Benefits of Jealousy (Agent Whiskey x reader)

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Warnings: some angst, swearing, smut

You set your eyes on him the minute you walked into the bar. It didn't take long until he noticed you standing a few chairs away from him, sending him tiny but flirty smiles. Seducing someone was fun for you, but you were here for work and it was important not to forget that. The task was to distract the owner of the bar so Agent Whiskey and Agent Tequila could sneak into his office to steal important papers. The two agents were sitting at a table and watched you carefully, ready to pounce and get the job done.

Only a few moments after you'd entered the location you were sitting next to your target, smiling, telling him what you would like to drink. He was good-looking and charming so it was fairly easy for you to play along. With your charisma and seductive qualities you had him eating from your palm in no time, his eyes were focussed solely on you when your hand rested on his knee, slowly traveling upwards. At the same time you had to concentrate and be watchful whether Whiskey and Tequila were able to break into the office with the intention to complete the mission. When you heard the arranged signal it was on you to escape from the situation as soon as possible, but luckily your target was so enchanted by you, he believed anything you said. You excused yourself to the bathroom and accomplished your disappearance by sneakily climbing out of the bathroom window, leaving your high heels along with your wig behind.

When you reached the meeting point, Tequila and Jack were already waiting for you. Your heart was beating against your chest from running and you well needed a comforting, appreciative hand on your back or some nice words, but instead you were welcomed by silence.

"What's up?" You asked the two men in front of you, neither of which looked you in the eye.

"I'm gonna take these to the office, have a good night," Tequila quickly excused himself with the stolen papers in his hand and left you and Jack on your own.

"Let's go home," Jack muttered whilst agitatedly chewing his cheek. He raised his hand to call a taxi and you confidently stepped in front of him, running your hand along the collar of his shirt.

"Mission complete, time for a quiet evening in." Your hands gently cupped his cheeks, intending to shower him with affection after a rather rough, hurried task. The look on his face brought your movements to a sudden halt, though, and you withdrew your fingers from his neck.

"Are you okay?"

A cab showed up and Jack wordlessly climbed in. Hesitating, you took a seat beside him, worriedly examining his features for any signs of being unwell or even injured. He was clearly upset about something. The taxi ride was spent in gut wrenching silence. You had no idea if Jack was only sulking or actually cross, although you couldn't think of any reason for that.

His behaviour didn't improve in the slightest when you reached your house. It was unbearable for you not talking things through, you always had to discuss a problem and Jack usually gave in.

"Hey, are you mad at me?" You questioned with your hands on your hips while Jack edgily kicked his boots into a corner. When he didn't reply, you grabbed his arm and turned him to face you.


"Leave it, doll, I'm not in the mood," he whispered, shrugging your hand away and marching off to the kitchen. Sighing, you rolled your eyes and wandered in after him. This side of him you knew too well, when something was troubling him he needed time to process things, he hated not being able to control himself.

"What's bothering you?" Your voice was soft and you leant against the fridge next to him while he poured himself a glass of Bourbon.

"You really want to know?" Without looking at you, he drowned his drink and filled up the glass once more. You nodded.

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