Office Pleasures (Javier Peña x reader)

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Warnings: smut, swearing

Javi had good days and bad days, today was the latter. You watched worriedly as he bossed people around and how the rings under his eyes grew bigger with time, it was something you could hardly face when he was obviously so worn out. Work wasn't getting easier these days- the Cali cartel knew how to play tricks on the DEA and police in order to not get caught.

Javi had his office in the very back of the building and in he late afternoon you decided to pay him a visit, bringing along a cup of hot, black coffee to cheer him up a little bit, if he let you.

He didn't look up from his stack of papers when you knocked. Instead, he mumbled something and invited you in with a lose movement of his hand. Wordlessly, you placed the coffee on his table and pushed some papers aside to sit on the edge of the desk.

"There's still no sign of Miguel, let alone of Gilberto. Search bloc has been everywhere, they've clearly improved their security system," you sighed to show Javi that he wasn't the only one working in this building. Javi sat up straight and took a sip of his coffee before stretching his arms out over his head. You twitched when his neck made an awfully unhealthy sound.

"Thanks for the coffee," he muttered and attempted to return studying his papers. You silently rose from the desk and stood behind him, cautiously sliding your hands along his shoulder blades and upper back. From one touch it was prominent to you how tensed he was.

"Fuckin' search bloc is doing nothing," Javi cursed and put his papers down, the muscles in his shoulders instantly relaxed at the change of his sitting position.

"They do what they can." You knew Javi was fairly disappointed at the low support the embassy was giving the DEA- it was close to nothing.

"Yeah, I know. If only the embassy could see what kind of effort everyone else is making. They don't appreciate shit." Javi opened the first button of his shirt and removed his tie, throwing it onto the stack of files on the desk.

You and him had been seeing each other for three months now and it was going pretty well. You were a good match in the office and in the bedroom. Still, you noticed how he didn't open up to you emotionally or mentally.

"How are you?" Your hands began firmly kneading his muscled shoulders and a silent groan escaped his lips.


You knew he wasn't. He was tired, worked out and utterly stressed.

"Javi," you uttered with a hint of firmness in your voice, "just talk to me."

Instead of answering, he turned around in his chair to look up at you. His hands slid to the back of your thighs and he pulled you close, resting his head on your stomach. This was all you needed for him to show you how he was feeling. He usually didn't get so tender, particularly not in the office when someone could walk in any minute.

You brought a hand up to his head and gently ran it through his hair when you noticed his fingers sliding upwards and under your skirt, already sending electricity to your core. Your pulse increased with the movements of his hands, which stopped at the edge of your bum.

Excitedly, your heart fluttered at the intense look in Javi's eyes. Without a word, he stood up and closed the blinds of his office. It was late and nearly everyone had gone home, but still.

"What are you doing?" He returned to you and chuckled at the blush on your cheeks.

"Trust me, you'll like this," he whispered and grabbed your hips, lifting you up and onto his desk with your legs wrapped around him.

"Javi!" This was dangerous but it turned you on so much. Javi's lips were on yours a second later, his tongue massaged yours in slow, soft movements and you couldn't help but moan. The additional feeling of his bulge pressed against your crotch made you light-headed.

Javi pulled away for breath while his right hand casually slid up your inner thigh. You leant in to whisper into his ear, "if we get caught I'm blaming you!"

He just let out a deep, dark chuckle against your neck, followed by a groan when his fingers came in contact with your panties. You knew they were soaked through.

"I told you you'll like this." Javi reached up under your skirt and swiftly pulled your knickers down your legs. You watched when he knelt down in front of you with his head under your skirt, throwing a quick glance over your shoulder to make sure no one was watching from outside his office.

"Fuck!" You hissed suddenly at the sensational feeling of Javi's tongue on your clit. Carefully, you placed your feet on his back to stabilize yourself along with gripping the desk with your hands. You threw your head back when he continued licking you, pushing all the right buttons.

On one hand you wanted him to keep going, on the other hand you desperately needed him to fill you. Javi seemed to have a similar thought because he eventually stood back up, his intense eyes locked on yours. You pulled him close by his collar and forced your lips on his, simultaneously opening button and zipper of his trousers to push them down to the floor along with his boxers. Him observing the movement of your hands was heavenly, you smiled when he twitched as you moistened your hand and wrapped it around his erection. It grew bigger and harder with your touch, with your firm yet gentle strokes along the full length.

Javi grabbed your wrist to stop you and smirked, leaning down to pull a condom out of his wallet.

"Remember, you have to keep quiet, even if it's difficult for you," he growled with his hand on your lower back and the tip of his cock brushing against your clit.

With a hungry kiss to your lips, he pushed into you. Javi was eager to build up a rhythm, the foreplay had brought both of you close to climax already so it was only a matter of time. Your position on the desk and the angle were just right to hit your g-spot and soon your head was buried in Javi's neck to prevent yourself from screaming out loud. He always took care of you just fine and usually your orgasms were heart-stopping and insanely intense.

Now, you could no longer hold it back. A long-lasting climax washed over you, causing you to clasp onto Javi tightly, whimpering into his shoulder.

With his eyes firmly shut, Javi also reached his high, his fingers were digging into your hips as he released himself inside you.

Both of you stood still, holding onto each other to savour the magnificent feeling you had just witnessed. You gradually relaxed and your heartbeat palpably slowed down.

Javi lifted his head from your shoulder and peeked behind you.


Your eyes widened, had someone been watching? You were fast to turn your head and Javi laughed, all the files on his desk had dropped to the floor. They were spread everywhere.

"Oh," you giggled and looked back at Javi, biting your lip. He was still smiling and so were you- it was mesmerizing whenever a hearty, genuine smile appeared on his gorgeous features.

"I'm afraid you have to come in tomorrow and help me sort this mess," he winked and knocked his forehead against yours.

"Only if you promise me we repeat this," you hinted.

"Obviously. You could as well accompany me home now." His thumb stroked your cheek and you closed your eyes, enjoying this intimate moment with him. Of course you would come home with him. You would fall asleep on his chest, knowing that in the morning, you would both go back to work, throwing each other tiny smiles and secret looks like on any other day in the office. And although Javi was still right in front of you, you were already anticipating sneaking into his office and ending up with your naked butt on his desk.

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