MINE FOR A NIGHT (Agent Whiskey x reader)

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Warnings: SMUT! Some swearing.

The sexual tension between the two of you had grown steadily during dinner after Whiskey had offered you a night in his bed. You were too curious and needy to say no. Also, you wanted to know if he could live up to his reputation.

His hands were ice cold sliding under your blouse when he pressed you against the wood of his front door on the inside of his house. He could hardly wait to get you home. Finally, you could both give in to your desire.

"Doll, if I take you to the bedroom now, you have to fully agree with everythin' first," he whispered into your ear, sending electric jolts through every inch of your body, "I can get quite rough and with you, I'm afraid I will be. There'll be ropes and bites and bruises. Are you fine with that?"

Your heart felt like bursting out of your chest any minute from excitement. You were already very aroused. Also, it intimidated you a little.

"I feel like we need safe words," Whiskey grinned, sensing your uncertainty, "yellow means less intensity, red means I stop. OK?"

"Agreed," you replied, now more relaxed at how he seemed to care about you. You took a deep breath and brought a hand to his cheek, savouring this brief moment of intimacy.

Whiskey smirked and in a flash he had lifted you up over his shoulder and carried you to the bedroom. It was dark and mysterious, his huge bed reminded you of a fancy hotel suite. He pressed you down into the mattress with his weight on top of you, pinning you down so you had no chance to move. Tightly, he grabbed your wrists and held them still above your head.

He looked into your eyes with such an intensity you were nearly getting dizzy and his lips crashed down on yours in a heated, passionate kiss. You moaned when his tongue delved into your mouth, him pushing the material of your blouse higher until your breasts were revealed in a red lace bra. Whiskey seemed to like it judging by the sound he made in appreciation.

"I want you naked, doll, I want to see all of you." He released your wrists and removed his body away from yours, only to remove his jacket and tie.

"Get up," he commanded and you did as you were told, rising from the bed. Whiskey sat down at the edge and showed you were to stand, "strip. Slowly."

You hesitated for a second, you had never stripped for anyone before, but you were willing to try. Catching sight of the growing bulge in his trousers was giving you all the motivation you needed.

Playing a song inside your head, you started to unbutton your blouse, gradually revealing more of your underwear. Lazily, you shrugged the item off your shoulders. You enjoyed how Whiskey's eyes were observing every move of your hands.

Swaying your hips you pushed your skirt over your bum so it fell down with a thump.

"Turn around." Whiskey licked his lips at the sight of your exposed bum in also red panties.

With your back towards him you didn't see how he stood up and came behind you. You flinched in surprise when he gathered your hair into a ponytail, pressing his front up against your back and pulling at your head. His free hand slowly wrapped around your neck, sliding down your chest and finally resting between your legs. His fingers were evilly light when they brushed over your clothed clit. You gasped at the sensation and Whiskey chuckled.

"Patience, baby girl."

He walked backwards with his hand around your throat and sat down on the bed again, turning you so you were laying stomach down on his lap. His hand wandered from your head over your back until it reached your bum, fingertips languorously tracing along the shape.

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