IMAGINE: Accompanying Agent Whiskey to a Statesman gala (Agent Whiskey x reader)

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Warnings: angst

You stood in front of the mirror in your blue dress, it was the one you had bought during your visit to New York last year and you loved it. Still, you weren't sure if it was appropriate for the event. Jack had asked you to accompany him to a Statesman gala. Up until now you hadn't met any of his colleagues or friends are you were quite nervous, almost fidgety. The big age difference between you and Jack certainly didn't add up to your confidence.

Jack was due to pick you up in five minutes and you needed to make a decision on what to wear. For two hours now you had tried on your whole closet, every dress you considered suitable for the occasion had been combined with different bags, shoes and jewellery. If you kept up this speed you would be late. And being late wasn't something you were willing to permit. You wanted the evening to go smoothly, to be fair your expectations were high and so was the pressure you'd put yourself under.

The doorbell rang, forcing you to snap back to reality. The navy dress would have to do. Quickly, you grabbed some earrings and a black bag, heading downstairs to open the door for Jack. He was looking incredibly smart in his blue suit and tie and you bit your lip in admiration. Jack lifted his cowboy head politely to greet you, "Good evening, princess."

"Hi," you smiled, already feeling less nervous just as a result from seeing him.

"How'd you know I was going to wear blue?" One eyebrow risen, Jack examined you from bottom to top. You just shrugged in response and smiled, maybe the dress was a clever choice after all.

"You look stunning, of course. Ready?"

You drove to the location in Jack's car and you tried your best to hide your edginess. Luckily, all the pessimistic thoughts you had were out the window as soon as you met Jack's fellow Statesmen. They welcomed you with massive warmth and hospitality- it felt like all the weight had been taken from your shoulders and you could finally breathe again. Jack was watching you with a sparkle in his eyes and one corner of his mouth turned up. It made him equally happy.

However, his colleagues couldn't keep themselves from making jokes about the age gap between you and Jack. Though you knew they meant no harm and they genuinely seemed to like you, it had you suffering from tiny prickles of needles right to your heart and your self-confidence. Jack didn't seem troubled by this at all and it impressed you a lot. At the moment, you wanted nothing more but him to provide you with a piece of that inner composure he had. Jack placed a comforting arm around your shoulders and leant in to kiss the top of your head.

"Sweetheart, why don't you get yourself a glass of wine and some Bourbon for your old boyfriend?" Jack winked and you shuddered once more at one particular word in his question. Yet it was clear he wanted to get you away from the others for a couple of minutes. You nodded and Jack softly pecked your lips before you wandered off to the bar. Throwing a glance back at him and the others, you gratefully observed how Jack seemed to plead his colleagues to quit the stupid jokes for your sake.

When you stood by the bar and waited for your drinks, you heard someone mention your name. You turned around to see who it was, but couldn't spot anyone familiar. Instead, two women were standing behind you, chatting and giggling.

"Did you see her? She's like half his age! I should propose to him that we repeat all the good moments we've spent together. Surely she can't take as much as I did," one of the women laughed, swaying her long, blonde hair back and taking a sip of her champagne. Deep inside, you wanted to hit her in the face and pour red wine all over her white dress. You wished you had the courage to say something, but no words would come out of your mouth. So you just stood there, hands clenched into tight fists, lips pulled in a tight line. Staring at the two women like this caught their attention. They both looked at you, and back at one another. Before either of them could open their evil mouths and hurt you even more, you turned on your heel and marched off.

Wandering through the room in search of Jack, you bumped into a waitress. You muttered an apology and frowned, not being able to find your partner.

"Are you alright, Miss? I saw your Dad standing by the window," the waitress smiled and you wished you could die right then and there. She was only trying to be helpful, but you felt utterly embarrassed again. Together with the uncertainty about all this being a good idea, you felt you eyes flood with tears. Everything was just a blur now and all you wanted was to get out, get home, away from all these people who didn't know you and didn't give a shit. You felt disappointed, sad, and most of all, alone.

Taking one deep breath, you gulped down the tears as good as you could and headed for the exit.

You picked up your coat and stepped outside. The cool night air hit you and made you instantly feel better. This had all been a mistake. Now being on your own, you allowed the tears to fall.

You started walking until a hand on your shoulder stopped you.

"Princess, where are you going?" A gentle voice behind you asked and you turned around, quickly trying to wipe away all the tears so Jack didn't see them. The look in his eyes turned to one full of worry and he stepped closer to you to cup your face, softly stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.

"What happened?"

"I don't belong here," you sobbed, all the tears you had wiped away were now being replaced by new ones.

"No, sweetheart, it's alright, come here," Jack whispered, firmly pulling you to his chest. His strong grip around your waist mixed with his musky scent instantly soothed you.

"They're right, I could be your daughter." You moved away from Jack and he frowned.

"I see," he sighed, now understanding what was bothering you so much, "why do you care what everyone else thinks?"

It took you a moment to think about his question. Jack was right, why did you care? You loved him and he loved you, why wasn't that enough for you?

"Don't let it get to you so much, darlin'. It doesn't matter how old anyone of us is. As long as we have each other, nobody's gonna come between us. They're all just jealous of what we have. I want you in my life and I don't give a single damn about other people's silly opinions." His gentle, reassuring words warmed your heart utterly and the butterflies were going mad inside your stomach.

"You're right. I'm just sensitive, that's all." You allowed Jack to remove all the remaining tears from your skin and happily sank into his arms again.

"Should we go back inside?" There was caution in Jack's voice, he obviously didn't want to put pressure on you.

"Fine. But don't leave my side," you smiled, sliding your hands up to wrap them around his muscled neck.

"Finally, a smile! This is why I fell in love with you," Jack grinned, pulling you close to him by your waist. His chipper nature never failed to cheer you up and you smiled even more, gratefully placing your lips on his, sucking his bottom lip until he kissed you back. You loved how his moustache tickled you during the kiss and how tightly he was clinging onto your hips.

Jack firmly grabbed your hand and led you back to his colleagues, who sincerely greeted you with heart-warming smiles. You promised yourself to listen to Jack and focus on enjoying the moment. It would spare you all the negativity and misery. After all, you had wanted this to be a good night in the first place.

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