IMAGINE: Javi taking care of you (Javier Peña x reader)

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Was that a lightning?

You quickly realized it wasn't- instead Javi was turning on a light and entering the hallway with a concerned frown on his face.


You stumbled inside and tried hanging your coat up on the door handle, but it slipped off instantly. You sighed.

"Are you drunk?" Javi chuckled and approached you, turning your chest towards him to take a proper look at you. He smiled affectionately, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs.

"Maybe," you giggled while clinging onto him in a boisterous hug. His hands held you tightly and you were glad, seeing as you were hardly capable of standing up on your own. It had been a wild night.

After a few seconds of pleasurable body contact, you pulled away from Javi and scuffed to the kitchen, taking off your shirt on the way there, regardless of where it landed. Javi shook his head and followed you, picking up your shirt on his way.

With a smirk, he observed how you opened the fridge in search of something edible to satisfy your appetite. You finally found a piece of cheese along with a couple of tomatoes.

Munching them away, you didn't mind the door of the fridge still being wide open. Javi closed it and handed you a glass of water.

"Drink this."

"I can take care of myself just fine," you muttered between bites of cheese, thankfully drowning the water in one go.

"Right." Javi leant against the kitchen counter, bemused at the sight of you standing there in just your bra and jeans in the middle of the night, obviously being fairly drunk. When you noticed him watching you, your eyebrows rose.

"Javi baby," you slurred, wrapping your arms around his neck after finishing your snack, "why don't you show me how you take care of me?"

Still smirking, Javi took hold of your wrists and knocked his forehead against yours, "you need sleep, love."

Reluctantly, you shook your head in disapproval and pressed a kiss to his lips. Although you wanted nothing more than strip off your clothes alongside with Javi's, you had to admit you were actually quite sleepy. While your head rested on Javi's shoulder, he slowly walked backwards, leading you into the bedroom. It was lit by only one, soft light and the smell of freshly laundered bed sheets filled your nostrils.

Without resistance, you let Javi sit you down on the edge of the bed. While your head spun immensely with drunkenness, he gently took off your shoes and socks.

"Come on, lay down." His soothing voice together with the cautious motions of his hands made you dizzy with love and passion for this man, your man.

"I love you, Javi." Your whispered words were barely audible, but for Javi's ears, they were loud enough.

"I know," he replied whilst helping you into your night shirt. He was in his sleepwear already and now he shut the lights, crawling under the duvet with you. One cold hand of his rested on your stomach when he softly captured your lips with his.

"Mmh, let's make out." Your arm wrapped around him again with the intention to move on top of him, yet you immediately sunk back into the pillows, "or maybe not."

Javi chuckled, pressing another, loving kiss to your temple before he pulled you close against his broad chest to cradle you carefully until you drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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