IMAGINE: Javi making it up to you after an argument

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Warnings: swearing

A Saturday afternoon in mid December, the day after the Christmas party in the office. You were washing the dishes, humming a song to yourself. Javi was out for work again, he had been called off this morning for an emergency raid in Medellín. You didn't mind, the two of you had had an argument last night at the party. Apparently your conversation with one of your colleagues had been a little too long and enthusiastic, honestly you had enjoyed speaking to him, he was a fun, easy-going type of guy. Javi could get very stern and tensed sometimes due to his job, at times he didn't talk at all, so chatting to someone else meant a nice and also refreshing change.

However, back at home Javi had taken it completely the wrong way. He'd gotten very angry and accused you of preferring to spend time with a stranger, rather than be by his side. Everything you said trying to calm him down only made things worse and you ended up laying in bed with your backs facing each other, the largest possible physical and emotional distance between you.

Now, you were happy to have some time for yourself, thinking through all the events of the past night.

The silence didn't last for long, because just as you started brewing some coffee, the door of your shared apartment opened and in came Javi. You expected him to still be mad at you, so you didn't look up when he entered the flat.

He was rustling with something he was carrying and soon you realized he had brought you flowers. Javi wasn't a very romantic man, so he must really have a bad conscience about last night.

"Y/N, I need to say I am sorry about last night," he now stood next to you with the bouquet of flowers in his arms, looking genuinely sorry and at the same time, utterly adorable.

You put your mug down and turned to him, "oh yeah? What are you sorry for?"

His behaviour had hurt you and you needed him to understand why.

With one eyebrow risen, you observed first the flowers and then Javi. The bouquet was beautiful. Javi was cute. Still, he needed to explain what exactly he was apologizing for.

"I got fuckin' jealous. I didn't like you talking that much with the guy, he was invading my territory."

Before you replied, you gratefully took the flowers from him to put them in a vase.

"So you mean talking to me is something only you are allowed to do?"

Javi's face faltered, he was obviously struggling.

"No, no. I didn't mean that. Of course you can talk to anyone you want. It just struck me as if you found him more interesting than me." The last part came out as a whisper and Javi nervously rubbed the back of his head. You hated him being jealous but it also showed you how much he adored you.

"Javi, you're the only one I want to wake up next to." Your gentle words were intended to reassure him that there was absolutely nothing to worry about at all. Yet, the night before he hadn't wanted to hear any of it. Now, a deep sigh escaped his lips in relief.

"So we're good?" He took one step closer to you only to wrap his arms around your waist. You simply couldn't be mad at him for long, but he didn't need to know that.

"We're good," you replied, smiling at the softness of his lips on your cheek and the simultaneous firmness of his hands holding your hips. In his arms you turned towards the kitchen counter in order to continue making coffee and instead of letting you go, Javi pulled you closer to himself and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Would you like some coffee?"

Javi hummed in approval as he kissed your neck while nuzzling into it, the vibrations of his voice running through your whole body, leaving tingles everywhere from head to toe. You knew what he was up to.

"Would you hand me the milk, please?" You inquired politely. Javi brought his hand to your cheek and turned your face towards him with his nose touching yours. Your heartbeat quickened when your eyes met his.

"Are you still mad at me?" Javi pouted and you smiled, running a hand through his soft, thick hair.


"Are you sure?" His thumb brushed over your cheek and you shivered uncontrollably from one simple touch. As a response, you closed the gap between his mouth and yours, kissing him slowly, but firmly. You felt him smile against your lips as you completely sank into his arms, embarking on the passion and intimacy he was offering. 

The kiss lasted forever, you thought, and you didn't want it to stop. Eventually however, you pulled away.

"Let's have some coffee, eh?" You giggled, pouring the hot liquid into two mugs. Javi's hands had not left your waist at all and you had trouble carrying the coffee cups over to the sofa with Javi still clinging onto you like a limpet.

When you finally slumped down on the couch, Javi instantly grabbed your legs to place them onto his lap. He wasn't usually this cuddly but you assumed he still felt remorse.

"You're cute when you're angry, by the way," Javi smirked at which you gasped, pretending to be offended. Wrapping his arms around you again, he knocked his forehead against yours to place a sweet, loving kiss on your lips. You sighed, content and happy about making up with him so soon.

"Javi, promise me not to get this jealous any time soon, okay?"

His eyes found yours with an intense, yet gentle sparkle. Without saying another word, Javi nodded. You didn't need anything else right now apart from his strong arms wrapped around you along with his masculine scent and the sweet words he was whispering into your ear.

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