IMAGINE: Agent Whiskey being jealous of your new mission partner

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Agent Brandy was the newest addition to Statesman. To get him worked in and included properly, you had been sent out to a mission with him. Of course it had been a success, you were completing all your missions and it turned out Agent Brandy and you made a great team. Also, he was incredibly fun to hang around with- smart, witty and unfortunately strikingly handsome, too. Particularly his big blue eyes were exceptionally beautiful and they caught your attention whenever Agent Brandy peeked over at you.

After another long day at work he even asked you out to have drinks with him. Obviously, you were flattered, yet you negated, because you had already set your eyes on someone else.

Day in day out you worked past Agent Whiskey, the so called womanizer of Statesman and object of your desire. Rumour had it that he loved to fill his bed with gorgeous woman of all ages, solely for his own pleasure. This was nothing you were willing to end up as, but still it intrigued you. Every once in a while, when you and him had a conversation, you caught tiny glimpses of what was happening deep inside of him. He seemed to be genuinely nice, soft and kind. However, he tried his best to successfully hide that small part of him by acting all confident and aloof. Agent Whiskey was always flirty and cheeky when he spoke with any woman at Statesman, yet somehow you managed to winkle out that softer side of him more than others were capable of.

Today, all the agents were sitting around the big table at Statesman head quarters while Champ assigned the next tasks. Agent Brandy was sitting next to you, gratefully smiling over at Champ for pairing him up with you once again for the next, risky mission.

"Well, Champ, why don't you pair these lovebirds up for everything already? Seeing as they get along so well." Agent Whiskey's deep voice asked, causing all heads to turn in his direction. When you observed him, you couldn't miss an uncomfortable spark in his eyes and you frowned, deciding to ignore him. You certainly wouldn't give him the attention he craved right now. If he wanted it, he'd have to ask.

The meeting went by and Agent Whiskey couldn't suppress little, evil comments about you and Agent Brandy. It did upset you, why were you being punished although you hadn't done anything? None of Agent Whiskey's judgmental remarks stroke below the belt, still they were somewhat offensive. And the worst thing- they hurt you. Maybe you had gotten the wrong impression and Agent Whiskey wasn't at all kind and attentive, but cold and superficial.

When the meeting was finished, you patiently waited for everyone to leave the room, only to stick to Agent Whiskey's heels as soon as he rose from his chair.

"Agent Whiskey, can I speak to you?" Your inquiry wasn't meant as a question, rather as a command. The cowboy turned around to face you, a nasty smirk on his lips.

"What's up, doll? Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend? I'm sure he's-" You didn't let him finish, instead both your hands pushed him against the wall behind him. You were angry and he deserved to feel your emotion.

"Enough, Agent! I don't know what your problem with me seems to be, but you need to get it under control. Where's your professionality?"

Agent Whiskey was obviously surprised and taken aback by your outburst- he straightened his tie with a frown plastered on his face. The smirk under his moustache was now gone and he was facing his shoes.

"Cut the bullshit and treat me with some respect!" You yelled, ready to turn and walk away. It felt good shouting at him, he couldn't conduct like this, at least not around you.

"Wait," his husky voice behind you made you stop from leaving and you faced him again. He approached you cautiously and lifted his gaze. His eyes were sparkling with regret at which your own expression softened instantly.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"Can you at least explain why you bombed us with your unnecessary comments?"

"I guess I'm jealous."

Did he say jealous? His answer was hovering in the air between the two of you like a bubble ready to burst. Agent Whiskey stood before you, arms crossed in front of his chest, clenching his jaw in agitation and you found it utterly adorable.

"And why is that?" You teased, taking one step into his direction so you were standing dangerously close. He looked at you, his eyes strangely gentle, and when he opened his mouth to reply, you pressed your lips to his.

Obviously, he had not expected this at all, but after a brief moment he kissed you back with his hands framing your cheeks.

"Don't be jealous, Jack. There's no need." You cockily winked at him and he laughed, all the tension had been removed from his shoulders. Smiling back at him, you kissed him once more, telling him everything he needed to know.

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