IMAGINE: Working alongside Max (Max Philipps x reader)

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 "Y/N, I want you. In my office. Now." A lopsided grin was plastered on your boss's face when he entered the room and pointed his finger at you. You froze. It was your first day and you hadn't even sat down.

Being new somewhere was always a challenge, especially in this office. You had just started your new job as assistant sales manager and were expected in the manager's office for an early briefing.

Max Philipps was charismatic, confident and had a great sense for sales and customer's needs. You'd heard a lot about him already and now he was sitting right across from you. Unfortunately for you, or your capability of concentration, he was incredibly handsome, too and you could hardly keep your eyes off his pouty lips, gorgeous eyes and perfect teeth whenever he smiled.

You also couldn't deny the flirtatious looks he gave you whenever he explained something or how his gaze seemed to check you out bottom to top. He was good at reading people, it was obvious. But it struck you there was something else- a secret you were willing to discover.

Day in day out you were working alongside Max and he did his best to break you in. Although a couple of your co-workers were fairly put off by his demanding character, you were beginning to like Max a lot. Sure, he could be quite bossy and once in a while he would drop a slightly inappropriate comment on the relationship the two of you had or your outfit, like peeking over at you as you leant forward over the desk to catch a glimpse of the underwear you were wearing.

Just yesterday Max had begged you to give him a hand massage, considering how worked up his poor fingers were from typing on the computer. Luckily, you were not a woman to be quickly intimidated or even offended by dominant male behaviour- instead you had the strong ability to talk back and respond quick-wittedly whenever Max deserved it. From his behaviour and remarks it was obvious he wanted you, but he never made an intentional move, as if he was too shy or there was something withholding him. He behaved differently around other female employees, though- his comments towards them were far more cheeky and ambigious. And he was keen on spending time with you. Every other colleague was only allowed a short meeting with the boss- you were the one he spent the most time with, that was for sure.

Despite the fact you were quite a confident person yourself, you couldn't say no to whatever he was requesting, whether it was work-related or not. Every morning you would wake up with a smile on your face because you knew Max would be the first person you saw. He aswell would smile broadly whenever he saw you come in (he was always the first one, it seemed he didn't need any sleep at all), offering to have a coffee in his office before work started.

On a Friday morning you came in, grinning from ear-to-ear because you had bought breakfast for your boss as a thank you for being so helpful and attentive.

You frowned when all the lights were still out and nobody seemed to be in already. It worried you, had you missed something?

A strange noise suddenly startled you, coming from the men's bathrooms. You quietly put the breakfast down on your desk and crept along the corridor, peeking around the corner of the toilets.

It was a horrific sight. Peter, one of the workers in IT, lay on the ground, blood running down his neck. He was as pale as a sheet and his whole body was shaking in fear.

The worst bit was- Max was standing right next to him. His sleeves were rolled up and he stared at you, his eyes a gruesome red and his face equally as white as Peter's.

"What's happening?" Your voice was trembling and you were frozen, paralyzed in fright.

"Sorry you had to witness this, love." Max adjusted his collar and tie, and when your eyes found Peter again, you gasped. The man who had been lying on the floor just a minute ago was now standing next to you, still not looking well, but a lot better. He excused himself and left you alone with Max, who had taken a step closer to you. Pulse racing a million miles per hour, you walked backwards until your shoulders hit the cold tiles of the bathroom wall.

This would mean the end of your human life. You would be turned into a vampire, a bloodsucking bastard, killing people, stealing and enjoying the most important liquid in their body system.

Max came closer, one hand of his next to your head, the other one cupping your jaw. His touch was unexpectedly gentle.

"Are you turning me into a vampire now?" Your question was actually stupid and quite unnecessary- of course he would.

Max smiled softly, the colour of his eyes now the usual warm, brown. This was probably a vampire technique- confusing and soothing your victim, ready to finish your dreadful task. You shut your eyes to avoid seeing things you might regret seeing, anticipating his mouth and teeth sinking into the skin on your neck, but instead he pressed his lips to yours.

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