OUR MAN IN MEDELLÍN (Javier Peña x Reader)

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Warnings: mentions of death. Swearing.

It was getting later and darker while you waited for Javi to come home. He had called you in between missions and shootings to inform you that he'd be late tonight, that you didn't have to wait up for him. Still, you wanted to. You had hardly seen him all week and were genuinely looking forward to talking to him, even if it would only be an hour or two.

Finally, you could barely keep your eyes open anymore, the door slammed shut and you knew he was back. What you really, desperately wanted was to throw yourself into his arms straight away, but he usually needed some time to settle down once he was home.

"Hey, love," you called into the hall but received no answer. Javi was in the kitchen, the sounds he made indicated that he probably needed a drink. You waited for him to join you, he would when he was ready.

You returned to read your book and when everything went silent, you looked up. Javi was standing in the doorway with rings under his eyes and messy hair, a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Javi," you began, cautiously approaching him, "are you alright?"

Without a word he literally threw himself into your arms, sighing heavily when you tightly embraced him, giving him all the physical and mental support you could. It worried you how he acted, he had seen a lot during the drug war, but this was new.

Slowly, you moved backwards to lead him to the couch with you to take a seat. Javi laid down and placed his head in your lap, closing his eyes when you affectionately ran a hand through his hair. He reached for your free hand to hold it in his.

For a while you just enjoyed each other's company and neither of you spoke. Eventually, Javi opened his eyes.

"Today Carillo shot a child. In the head, right in front of us," he whispered and his expression turned blank.

You frowned, "he shot a child, like deliberately? Or was it-"

Javi cut you off, "no, it wasn't an accident. He knew what he was doing, and he did it to prove something. To fucking scare the other kids involved."

Honestly, you didn't know what to say, but that was fine. Everything Javi needed was right there. A hand to hold and ears that were listening.

"I thought I'd seen horrible things, but this..." He sighed, turning his head to look up at you. You showed him a weak yet reassuring smile and leant down to press a kiss to his forehead.

Javi usually spoke to you about his job, what he was seeing and doing. You'd never assumed he was in any danger, not until now.

"Carillo is going to get himself killed by Escobar if he keeps provoking him like this," Javi muttered under his breath.

His comment upset you even more. Provoking Pablo Escobar didn't sound like something you get away with very easily.

"Is this going to affect us in any way?" You wondered whether asking this was stupid or just reasonable. Javi sat up and took your face in his hands, his expression dead serious.

"Y/N, I am going to protect you with my life. Neither Escobar nor any other bastard is going to harm us. Do you understand?" You knew this watchful, protective side of him, yet it surprised you with how much force and intent he told you this.

So you nodded.

"Good. Stop worrying, ok?"

Another nod.

Javi leant in and kissed you very gently, then pulled you to his chest.

"I know you, honey. I know you won't stop worrying. But as long as you trust me, I'm fine with that."

You looked up at him and smiled warmly, "I do."

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