IMAGINE: Rescuing Marcus Pike (Marcus Pike x reader)

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Marcus Pike was a broken man. Heartbroken like no one ever wants to be heartbroken, his devastated heart had been shattered into a million pieces and you felt sorry. You didn't pity him, it wasn't like that, but something inside you wanted to apologize in the name of that woman who'd done those things to him.

You had met Marcus at your friend's birthday party. She was working in his department at the FBI and had invited him to help him socialise, distract himself. Right at the beginning of the party you had been introduced to Marcus (after your friend had briefed you about his past) and you found him a very easy-going person to have a conversation with, well aware of the protective shield he had set up after his break-up.

Apart from being extraordinarily nice, he was strikingly handsome, too. You didn't want to stare at him all the time, but his deep brown eyes and the adorable dimple on his cheek gave you goosebumps whenever he looked at you, or smiled. His looks weren't intended to be flirty at all, nevertheless they flustered you and caused your whole body to tense up in excitement.

Before you knew it you started dating. Just casually at first- Marcus had warned and pleaded you to be patient with him, the last thing he wanted was rush things and hurt you because of high expectations he wouldn't be able to meet.

After a couple of months, you knew you were in love with him. How couldn't you be, he was the kindest, most empathetic man you've ever met in your entire life. You were spending incredible, wonderful days and nights together. Still, he was a tough nut to crack. Early in your relationship his distant behaviour had given you a fairly hard time to cope with. Marcus would refuse to stay over at your place for the night, needed at least two days of time for himself between dates and never, never spoke about his emotions or where your relationship was going. You assumed he didn't do it on purpose or because he didn't like you- it was simply a clever psychologic method of cushioning his broken heart. Probably, you would do exactly the same. So you gave him time, as much time as he needed for his deep wounds to heal.

Still, a part of you needed to know if he was dating anyone else. Not only he had been hurt- so had you. The mistake of trusting a man too soon had caused lots of pain for your own heart and obviously, that wasn't something you were too eager to witness again.

One night you and Marcus were sitting at your place over a nice dinner you had cooked, you were already anticipating laying in his arms on the couch afterwards, enjoying the rare intimate and secure moments with him. The soft red wine was soon equipping you with some extra bravery and it felt like a right moment to confront Marcus about what you desperately wanted to know. You must've behaved oddly, because Marcus looked at you with a frown from across the table.

"Are you alright?"

You bit your lip, quickly trying to get the words into the right order inside your head.

"I need to ask you something." His very attention was drawn to you, Marcus put knife and fork down and locked his eyes on yours.

"I know we don't usually speak about this, but I need to know what we are. I mean," you took a deep breath, sensing the importance and heaviness of your words, "I need to know if you are seeing other women. For my own protection."

It was out. Torturous silence lingered in the room, you could hear Marcus' increased breathing.

"Y/N," Marcus sighed eventually, "I asked you to be patient. I don't want to put a label on what we have, y'know? Can't we just continue what we were doing?"

A lump had formed in your throat and grew so big you were having trouble to answer.

"Can't you just please tell me if I'm the only one you're seeing?" You thought that wasn't too much to ask. It wasn't your intention to put pressure on Marcus at all.

"The fact that you even have to ask that hurts me, Y/N. Maybe all of this isn't a good idea. I should go. I need time to think."

You watched as he rose from his chair, paralyzed for a split second, not believing what was actually happening.

"Don't go." Finally, you were able to follow him to the door. Marcus had already put on his jacket with his hand on the door handle.

"You're not the only one with feelings here, you know that?" You regretted the words immediately, but quickly realized they had a visible effect on him, maybe even the effect you had wanted to cause in the first place. He turned back at you, eyes full of hurt. Marcus opened his mouth to say something, yet he closed it without another word. His eyes met yours one more time before he walked out the door, disappearing in the darkness.

You slumped down on the couch, trying to get a hold of your emotions. How could things escalate like that? Was he ever going to talk to you again? It was hard for you to understand why he couldn't just answer your question. You knew he was still recovering from his previous break-up, but didn't he care about your emotions too?

After cleaning up the kitchen, throwing away the food that was left on the plates, you lay in bed for hours, tears streaming down your cheeks until you finally drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

Two days later, when you weren't feeling any better, typing away on your computer at work, your assistant came in with an uneasy expression on her face.

"Um, Miss, there is someone who wants to see you. I tried asking him to leave, but he would refuse. He brought flowers."

You got up from your chair instantly, yet too quickly and had to hold onto your desk for support to prevent yourself to faint from dizziness. Was Marcus here?

In no time you rushed to the entrance of the building to be greeted by a miserable looking Marcus. Indeed he was carrying a huge bouquet of flowers.

"Can we talk?"

You bit your lip at the sight of him, standing there like a child holding a bouquet the size of a dog.

To avoid making a fuss about this and all the colleagues eavesdropping on the delicate situation, you lead him into the canteen, which was empty at this time of day.

"I'm sorry!" Marcus blurted out as soon as you closed the door. He put the flowers down and nervously ran a hand through his hair.

"I shouldn't have acted like that the other day. It's just- usually I'm the one who is too fast and can be pushy, but when you asked me those things I freaked out. I like you, Y/N, I really do and it just feels right with you. But it did feel right with Theresa, too, so I'm very very careful now."

You stepped closer to him to take his hands in yours.

"Darling, it's fine. I didn't want to pressure you. I understand why you're so emotionally distant, but you have to understand me, too."

His expression turned gentle at your words, even a tiny smile appeared on his features.

"I'm not seeing anyone else. Why would I?" His hand cupped your cheek and you happily leant into it, shutting your eyes in relief. You felt his warm breath on your skin before he kissed you, his soft lips lingering on yours. You had missed his kisses, him, his good, but broken heart.

When Marcus pulled away, you noticed a sparkle in his dark eyes you hadn't noticed before.

"I would never do anything to hurt you. Remember this." You whispered into his ear, wrapping your arms around him to embrace him in a long, loving and reassuring hug.

You didn't know it at that point, but your relationship with Marcus would from then on be the safest relationship you ever had, full of love, trust and happiness. Both of you had finally found their soulmates for good.

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