DOUBLE DATE (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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You found yourself sitting at a table in an Indian restaurant opposite of James, your date. It wasn't just you two, though. Your best friend Pedro had convinced you to go on a double date with him and his date, Melissa. Her and James were colleagues and Pedro had taken advantage of the situation to hook you up with him. He was always telling you how much he wanted you to be happy, for you to find a kind and caring man. In his opinion, James ticked all your boxes.

Pedro had been one of your closest friend for years, therefore he knew you very well. He had always been there for you, no matter what you needed. You have had a small crush on him since day one, but you would never tell him, it would surely put your relationship at risk.

The whole double date situation made you a little uncomfortable, although Pedro was around to calm you down. A weird feeling in your stomach was present, you didn't know how to define it. Was it excitement? Uncertainty?

You caught Pedro looking over at you numerous times during dinner, he was probably checking if you were alright. You gladly sent him small smiles and shy looks, not wanting to make it too obvious that actually he was the one you wanted to go on a date with. And not on a double date.

"So, where did you two meet?" James asked you and nodded towards Pedro. You blushed, remembering your first encounter with your now best friend.

"We met during filming Narcos. Y/N played one of the women my character ended up in bed with," Pedro winked and reached over the table to squeeze your hand, "so we were naked in bed together before we even had a proper talk."

James found this extraordinarily interesting, his eyes went wide and you wished you could disappear.

After dinner you all agreed to continue the date with having drinks. James was apparently quite fond of you, he didn't even mind that Pedro was always by your side, rather than at Melissa's. He was usually a touchy person and you liked that about him, however tonight it his hand was oddly frequently resting on your lower back.

While Melissa was gone for the toilets and James went to get drinks, Pedro used the moment for a chat.

"So, what do you make of him?" He questioned, leaning in so you heard him better.

"Yeah, he's nice!" You lied. James was not your type, he was bossy, superficial and arrogant, "how about Melissa?"

Pedro hesitated and you frowned, unsure of what he was thinking.

"She's... to be honest I don't really like her. I don't think she's very clever. Plus she's giggling all the time, it's irritating," Pedro sighed, obviously disappointed.

You bit your lip, considering whether or not you should confess you didn't like James either. The decision was taken from you when James returned from the bar with your drinks.

"Here you go, darling," he smirked and handed you a glass of wine. From the corner of your eye you saw Pedro throw him an evil look and you wondered why.

Pedro returned to chatting with Melissa but he was distracted. His eyes were not able to stay on hers, they were scanning the room and eventually rested on you. It was so obvious that you couldn't concentrate on listening to what James was saying, it wasn't very interesting anyway, but still. Something was up with Pedro and it worried you.

Eventually Melissa wanted to go home, James decided to join her so they could share a cab. You were incredibly relieved, so was Pedro. He didn't have to say anything.

The two of you were left in the club to finish your drinks. All the wine had made you more confident and you finally told Pedro your opinion about James.

He was shocked at first, "why didn't you say that earlier? We could've gotten rid of them sooner!"

"I don't know, I didn't want to be impolite," you muttered. Nervously, you fiddled with your top.

There was a moment of silence until Pedro spoke again.

"Y/N, I have to tell you something. You have to promise not to laugh or run away."

You looked at him in disbelief and frowned, "why would I do that?"

He took a deep breath and took your hands in his, gently rubbing his thumb over your skin.

"I like you, Y/N. And I don't mean as a friend."

His confession was unexpected, therefore you just stood there, your mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"I have wanted to tell you for so long, but I- I never had the courage to do so," he rambled, turning away from you slightly to hide the embarrassment in his eyes.

"Pedro," you began, reaching for his hand to soothe him, "I feel the same."

Surprised by your words, he abruptly faced you again, "what?"

With a smile you took his other hand in his. Obviously delighted about the turn of events, Pedro's expression turned gentle and he smiled back at you.

"To be honest I've had a crush on you for years," you admitted and felt heat rising to your cheeks.

You noticed how Pedro's gaze wandered to your lips and back up to your eyes, he slowly approached you and you felt your heart skip a beat. Was this actually happening?

Gently, his hand slid into your hair and his face moved dangerously close to yours. It was as if time had stopped, all the noise and the lights of the club were only a muffled, minor matter compared to the electricity between you and Pedro.

Finally, his lips met yours. They were soft and warm and your mouths seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces that were finally being connected. You willingly let him part your lips with his tongue and were thankful that he steadied you by wrapping his free arm around your waist. The slow, gentle movements of his tongue against yours felt just heavenly.

Regretfully, you pulled away for air. Your hands on Pedro's chest felt the steady, yet excited heartbeat of his.

"Seeing you with that guy made me fucking jealous, you know that?" Pedro smirked and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Your heart fluttered inside you when he said this and you smiled uncontrollably.

"Yeah, I know," your uttered and stood up on your tiptoes to whisper into his ear, "me too."

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