IMAGINE: Meeting your childhood crush again (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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Warnings: smut, swearing

You met him at your favourite bar. At first you though he was some creep who tried to hit on you with a cheesy pick-up line, but when you recognized him, you couldn't believe your eyes. Pedro, your good friend and childhood neighbour stood in front of you, looking adorable with his messy beard and warm brown eyes. You knew it was destiny that you met him again after all these years- it had to be.

You got along so well it felt like no time had passed since you last saw him over twenty years ago. You went down memory lane about all the pranks you had set up when you were kids, days at the lake or copying homework from one another. Back then, you had had a massive crush on him, though you were still a little girl. He was probably the first boy you had fallen in love with.

Pedro was kind and charming, he made you feel as if you were the only person in a room full of people. His eyes never left yours and he was utterly interested in your life, your hobbies and in who you have become, it nearly made you uncomfortable how he showered you with compliments and his attention. Of course it flattered you, but still. Not all men were like that, at least not the men you have been dating before.

When Pedro took you home after your first date, you wanted nothing more but for him to kiss you. Your lips were aching for his, longing to be connected with a missing puzzle piece.

He hugged you goodbye and didn't let go of you- instead he silently looked down on you in his arms and moved his thumb to brush against your bottom lip which parted slightly at his touch. Though you knew he was going to kiss you, he took you by surprise when he finally did. His soft lips felt like pillows against yours, moving with a gentleness you had not expected. It turned out to be the best kiss of your life, full of passion and tenderness at once.

Pedro was so attentive he would always know how you were feeling, you didn't even need to say anything, it was like he had a radar for your mood. Also, he loved leaving you little presents.

One day he would send flowers to your workplace with a small note saying that he missed you. Another time you would find chocolate in your handbag in the morning, which he must've sneaked in there the night before. Every day you were in contact, either on the phone or on amazing dates. Time flew by whenever you two were together. And when you weren't, he was the only person on your mind. You caught yourself daydreaming numerous times during work, thinking about his kisses, his small touches and his divine smell.

After you had been dating for about a month, Pedro invited you out to dinner. It was a rather posh restaurant he'd chosen and you were surprised, yet excited. The dates you'd had before were usually laid-back and funny, no dress code or special behaviour had been required. Of course it was lovely, having a romantic dinner at such a fancy place with the man who gave you butterflies.

Halfway through the date Pedro's face turned serious. You were worried and wondered what he had on his mind.

"Listen, Y/N, I have to say something." Pedro nervously bit his cheek and his gaze rested on his hands which were fiddling with his napkin. He looked awfully agitated, so you gently took his hand in yours. Lifting his gaze, his eyes burned on you with something you couldn't quite interpret at the moment.

"I know this is early stages and I don't want to seem pushy, but I think this, us, could be something serious," he began, clearly trying to get the words into an order inside his brain. You found it incredibly cute.

"What would you say if I asked you to be, y'know, exclusive? As in not dating anyone else."

A huge smile formed on your face and you just leant in to kiss him as a simple, clear response to his question. You felt him smile into the kiss and his firm, yet gentle grip on your neck gave away all his intentions. The wine you had been consuming equipped you with some extra confidence.

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