IMAGINE: Pedro catching you off guard (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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You came home from work on a Friday afternoon, exhausted and tired from a whole week of madness, Christmas shopping, dinner dates and an incredibly high amount of tasks that had to be managed. The door fell shut and so did your eyes, relieved and happy about finally being home for two whole days. You wouldn't let anything stress you. The best part was- Pedro was home and you could have him by your side all the time, doing couple things like going for winter walks, watching movies, snuggling up to him in bed and enjoying his attention for hours on end. It had given you a bad conscience lately that you've been so busy.

"Baby?" You called into the house, but no reply came. You assumed Pedro was out for a walk with Edgar and sighing, you entered the kitchen. You brewed yourself a nice cup of coffee and instantly spotted the homemade biscuits you and Pedro had made the day before. With a smile playing on your lips, you opened the huge jar and dipped the biscuits one by one into your coffee with relish, savouring every drop and every crumb.

When you heard the front door open, you realized how many of the sweets you had already demolished- more than half the jar.

"Hello sunshine!" Pedro's sweet voice called for you from the hall. For a moment you considered hiding the nearly empty container of biscuits from him, but it was too late. Once Pedro set foot in the kitchen it was not an option anymore. His eyes were first set on you but immediately moved to the biscuit jar. He couldn't possibly hide the amused, yet puzzled expression on his face.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm having a snack. Want one?"

"I better do, before it's too late."

"Hey, binge eating at Christmas is totally justified!" You waved your hands in defence, trying to get his attention back and away from the sweets.

"I've never seen someone eat this many sweets in like twenty minutes!" He smirked and crossed his arms in front of his chest. You rose an eyebrow at him.

"Who ate all the advent calendar chocolates, Mister? I believe that was you!" Indeed Pedro had looted his advent calendar in a vigorous attack a couple of days ago when you were out with some friends. He had blamed boredom and therefore your absence for it (jokingly, of course).

"Step. Away. From. The. Cookies." He rose a warning finger at you along with a mock threatening tone in his voice, completely ignoring your question. You giggled.

"Come over and take them from me."

He didn't need telling twice and although you had backed away slightly, he had his arms wrapped around your waist in no time, wrestling you to the ground. Luckily you were tightly holding on to the jar, otherwise it would have been smashed to pieces on the floor. Pedro managed to snitch it from you and put it aside, only to pin you to the carpet with your hands in his.

"You are very naughty. I'm afraid I have to tell Santa about this." His whispered words against your ear sent electricity to your core.

"We'll bake him new ones." You uttered with a grin, biting your lip.

"Oh yeah? I have something else in mind we could do tonight." His wink along with the devilish smirk on his lips were enough for you to let out a silent moan that recurred when he softly kissed you. God, you had missed his kisses. You could never get enough of them, the sweetness of his lips mixed with his intoxicating scent and the desire of his every movement were telling you how much he adored and wanted you without words. Pedro released your hands when he broke the kiss and chuckled at your disappointed pouty lips. You were pulled against his chest while his strong hands held you closely against his warm body. Gently, your own hand reached up to cup his cheek, slowly rubbing your thumb over his soft skin and the rough stubble of his beard. Pedro closed his eyes, clearly enjoying the affection he had been craving from you all week long.

For the rest of the day and night, you didn't leave each other's sides. After a nice, romantic dinner you ended up in the bathtub together with a bottle of red wine, legs entwined, revelling in the wonderful moment between kind, whispered words and caring, gentle touches. Laying there with Pedro in the hot bubbly water, him cradling you in his arms, you knew there was no place on earth you'd rather be.

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