IMAGINE: Pedro sulking after you teased him (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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Warnings: a tiny bit of smut.

You had been looking forward to Friday night for days. Friday night would mean a quiet evening in, watching Netflix with Pedro and snuggling up to him on the sofa. He would wrap his arms around you and constantly shower you with affection until you either fell asleep or his caring touches led to something else happening in the bedroom.

Finally, you slumped down in the couch with a wine glass in your hand, browsing through Netflix for a movie to watch. Pedro joined you with a bowl of popcorn and his own glass of wine, a big smile plastered on his face. You also smiled when he pulled you into him, both of you equally happy and calm after a long week at work, content about now being able to cuddle.

The movie started, the popcorn was delicious and so was the feeling of Pedro's hand stroking your arm. Occasionally, you would look up at him to wordlessly ask for a kiss, he was more than delighted to give you what you requested. His soft kisses felt like love letters, every movement of his lips and tongue against yours was filled with utter adoration and passion.

At some point you slid your hand under the fabric of his shirt to feel his smooth, soft skin with your fingertips. You ran them along his stomach, chest and sides. These feather light touches of your hand caused Pedro to shiver and even squirm.

"Oh, are you ticklish?" You whispered into his ear with a hint of sexiness in your voice.

"Don't even think about it," Pedro mumbled and you expected him to smile but he didn't. Instead, he even seemed a little agitated. With your hand still under his shirt, you decided to tease him a little.

To your surprise, Pedro didn't find it funny at all. He tried stopping you a couple of times by pleading you to do so, but when you didn't do as he was asking, he firmly grabbed both your wrists and held them still in front of you.

"Enough." His voice was stern and serious. You frowned.

"What's up? Can't take a joke?" You asked after he'd released your wrists and turned back towards the TV. He didn't reply, he didn't even look at you.

You didn't quite understand what it was exactly that had made him upset. He was naturally a chipper person with a high tolerance level when it came to pranks and jokes, so you felt uneasy about this situation. It did worry you that Pedro just sat next to you in silence, sipping his wine.

In your opinion his sulking wasn't at all reasonable, but he didn't seem willing to give in to your attempts in order to cheer him up. So you crossed your arms in front of your chest, wracking your brain for something else that might work.

Suddenly, an idea popped into your head.

"I'll be right back." You rose from the sofa and swayed past him, not caring if he even bothered to look up at you. Luckily, you had remembered the sexy elf outfit you had brought once, it had laying deep down in your drawer since then, waiting for it's grand entrance.

Pedro couldn't possibly turn you down when you stood in front of him wearing this, you thought when you examined yourself in front of the mirror. With stockings and a funny, red hat, your costume would do the trick.

Slowly climbing down the stairs, you noticed Pedro had not left his position at all. You snatched the remote away from him to turn off the TV, waiting for a response.

When you stepped in front of him, the unpleasant frown on his face instantly turned into one of surprise and- he couldn't deny it- arousal.

"What are you-" Pedro began, but the words stuck in his throat when you straddled his lap, hands firmly on his chest.

"Stop ignoring me," you uttered with your eyes locked on his. You smiled while bucking your hips back and forth, grinding your core against his crotch at which Pedro gulped heavily.

"Well, I can't anymore now, can I?" He smirked, his hands sliding upwards to clasp your hips. You could already feel his growing erection against your heat when you bent down to kiss him softly. The gentleness of the kiss soon turned into fiery intensity, you loved how you could wash away Pedro's bad mood with some simple movements of your lips and lower body.

Your heated face approached his again and you whispered, "Still mad at me?" while your tongue slowly traced the outlines of his ear. His breathing instantly became heavier, you knew too well what he liked and you would take advantage of it.

"Only if you promise me not to tickle me ever again," Pedro whispered, his teeth were clenched and his fingers dug into the skin on your waist.

"Promise." Your hands cupped his cheeks and he smiled affectionately.

"Sorry for the sulking."

"Sorry for the tickling. I'd continue the teasing now, though, if you don't mind?"

As a response, he turned you over so you were laying on the couch with him between your legs. You couldn't help but gasp at the contact of his bulge pressing against the thin material of your knickers. Now Pedro was the one to grind his pelvis against your crotch, knowing perfectly well that it immediately had you wet and aroused, along with letting out muffled moans into his neck. And when his hand slid between your bodies, you could only close your eyes at the sensation, completely giving in to the slow, tantalizing movements of Pedro's fingers against your naked flesh. The elf hat that belonged to the costume was long gone and tossed on the floor next to Pedro's shirt and soon his trousers.

later that night...

His fingertips drew random figures on your back when your head comfortably rested on his warm, broad chest, his steady breathing the only thing you heard. Pedro had taken you upstairs when the sofa had offered too little space for what you two were doing to finish what you started. Your elf costume had been a clever choice to wear and you considered putting it on more often in the future.

Now, you enjoyed Pedro's affectionate, lazy strokes on your skin while you both calmly lay in bed, tightly clinging onto one another and not willing to let go.

"Y'know, mi amor, I'd honestly be up for it if you dressed up like this more often." He laced his fingers with yours and pressed a loving kiss to your temple.

"I saw a reindeer costume online," you muttered against his chest. His chuckle in response to your offer sent vibrations through his whole body and yours, too. Pedro shuffled to be able to face you, a mesmerizing, yet gentle flicker in his dark eyes.

"I can't wait for that, my sexy little elf!" His honest laughter paired with the devoted kiss he gave you afterwards were enough to ensure you that you'd order that reindeer costume first thing tomorrow.

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