Part 23

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It was relatively early in the morning when y/n and Nat were awakened by Friday. They quickly got dressed and got ready for a mission.
The Avengers all flew by jet to the Hydra Base, they were looking for some missing people.
Wanda and Pietro managed to escape from the base earlier, but no one has managed to destroy it yet.

When the Avengers entered the base, they immediately set out to search for the missing people. They split up to make it go faster.

Y/n arrived at a cell, where a man with dark hair sat. She opened the door with her powers and looked for more prisoners. She could not find any nearby.
"Follow me" she said and went back attentively. The man followed her.

When y/n arrived back at the exit, she waited there for the others to come one by one. It was funny how easy it was.

More and more Avengers were coming back, all of them had prisoners with them. They were about to leave the building when there was an explosion. But it was no ordinary explosion. Instead of fire, a gas spread in the air. All the Avengers suddenly felt dizzy. They held their heads and started sweating. All except Wanda and y/n.

"What's happening?" asked y/n
"They are manipulating their minds" said Wanda, looking around her
"This is their tactic to make them weak, they make them live through their worst fears and nightmares"
"And how come nothing happens to us?"
"Our powers prevent it" said Wanda.
Suddenly a lot of soldiers came towards them. They started shooting, but except for Wanda and y/n, no one was able to react.

Wanda and y/n put themselves in front of the others as protection and used their powers. There were more and more soldiers and more and more shots. Wanda and y/n repel all the shots and kill many soldiers.

"There are more and more" said y/n.
"We have to get the others out of the building somehow" said y/n.
"Okay" said Wanda. Y/n and Wanda slowly walked backwards step by step, thus slowly pushing the others out of the building. When everyone was out of the building Wanda took y/n's hand.
"We can do this, together," Wanda said.
Both powers mixed and became stronger. The next moment they thrust out all their power together and the whole building blew up and exploded.

The two left the building and helped the others into the jet. When everyone was in the jet, y/n moved their fingers again and their powers came out. All the air turned purple. The Avengers slowly came back to themselves.

Wanda flew the jet back again, y/n sat down with Nat. "Hey, how are you doing?"
"I don't know" said Nat.
Y/n took Nat's hand to let her know she wasn't alone right now, but also didn't say anything more to let her process everything first.

After everyone arrived back at the campound, there was a silence as everyone was still processing their fears. Nat immediately went into the room and got into bed.

A short time later, y/n knocked on the door and entered the room. She lay down next to Nat, who immediately snuggled up to y/n. Y/n started stroking Nat's hair when she noticed that Nat was crying.
"Hey" y/n said and sits down so Nat sits down too.
"it's over, whatever you saw is over now".
"It felt so real, like I was reliving it all over again".
"I know" she said holding Nat tightly.

Suddenly Nat jumped up and ran into the bathroom. Y/n didn't know what was going on until she heard Nat throwing up in the bathroom. She immediately gets up and runs to her in the bathroom. She sits behind Nat and holds her hair and strokes her back.

After Nat is done, she sits behind the toilet and drops backwards into y/n's arms. Y/n held her from behind and cleaned her mouth. Nat lay down in her arms and slowly calmed down.
"Are you feeling better?" asked y/n. Nat nodded.
Then y/n got up and helped Nat into comfortable clothes and then put her back to bed. She lay down with Nat. Nat put her head on y/n's chest so she could hear her heartbeat. That calmed her down a little, but she was still shaking and couldn't fall asleep.

"I don't really like doing this, but I think this will do you quite a bit of good"
"Do what?"
"Do you trust me?" asked y/n.
"More than anything" said Nat.

Y/n put her fingers on Nat's head. She used her powers and manipulates her thoughts. She makes Nat remember her most beautiful moments. Moments when she achieved something and was a hero for humanity. These thoughts calmed Nat.

Even though it was still the middle of the day, y/n decided to stay in bed with Nat, at least until Nat was  asleep.

After Nat was sound asleep, y/n decided to check on the others, because they weren't doing so well either. When she arrived in the common room, she saw Clint sitting on the sofa and decided to join him.
"Hey, how are you?" asked y/n.
"Pretty okay, I guess...what was that?"
"What was what?"
"What did they do to our minds?"
"They evoked your fears, and made it feel to you like you were reliving it. This is a relatively simple mind manipulation that is very good for weakening enemies."
"It felt so real, like I was in a different place"
"It's gross how much our thoughts can affect us" said y/n.
"What about you and Wanda?"
"We are immune to mind manipulation".
"That makes sense"

It was quiet for a moment. It was not an uncomfortable silence, rather the opposite. Clint enjoyed y/n's presence very much.

"How is Nat?" asked Clint after a while.
"She's sleeping."
Clint smiled, he cares a lot about Nat.
At that moment Yelena came into the room.
"Have you seen Nat?" she asked.
"She is sleeping right now" answered y/n.
"At this hour?"
"The mission took a lot out of her"
"Ah okay" she was about to leave the room.
"Yelena, wait, you can join us if you want, when Nat has slept off I'm sure she'll come here" said y/n.

Afterwards Wanda and Steve joined them too and they all talked and slowly forgot their fears. It had already become evening and the Avengers ordered pizza and ate it on the sofa.

"Hey" y/n suddenly heard a voice behind her.
"Hey babe" said y/n, Nat sat down between y/n's legs on the sofa and lay down in her arms. You could tell she wasn't feeling so well yet. You could see in her face that she looked tired and exhausted even though she just slept for several hours.
Y/n squeezed her arms around Nat to make her feel protected.
"I'm with you, we're all with you" y/n whispered in her ear and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Anything else lined up for tonight?" asked Nat to the group.
"No, why?" replied Steve.
"Want to go to a bar?" said Nat in response.
"Why not" replied Clint.
"Are you sure" asked y/n Nat.
"Yes" said Nat and grinned at her, gave her a kiss and stood up.

Y/n, Nat, Wanda, Clint, Yelena and Steve got ready for the bar. The other Avengers didn't feel like it and stayed in the Campound to watch the twins.

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