IMAGINE: Introducing Pedro to your parents (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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It wasn't like you hadn't prepared your parents for the gathering happening tonight. You had told your mother a lot about your fairly new boyfriend, Pedro. She didn't mind the age gap at all and you were glad, because it could be an issue sometimes. Not in the interpersonal contact with Pedro, but concerning other people's opinions. Your father however seemed not to be amused about the fact either. You were his princess, the one he felt like he had to protect, although you were definitely a grown woman with an own life being able to make own decisions.

Pedro and you arrived at your parent's house and were greeted by a warm welcome of your mother. She was obviously happy and almost euphoric when she wrapped her arms around Pedro, who responded with a relieved smile. You knew him quite well, so even if he pretended to be casual and cool, deep down he was nervous. And so were you.

Dinner started and your father joined you. Your watchful eyes rested firmly on him when he saw Pedro and approached him. A frown formed on his forehead, yet he politely shook Pedro's hand and took a seat, shooting your mother a worried glance. Your insides turned, not from hunger, but from concern. It felt like your pulse must've been visible through your neck, because Pedro rested his hand on your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. Why did he have to comfort you when you were in your parent's house, with people you knew, it should be your comfort zone, right?

"Do you have children, Mr Pascal?" Your dad turned to look at Pedro and rose one eyebrow. You knew that look too well. It meant no good.

"No, I don't have children," Pedro replied nicely after putting knife and fork down, "I have two lovely nephews, though." There was a sparkle in his eyes at the thought of his sister's sons. He loved them to bits.

Your dad however couldn't let the topic go yet. "And I suppose you don't want any? I mean, at your age..."

With your hands clenched into fists, you took a deep breath. If he kept provoking Pedro like that, you would have to interfere.

"No, I'm alright." Pedro remained as cool as a cucumber and you had to bite your lip in order to stop smiling. When you looked over at your mum, she peered at you with a soothing expression and a tiny nod. She knew how your dad could be, especially with his precious daughter.

"Y/N, darling, will you help me clear the table? The boys can have a glass of Scotch in the meantime." Your mother suggested with a wink.

"That okay?" You asked Pedro, who instantly nodded, placing a comforting hand on your neck. To your irritation, your dad mumbled something in disapproval but finally rose from his chair and prepared two glasses of Whiskey.

When you helped your mother in the kitchen, you were more curious than ever to hear what your boyfriend and your dad were chatting about in the dining room. While you were drying up some cutlery, you stood by the door, eavesdropping on their conversation, your heart beating faster than usual.

"Were you ever married?" Your dad's barking voice sounded like an accusation and you knocked your head against the door frame in frustration. Jesus.

"No. Let me tell you why," Pedro began and you took a step closer to the door of the room they were seated in. "No woman ever made me as happy as your daughter does. She is kind, warm-hearted, intelligent and insanely funny. I adore her so much I'd never want to be without her again, it would break me. This might sound cheesy, but I'm in love with her so much it scares me."

There was silence after his meaningful words. You sank against the wall with your back and closed your eyes, repeating everything he had said inside your head, mad goosebumps running up and down your spine so fast it made you shake.

"Well, that's, that's very good to know," your dad stammered, obviously having trouble to find an appropriate response to this confession of love. "So you could imagine marrying her?"

Your dad was old-fashioned, in his mind a proper couple had to marry, have kids, all that jazz.

"It's early stages, but yes." Pedro replied and although you didn't see him, it felt like his eyes burned on you with that look of desire and adoration you knew too well. His voice was gentle and genuine. You smiled broadly.

For the rest of the night, your dad didn't make another single comment about either the age gap or your relationship in general. Something in Pedro's words must have impressed him.

Walking home hand in hand, you couldn't wipe that smile off your face.

"Feeling happy?" Pedro inquired when he saw how content you looked. You smiled up at him and stopped walking, sliding your hands up to wrap them around his neck.

"I heard what you said about me when you spoke to my dad. He seemed quite satisfied with it."

In return Pedro wrapped his arms around your waist and knocked his forehead against yours.

"That was all my true feelings. I didn't say that to make your dad like me. I said it because I mean it."

You looked up at him, into his deep brown eyes, and felt something you've never witnessed before- sincere, profound love. With this feeling inside you, you kissed him like you meant it, tightly holding onto him to make sure he would never leave your side.

PEDRO PASCAL IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now