HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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Warnings: Yes. Smut.

Today was your birthday. You had been looking forward to it for weeks. Not only because it meant you got to spend a whole day with Pedro, also because your friends had promised to throw a big party tonight. Plus birthdays meant cake for breakfast, right?

You wandered into the kitchen and stretched your arms up above your head, yawning. Pedro and you had sat together drinking wine until after 12pm so he could be the first to wish you a happy birthday. He was already busy downstairs, swaying his hips to the music on the radio. Smiling, you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind and rested your forehead against his back.

"Good morning, sunshine," Pedro beamed and turned around only to pull you into a tight, warm hug, "happy birthday."

"Thank you," you mumbled against his neck and closed your eyes at the tingling sensation in your belly.

You two had a lovely breakfast with pancakes and champagne, it was everything you had wanted.

"Now, sweetheart, are you ready for my special cake?" Pedro winked and you could see that he was excited.

"Yes!" You exclaimed, being equally delighted that he had gone through all this just for you.

Pedro cautiously placed the cake on the table and you had to admit it looked rather decent. There was icing on the top along with your favourite candy and colourful candles counted to match your age. He cut up two slices and handed you the much bigger one.

You smiled up at him in gratefulness and began to dig in to the cake. At first it tasted of cinnamon, but the sensation on your tongue changed directions quickly.

"Baby," you muttered, trying to figure out what the strange taste was, "did you use a recipe for this?"

"Of course. Why? Don't you like it?" He looked shocked when you discreetly spat out the cake into a napkin.

"Try it," you suggested and sighed.

Pedro did as he was told and grimaced after a few seconds, "fuck!"

"You didn't accidentally switch salt and sugar, right?" You giggled. Pedro wasn't into baking that much, you knew this for a fact.

"Hell no! Hang on," he stood up from his chair and rummaged through the cupboards, holding up a small black bottle, "I used this vanilla extract, maybe it's beyond it's expiration date?"

You giggled and took the bottle from him, "no, love. This is not vanilla. This is soy sauce."

All the colour left his face and he turned as white as a sheet.

"You're kidding."

"Nope. How much did you use?" You rubbed his shoulder in comfort as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't know, a couple of tablespoons," he muttered, obviously embarrassed, "I messed up your birthday cake!"

Showing him an affectionate smile, you wrapped your arms around his neck. It was sad yet adorable how upset he reacted.

"I'm sorry," he sighed and softly kissed your lips, "I'll make it up to you."

"It's alright. I look forward to the making up though!"

His lips curled into a smirk and he picked you up to place you on top of the kitchen counter. With your legs around his hips you pulled him closer so there was hardly any space between you and he kissed you roughly on the lips. His strong hands were wrapped around your frame and you felt heat overcoming you- passionate, vibrant heat for the man in front of you.

Pedro hummed in appreciation of the way your skin felt as his hands slid under your top. Your kisses became more eager with time and you instantly knew how this was going to end.

You grabbed a fistful of his hair and gently, but determined, pulled his head back to kiss his neck, to trail wet kisses up to his ear.

"Y/N," Pedro groaned, "this is me seducing you, right?" His eyes fell closed when your tongue nibbled on his earlobe, a thing you knew too well drove him insane.

You giggled and jumped in surprise when a warm hand of his suddenly dove into your pants. His fingers caressed your folds which were already aching to be touched. When Pedro entered you with two fingers at once you gasped and clung onto his shoulder- you were softening up on him and he knew. He was well aware of which buttons to push to tip you over the edge.

Sighing, your rested your head on his shoulder at the feeling of his fingers. The bulge in his pants caught your attention as you looked down.

"Baby," you breathed into his ear, the hairs in his neck stood up at your whisper, "I want you to fuck me."

He smirked and rested his forehead against yours, his expectedly fingers were still working their magic between your legs. He curled them up inside you to hit your g-spot and you squirmed.

"Anything for my birthday girl!" He purred and opened his trousers with his free hand.

They dropped to the floor along with his boxers and you bit your lip at the sight of his erection, impatiently wanting him inside you.

Pedro unwillingly removed his fingers and put them to his mouth, licking all of your juices off them with a naughty smile.

"You taste so good," his words sent shivers down your spine and he pulled down your bottoms as well, taking his erection into one hand. With his eyes locked on yours he guided his rock hard member into you, never losing eye contact. You were holding on to him when he began to thrust, getting faster with each second. It was impossible for you to keep your eyes open when your orgasm was approaching.

"Fuck," you cursed into Pedro's neck when you came, grabbing his broad shoulders for support. With a few more thrusts he came as well, pouring all of him inside you.

"Happy Birthday, princess," Pedro murmured against your temple and you smiled.

He took your face in his hands and looked you deep in the eye, his expression full of love and affection, "let's go and buy you a proper cake."

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