Back For Good (Agent Whiskey x reader)

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Warnings: angst. swearing.

You couldn't look him in the eye. It had been your decision to end the relationship because you wouldn't have a future with him. Jack was a broken man with a heavy burden on his shoulders from the past and that was fine with you, but still it didn't work out. It wasn't like you hadn't tried to make it work. Over and over again you've had the same conversations about his commitment issues, his fear of living through the hell of losing someone again. In the end he wasn't ready.

He sat across from you during a Statesman meeting and looked like a sad puppy. The look in his eyes was something you could hardly face, as if it was all your fault. Of course, part of it was, but you were not the person just to break up with someone without a good reason. And for you, the reason was at least good enough. You were hurt, too. Being with Jack had been not only bad, you've had great moments together, full of laughter, excitement and intensity.

You've begged Champ not to pair you up with Jack for any mission and he reluctantly agreed. On one hand he would've preferred it if you and Jack could just be professional, but on the other hand he understood what both of you must be going through.

Your intention was to avoid Jack in every possible way until things died down a bit. Your break-up had only been a week ago and it was all fresh and recent, the wounds, the feelings...

To your dismay, Jack seemed not have another opinion. He didn't let it go so easily. Many times he would just walk by your office although it was on a completely different floor than yours. Additionally, you two frequently ended up having lunch at the exact same time. You hated it, it was like being 17 again and your guts turning whenever you saw your crush.

Seeing him so often twisted the dagger inside your chest. Maybe he wanted that, but maybe he just wanted to be close to you.

One Thursday afternoon, after Jack had "bumped" into you several times again, you decided to address the problem. Jack was in his office and you knocked. When he looked up and straight into your eyes, you shivered uncontrollably. He wasn't just any man, after all, he was someone you had tried to love.

"Afternoon, sweetheart, how can I help you?" He forced a smile but it was obvious how he tried to compensate what was really happening inside him.

You cautiously closed the door. With a shaky, yet gentle voice, you explained, "Look, Jack. We just broke up and it's naturally a very emotional situation for both of us, but it would really help me if you stopped-"

He didn't let you finish, instead he laughed. He laughed!

"Listen, sweetheart, I'm completely fine with all of this. You need to let it go, y'know? Let me go," he snickered and you frowned angrily.

"Seriously?" Your voice was louder than you had imagined, "maybe I could if you weren't sneaking around me all the time!"

"I'm not. You must be imagining things, darlin'. Maybe you just get yourself checked out?" The nasty smirk on his lips infuriated you. Your hands were clenched into tight fists and you took a deep breath.

"Fuck you, Jack," you cursed and immediately left his office. Why did he have to be so mean? You had tried your best not to hurt him in any way and now this. Ending things with him was the best you could've done.

Back in your office, you slumped down in your armchair by the window and broke into silent tears. You thought he couldn't hurt you anymore, yet here you were.

Everything in your house reminded you of him. The movies you had watched together, your favourite kinds of wine you would drink after work, curled up on the sofa. Picture frames with photos of your happy days and memories, you couldn't face putting them away, yet. With him on your mind, you closed your eyes, drifting off into a troubled sleep.

It was disturbed by a loud banging on the front door. You promised yourself that whoever was at your doorstep would have their ass kicked for waking you up in the middle of the night. Angrily, you opened the door, ready to start yelling, when your insides turned at the sight of Jack. Rain was pouring down and it was a bitter cold night. With your pulse racing in your neck, you stood still.

"What are you-," you began, but he cut you off, his voice harsh and accusing.

"No, you let me speak now!" He had a nearly empty bottle of Bourbon in his hand and he was waving it in your face.

"I fuckin' love you, darlin'!" He slurred, grabbing the doorframe for support.

"You're drunk, Jack," you uttered softly, careful not to let the situation escalate. Drunk people could be unpredictable.

"Yes, I'm drunk. But that doesn't change the way I feel! You broke my fuckin' heart!" He was nearly screaming now and you shooed him inside, embarrassed of his behaviour. You now stood in the hallway of your house, facing each other.

"Jack, do you know that you also broke my heart?" You broke the quiet. He was dead silent all of a sudden and stared at you, clearly having problems to stand up straight.

"The way you would always stall me when things got serious? Or the way you never told me what was going on inside you? You could never trust me and you know what? That hurts, it hurts a lot. You're not the innocent one here!"

Your words hit him right in the centre of his chest and you supposed it also sobered him up a little. Sighing, you turned away from him, quickly catching a stray tear rolling down your cheek.

"Doll- I'm sorry," Jack trembled and stepped closer to you, "I know I have my issues but I'm willing to change, to make it better. I love you and I want to be with you. And those things I said yesterday... I guess I was just very, very heartbroken. And it's true, I have been sneaking around you because I fuckin' missed you every second of every day."

After he'd told you this, you turned back around with a weak smile on your face. His gentle, pleading eyes melted your heart completely.

"I'm sorry, too, Jack," you whispered, wiping away another tear from your face. Jack approached you and took your hands in his.

"Don't be. You're wonderful. Let's not fight. Can we start over?"

His question was meaningful and genuine. After taking another deep inhalation of air, you nodded.

He smiled and lifted your chin with his index finger only to press his lips to yours in a sweet, innocent kiss.

"I promise I'll make a proper fuckin' effort. I don't wanna lose you again, princess."

With a now bigger smile you nodded again. "Come on Cowboy," you giggled when you noticed the wet patch on the carpet from his soaking clothes, "let's get you dried up."

Jack looked down on himself and chuckled, then locked his eyes back on yours, "I wouldn't mind you warmin' me up in bed, sweetheart."

Your cheeks blushed brightly red and you nodded at Jack's admission, happy and relieved to have him back.

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