Imagine: Pedro scaring you on Halloween (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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Warnings: swearing, angst, implied smut

You loved watching horror series and so did Pedro. Especially because one of his best friends played a main character in the one you were currently watching. Usually, you were rather bold with horror movies and not so easily scared.

Pedro and you were curled up on the couch together one night before Halloween. A spooky Netflix series was on and you were happily munching Popcorn, enjoying laying in Pedro's arms and the warmth that flooded your heart as he stroked your shoulder. The living-room of your shared place was only lit up by candles. It was very romantic, but also suited the atmosphere in the series that were playing. The first episode had just begun and you found it incredibly thrilling so far. You wanted to snuggle up to Pedro even more when it came to an end. A woman was desperately trying to find help to rescue her boyfriend, she was running through the basement of an abandoned clinic building in search of an exit. You knew horror movies, so the mood was already anticipating someone showing up in the corridor.

And there he was.

Your eyes went wide at the sight of him. He had a terribly disgusting mask on, made of human skin, teeth and hair, and he was staring right at you, filling up the whole TV screen. Quickly, you shut your eyes and turned your head to hide away in Pedro's arms, who just chuckled at your behaviour.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" He teased, poking into your sides with his fingers.

"Yes!" You whined, squirming at his attempts to tickle you and pulling the blanket over your head.

"Awh, don't worry! I'm here to protect you!" Pedro wrapped his arms around you and removed the blanket from your head, stroking hair away from your eyes and forehead.

"That was horrible," you mumbled when an actual, cold shiver ran down your spine.

"Let's go to bed, eh?" Pedro tapped your nose with his finger. You nodded and both of you went to bed, Pedro was cradling you in his arms, holding you tightly against his warm, broad chest. This was all you needed to fall into a peaceful slumber, forgetting the images of the scary man with the horrible mask.


You were preparing the pumpkin for the soup, carving it to make it a proper Halloween pumpkin. You would put it in front of the door to show kids they could come to pick up sweets.

"Darling, I'm home!" Pedro called from the hallway. You smiled and put the pumpkin down, ready to greet your loved one. When you stepped into the hall, you couldn't believe what you saw.

Pedro stood there, wearing a fucking mask, THE mask. Instantly, you stopped your movements, all the blood left your head and sunk into your feet. It made you dizzy.

"Happy Halloween!" Pedro called out, his voice muffled through the mask. With all the power you had left, you darted for the mask and ripped it off his head. You didn't give a fuck if it hurt him. Grabbing a pair of scissors from the kitchen, you angrily cut the mask into hundreds of little pieces until it was not recognizable anymore.

"Not funny!" You threw the pieces at Pedro, who had come to watch you, and stormed out of the kitchen. For a moment you considered leaving the house, but decided against it. It was Halloween and it was more reasonable to stay home, who knew what else was out there?

Pulse racing at a million miles per hour, you locked yourself in the upstairs bathroom. What was he thinking? He knew you were scared of the mask. You had just managed to get the image of it out of your head, now it was back. And actually present in your conscience, because you had seen it directly, not through a TV screen.

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