Imagine: Coming home to take care of a sick Pedro (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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Everything was quiet when you came home. You hung up your coat and washed your hands, checking the living-room for any signs of Pedro. He was laying on the sofa with a blanket covering him, numerous used tissues were spread all over the room. You sat down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He blinked one eye open at the unexpected touch.

"How are you, love?" You asked and showed him an affectionate smile.

"Poorly." He made some room for you and sighed deeply. His voice was hoarse and feeble.

"Oh no, my poor man. I'm going to make some food, are you hungry?"

"No," he shook his head, "can you lay with me for a while? I've missed you."

"Can I get some food first? I'm starving!" You held your stomach and shot him a pleading glance.

"Five minutes, please. I want to spoon you for a little bit."

You couldn't say no to that and lay down in front of him, smiling when he tightly wrapped his arms around your frame and nuzzled his face into your neck. It was heavenly, you had to admit that. The peaceful silence was disturbed by your grumbling stomach, at which Pedro chuckled.

"OK, I see, you better get some food." He rolled away from you and you rose from the sofa, pecking his forehead before wandering off to the kitchen.

When you returned with dinner Pedro was sitting upright, his face pale and hair messy. The number of tissues seemed to have increased in your absence.

"I'm so tired," he yawned when you took place next to him and handed him a bowl with chicken soup. You didn't particularly like cooking but for him in this state, you would cook something up.

"Let's eat and get you to bed." You cupped his cheek and smiled.

"Will you come with me?" His puppy dog eyes made you weak, he knew exactly how he could win you over. Obviously you wanted to be with him as much as he did, but going to bed at 7:30 felt a little early, even for you.

"I still have some work to do, baby." You looked away from him to avoid seeing his sulky, disappointed facial expression and instead started eating your soup.

"Please. I don't want to be alone, have been all day. You can work in bed, can't you?" The look in his eyes was unbearable when you turned to face him again and within seconds your heart was beginning to melt.

"Fine," you giggled and noticed his eyes lighting up with joy.

A short while later you both lay in bed next to each other, you had your laptop on your knees to get at least some work done while Pedro snuggled up to your side, already closing his eyes from sickness and exhaustion.

"Thank you, mi amor," he muttered under his breath and when you watched him being so relaxed and happy, you knew you had done everything right.

PEDRO PASCAL IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now