing games okay!" she said a little louder and hurt.
"I wish it was just a game Wanda, unfortunately it's not, it's the fucking reality".

"But I thought you were Dreykov's daughter and as far as I know Wanda is not his daughter" said Tony.
"It's a long story" said Y/N.

Tony said "we have time."
"Alright" Y/N started to tell "your mom, our mom, had an affair with Dreykov before you were born and got pregnant, with me. Your dad was very angry with mom, but he raised me like his own daughter. Everything was nice and we were a great family and then it got even better because you and Pietro came into the world. We had a great childhood until Dreykov found out that I was his daughter. How he found out, I still don't know. Since that moment, I was not safe, I was not allowed to go to school, not allowed to leave the house, nothing. Then one day he found me and took me to his place. Our parents tried everything to find me, and they almost did. But Dreykov, of course, was always one step ahead. He used my power to create a serum to erase your memories of me"
"wait you have powers?" asked Tony "yes I do, but I never really learned how to use them, I can't control them, which is why I don't like using them!"
"what kind of powers?" asked Wanda.
"The same ones you have! I can control things with my thoughts!"
"and then what happened next?"
"i was trained, i was supposed to become a widow and with my powers to do that, dreykov had tried to make the best assassin out of me."

So now that Y/n has told her life story, Wanda left the room. Tony ran after her. "Do you think she's telling the truth?" asked Tony.
"I don't. On the one hand, I wish from the bottom of my heart it were true. On the other hand, we all know from Nat what Dreykov is capable of. What if this is all part of the plan? She didn't even put up a fight when we put her in the cell"

"Maybe she was relieved, maybe inside she doesn't even stand for what her father is doing" said Tony. Wanda didn't respond to that. She just wished that this was not a stupid plan, but her sister.

It's the next morning and Tony walks up to Wanda. "We compared your DNA to Y/N's and she is right. You are related" Wanda bursts into tears because she just can't believe it, a huge part of her life was just kept from her.

She immediately goes to talk to Y/N.
Y/N looked very weak because she hadn't eaten in a long time and was just questioned. So Wanda decided to get her something to eat.
"Hey" Y/N said when she saw Wanda.
"Tony compared our DNA and it turns out you're right".
"I am not a bad person Wanda"
"But still you are Dreykov's daughter, and he is definitely not a good person, with good intentions"
Y/N looked down "I know that too, but still he is my father, he loves me"
"He separated you from your family, from me!"
"I hate him more than anything for that too, but what can I do?"
"We can help you if you want, we can help you stop him!"
"You think I haven't tried that already, I'm not happy with my father's work. I've tried to free myself and other Widows before, then it only ever had severe consequences for me. I've come to terms with the fact that this is my new life now."

"But now you are not alone Y/N, you have me, you have us. We will help you" Wanda said and took Y/N in her arms. Never in her life had Y/N felt so safe as she did now. "But how will you manage?"
"We'll figure it out, but first you have to promise me something, okay?" Y/N nodded "You have to promise me that you won't try to kill Nat anymore. She's my friend, and she's family!"
"She will never be part of my family. I will promise not to kill her, but I won't stop it if my father tries either. But I'm only doing this for you, not because I think she might change!" after a short break she keeps going "Can you promise me something too? Can you promise me that you and the others won't kill my father. You can keep him prisoner, but you can't kill him! He's still my father"
"okay, I promise" Wanda said as y/n suddenly held out her pinky finger. "What?" "our finger pledge! That's what we used to have as kids when we promised each other something. You have to put your little finger around mine. Once we do that, we pledge not to break our promise" Wanda had to grin a little and then put her pinky around Y/n's.

Wanda walked out of the room and Y/n followed her. They went into the meeting room where the others were already waiting. Everyone looked at Wanda with a puzzled face. "She's going to help us stop Dreykov!"
Tony "sure we can trust her? She's still his daughter!"
"Yes I am, but that doesn't mean I'm satisfied with his work, I will help you on one condition: you will not kill him or I will kill you!"

"You are going to believe her just like that? Dreykov is very good at manipulating people to do exactly what he wants. She's been gone for three days now and he hasn't even looked for her. It's all part of his plan, isn't it, and besides, until recently she was going to kill me!" Nat says
"I promised Wanda I wouldn't do that, and I keep my promises, but that doesn't mean I don't want to anymore. And the thing about my father: you're right, he planned everything. We have a deal. If I don't come back after five days, he will attack the Avenger Campound."
"Then we should hurry up with a plan" said Tony "do you know where the Red Room is?"

"The only thing I know is that it is very high up. On top of a mountain or something. I don't know anything more than that. We are blindfolded when we enter or leave the compound."

The Avengers start working on a plan with Y/n. When the plan is finally finished late that evening Steve said, "we'll all meet tomorrow morning to execute the plan. Now go get some rest, you need to be at all your strength tomorrow. Wanda, can you show Y/n her room?"

Wanda showed Y/n her new room, it was right next to Nat's, which she didn't like so much because they will meet so often. They both went in the room and talked some more until Wanda went back to her room to rest up for the mission.

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