IMAGINE: Pretending to be married to Jack for a mission (Agent Whiskey x reader)

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You lay in the warm summer sun of Ibiza, a soft wind was blowing and you were listening to the peaceful movements of the ocean, every once in a while a seagull flew past and called out. It was a perfect honeymoon afternoon.

Jack was right next to you, his eyes were also shut as he enjoyed the heavenly feeling of pure, gentle sunshine on his glowing skin.

The paradisiac silence was only a deception, though. Both of you had guns under the towels, ready to jump in whenever your target walked past. However, nothing as such had happened the past three days, therefore you were enjoying this special mission a little too much. One of Jack's hands comfortably rested on your thigh, he was good at pretending and so were you.

"Excuse me, sir," One of the waiters politely asked Jack, "do you or your wife have any more wishes? I'm happy to bring a cocktail?" Jack thanked him, but negated. An ice cold drink would make this even more perfect, but you were on duty, after all.

You jumped slightly when Jack suddenly leant over you, gently nuzzling his face into your neck. Instantly, goosebumps were spreading all over your body when his warm breath tickled your ear.

"Sweetheart, target on three 'o clock!" He mumbled, pretending to kiss you, his hand cautiously traveling up your waist, sending even bigger waves of electricity through you.

Next thing you knew was that everyone else at the beach panicked and screamed at the sudden gunshots you were firing from your pistol.

"You're so fuckin' adorable, darlin'," Whiskey smirked when you perfectly aimed at your target, hitting them with a clean, direct shot.

"Thanks, love." You wiped the blood off your face and crouched down next to the now dead man, quickly pulling the ring off his finger which contained information to save the world once again. Mission accomplished.

Jack and you had been sent out to a mission with the task of pretending to be a married couple on their honeymoon. At first you were taken aback at the request, but you gradually started liking it. You had a secret crush on Jack since day one but were way too shy to make the first move. Also, you were sure he wasn't interested. He certainly saw you as the naïve, nice girl from next door.

These thoughts had been proved wrong during the mission, though.

The hotel suite served as your mission base where you prepared all the necessities. Of course, you had to share a double room, which excited you like a little kid.

Jack had offered you to take the bed first thing and you gladly agreed, happy about such a quick and easy solution of the matter.

One night before you were already tucked up in bed when Jack sat beside you on the edge and took your hand in his. The breath stuck in your throat when he touched you, it was unexpected and it flustered you.

"Doll, I need to tell you- I like you." With these kindly whispered words, he lifted your hand to his lips and brushed them against it in a heavenly gentle kiss. Jack rose from the bed and settled in on the sofa, you stared at your hand like it had been set on fire. Smiling, you snuggled into the pillow, positively surprised at his admission.

Jack's confession from last night still lingered on your conscience, fully aware of the emotions that dwelled up in your stomach when you thought of it. And you thought of it a lot.

Now, you and him stood in the elevator and Jack leant against the wall, grinning over at you.

"You ok?" You inquired when he didn't stop staring. The kinky smirk under his moustache wasn't easy for you to interpret.

"Yeah," Jack rambled and looked away while the elevator moved up to the 7th floor where your room was situated. You checked yourself in the mirror and caught Jack peek over at you once more.

"Jack, what's up? You-" He cut you off and crossed the small room in no time, pushing you up against the wall. His face was now so close to yours you struggled to breathe, impatiently waiting for what would happen next. His musky cologne surrounded you along with the unbearable sexual tension like a bee swarm ready to attack. All you could hear was your heart beating violently against your chest.

When his lips finally met yours, you found it impossible to maintain your composure and a moan escaped your lips when you frantically kissed him back. Luckily, Jack's hands around your waist steadied you and saved you from your knees caving in.

With his forehead resting against yours, Jack looked at you with an unexpectedly soft sparkle in his deep brown eyes.

"Sorry, doll, I couldn't withhold it anymore." He gave another lovely peck to your lips before the doors of the elevator opened with a ping.

When you stood by the reception thirty minutes later, ready to check out, Jack was holding your hand in his, caressing it with gentle strokes of his thumb. You looked up at him and he smiled affectionately before pressing a kiss to your temple.

"Mister and Mrs Daniels?" The receptionist asked and both of you nodded. Hearing this sounded like music to your ears and you had the presumption that being married to Jack would mean a very good time. He would shower you with love and intimacy like no other man had done before. With this on your mind, you wrapped your arms around him and he followed suit, embracing you in a tight, loving hug. 

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