IMAGINE: Jack inviting you to New York for Christmas (Agent Whiskey x reader)

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Jack has already been in his New York office for three weeks and you missed him so bad. Every morning you woke up checking the other side of the bed for any human content, every morning the empty, cold left side of the bed painfully reminded you he wasn't there. You had talked about this, of course, and you knew it was going to be a hard time, but did it have to be this hard?

Phone calls and skype conversations every night didn't make it better- if anything it made your lovesickness even worse. Seeing him through the computer screen but not being able to touch him increased the remorse you were feeling about him being hundreds of miles away.

Being a charming, chipper nature, Jack tried to cheer you up by telling you what he had planned for when you came over at Christmas. Snow was apparently falling in New York City and covered the town in a soft, white blanket. You loved snow and you counted the days until Jack and you were united again.

Finally, the day came. With your bags over your shoulder, you excitedly walked through the arrival gates of JFK airport, already standing up on your tiptoes to spot Jack right away. People were greeting their loved ones, sinking into each other's arms- the exact thing you were craving.

To your wide disappointment, Jack wasn't there. Your heavy bag slid down your shoulder and landed on the ground with a frustrated thump. Your face faltered.

After you were able to swallow down your disenchantment, you spotted a man dressed in a suit who held up a sign with your name on it. You approached him with your brows still ceased, lifting your hand for a weak wave. The driver greeted you politely and relieved you of your bag.

New York really was beautiful. Snow was glistening on the streets and rooftops, still a couple of snowflakes were dancing in the air. People were going home from work, children threw snowballs, Christmas decorations were spread all over the city. For a moment you forgot your cheerlessness and a tiny smile played on your lips.

When you left the car, you stood in front of an enormous apartment building, probably thirty floors high. Would Jack be upstairs to wait for you? Or would you have to spend the afternoon on your own, waiting for him to get back?

Apparently Jack had deposited a key to his apartment, which was given to you now. It told you he wouldn't be there, another disappointment for today. A heavy lump was stuck in your throat- this was not what you'd had in mind when you came to New York.

You let yourself in and couldn't believe your eyes. The whole apartment was decorated in fairy lights, fir garlands and a giant, beautiful Christmas tree with numerous presents underneath. It surprised you a lot because you knew Jack wasn't into cheesy, unnecessary decorations and clutter, therefore this presentation of Christmas spirit knocked you off your feet.

Dropping your bag and still in awe about what you saw, you discovered a bouquet of flowers on the dining table with a card stuck to it, next to a bright pink box.

Sweetheart, apologies for not being able to pick you up. I hope you're positively surprised concerning the look of my apartment- it's all for you and only you. Wear the dress for when I come home, please. Kisses, J xxxx

The content of the card melted your heart in a thousand ways and you curiously peeked into the gift box next to the flowers. Opening it, you gasped at the sight of the long, elegant dress which was in it. Jack had obviously been going to a lot of hassle for you.

Wearing the beautiful dress, you sat on the sofa next to the huge windows, overlooking the sparkling view of New York by night. Only the big clock on the wall had your attention apart from it, checking the time every thirty seconds for when Jack was finally going to come home. Anticipation had taken control of your whole body. Hands shaking, teeth chewing your cheek, heart beating up to your throat, you tried to remain calm, but there was no possible way. You couldn't wait any longer.


You heard footsteps approaching the door after the elevator had stopped on your floor. A key inside the door. The handle moved down. The door opened slowly.

"Hey there, princess."

There was nothing holding you back as you jumped on him and threw your arms around his neck. Jack embraced you in a tight, loving hug and chuckled into your neck as he was holding you against him.

"So good to see you."

"I can't believe you did all this, for me." Your shaky voice whispered, referring to the gorgeous Christmas outburst.

"I took me a while to get used to the idea of it. But if it makes you happy, it makes me happy."

You embraced him once more to thank him for the wonderful welcoming, all bad thoughts of him not picking you up from the airport were instantly forgotten.

Still holding you in his arms, Jack reached behind himself and let something dangle above your heads.

"Oh, is that a mistletoe?" One eyebrow risen, he smirked down on you and you couldn't help but laugh at his adorableness.

"Looks like it."

"I'm afraid you have to kiss me now."

"We don't need mistletoe for that!"

And with these words, you leant in to press your lips to his. It was wonderful finally being able to feel his lips, his hands around your waist and the heavy, musky scent of his cologne surrounding you. This was going to be the best Christmas you've ever had.

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