IMAGINE: Helping Javier relax (Javier Peña x reader)

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With his favourite food in your hand and a big smile on your face you knocked on Javi's door. It was late, so late that normal people would long be home from work. It wouldn't make any sense to visit Javi in the afternoon- he wouldn't be there. But now, after dark, it was a good time.

Still, there was no sound in the apartment and nobody opened the door for you. You frowned.

Luckily, Javi had given you a spare key some time ago, and he surely wouldn't mind if you waited inside, you had brought food, after all. So you let yourself in, turning on the lights and slumping down on the couch.

It took a while until you heard the sound of rattling keys and a second later the door opened and in came Javi. He looked more tired than usual and it worried you. He was under constant stress with work, chasing Pablo, flying from Bogotá to Medellín and back.

"Hey, it's me!" You called into the hallway to warn him. It had happened before that he thought you were someone breaking in and so he had pointed his gun at you. But not this time.

"Hi," he grumbled. Oh dear, tonight would be a tough one. Once in a while Javi was under so much pressure he couldn't relax at all. On these days, his ability to let work be work seemed to be inactive. Just like today.

You stood up to greet him with a hug but he shook his head, trying to push past you.

"Javi," you sighed, grabbing his hand to stop him from fleeing. He did stop, his teeth were clenched and you could see the movements of his jaw, it looked painful and utterly exhausting.

Without saying anything further you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a warm embrace. At first he didn't move an inch, stubbornly waiting until the hug he didn't want was over. But gradually, he relaxed. His chin rested on your shoulder and with some hesitation Javi placed his arms around your back.

"There we go," you whispered, supressing a giggle, "I know what's good for you."

Javi looked you in the eye and sighed deeply, the frowns and wrinkles were slowly slipping off his face and finally disappeared. With one corner of your mouth turned up, you placed his lips on his for a brief, cautious kiss.

"You've been drinking tonight haven't you?" You asked him when you pulled away, tasting a hint of Whiskey on his pouty lips. It wasn't meant to be an accusation but guessing from Javi's reaction, he took it like that. He slipped out of your embrace and marched off to the kitchen.

"I brought food." You tried not to give in to his sulking and took the food container out of the bag so Javi could smell what was inside. From the corner of his eye, he peeked over at his favourite dish on his kitchen counter and you stifled a smile by biting your cheek.

"Sit down, I'll put it on a plate for you." This implied order was a brave thing to say but to your wide surprise, he obeyed. You remained silent and brought him his dinner to where he was sitting on the sofa, taking place next to him.

"Thanks," Javi mumbled with another deep sigh. While he started eating, you wondered if he wanted you to stay the night. Usually you stayed after you've had sex with him, but tonight he didn't seem in the mood for it. The question was on your tongue, you just couldn't quite get it out. At least not until you found the right words.

Javi put the now empty plate down and sunk back into the couch, his eyes shut. All you wanted to do was hold him, run your hands into his hair and nuzzle your face into his neck.

"Javi," you began to get his attention and he opened one eye to look at you, "come cuddle."

Smiling a heart-warming, welcoming smile, you spread your arms out for him to just fall into them. For a moment he obviously struggled, he didn't want to be that vulnerable. But he gave in to your invitation eventually and moved on the couch to dive into your arms. You lay back down and pulled Javi with you until you were both stretched out on the couch facing each other. Tightly, your arms were wrapped around his back and you could feel how he gradually relaxed. Minute by minute his breathing became softer and steadier, his head was buried in between your chin and collarbone. Nobody spoke, you just lay there holding him. It was bliss, you would never tell him but you secretly liked him more than he liked you, at least that was what you expected. Javi didn't want anything serious, you were quite certain of that.

"I'm about to fall asleep, let's move this to the bedroom." His whispered words against your cleavage sounded like music to your ears. He wanted you to stay.

Before he rose from the sofa, he placed a loving kiss on your forehead, melting your heart utterly and instantly.

You both got ready for bed and climbed in, Javi pulled the duvet over your bodies and you snuggled up to him again, into the warmth of his body. He silently wrapped his arms around you and fully gave in to the intimacy and tenderness of the situation- it astounded you.

"Are you feeling better?" You asked carefully, hinting at the obvious stress he had been under today.

Javi just hummed in affirmation, his eyes were closed and he looked genuinely relaxed for the first time in weeks. You smiled softly and placed a feather light kiss on his lips. With his steady heartbeat against your ear, you both fell asleep.

Sunlight peeked through the curtains of Javi's bedroom when you woke up the next morning. It was still early and Javi was sound asleep. You decided to surprise him with breakfast before he would head off into another busy day at work.

While you cooked eggs and brewed coffee, you swayed your hips to a song on the radio and failed to notice Javi watching you.

"Well, what a nice morning!" He chuckled and you jumped when he wrapped an arm around your chest from behind.

"Hello," you giggled happily at him being in a extraordinarily good mood. Javi planted soft kisses on the exposed skin of your neck and your body responded to his gentleness in every possible way.

"How come you're making breakfast?" He leant against the kitchen counter next to you and smiled softly.

"You deserve it." With these words you looked at him and his eyes lingered on yours so intensely you had to look away.

"Hey," Javi took a step closer and lifted your chin up with his finger so he had your attention, "and how do I deserve you?"

Blushing, you giggled and let Javi wrap his arms around your frame. He held you unexpectedly tightly before he gently kissed you, the touch of his warm lips sent waves of electricity through your veins, every inch of your body and soul.

"Can I keep you?" Javi smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You hesitated at him being so unusually tender, but eventually nodded.

"Of course."

Still smiling a hearty smile, Javi pecked your forehead and excused himself to have a shower. You were left flustered and surprised, grinning from ear to ear. You hoped this optimistic feeling would last longer than until Javi came home stressed out and grumpy from work again in the evening. But luckily, you had your ways to destress him.

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