A PROPER GOODBYE (Javier Peña x reader)

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Warnings: smut, swearing

It was an ordinary Tuesday morning and both Javi and you had to get ready for work. Javi was irritated because he had to fly to Cali today, he was under constant pressure anyway and being away from home added up to his stress level even more. He had gotten up before you and was now in the kitchen, since his disappearance from the bed he had not said a single word.

Rain was pouring down outside and was threateningly pounding against the windows. It certainly didn't lift Javi's mood.

You showered and brushed your teeth, racking your brain about how to cheer him up this morning. When you stepped out of the bathroom, your gaze rested on Javi's suit that was hanging on the closet. You smiled and carefully took his shirt from the hanger and slipped into it. Chances were high that he would get angry at you for stealing his clothes but you would try anyway.

Marching into the kitchen, you casually wished Javi a good morning and poured yourself a cup of coffee. He was sitting at the table in boxers and a T-Shirt- he was always having breakfast before he'd put on his suit because he was clumsy and wanted to avoid spilling coffee over his neat work outfit.

Leaning against the kitchen counter, you watched him. He studied the newspaper for any drug cartel related news.

When he finally looked up at you, he instantly noticed what you were wearing.

"Is that my shirt?" His brows furrowed and he sighed, putting his coffee cup down.

You shrugged, a smile playing on your lips.

"C'mon, take it off." Rising from his chair, he agitatedly carried his plate and cup into the sink and shot you a pleading glance. You sat your own mug down and stepped in front of him, your hands cupping his cheeks.

"Please," he muttered, clearly annoyed, still he gave in to your gentle touch. Moments like these had been rare recently and he enjoyed it, responding to your touch by leaning his face into your hand.

Taking a few steps back into the direction of your bedroom, you smiled up at him.

"Y/N, I don't have time for this. Take it off." He looked incredibly tired and ran a hand through his hair which was still wet from his previous shower.

"Make me," you teased, turned around and disappeared in the bedroom. He followed you, letting out a deep sigh.

"Do you want me to miss my flight?"

"Yes, actually, I do," you began, pouting up at him. "It would mean you can stay with me. I'm going to miss you, Javi." The gentleness in your voice erased all the anger and stress from his face and he instantly forgot he was mad at you.

"I know. I'm going to miss you too."

You smiled shyly at his words and felt your cheeks burn brightly red. "Can I just say goodbye properly?"

"How would you do that?"

Instead of answering his question, you stepped closer so there was absolutely no space between you and him. Your eager hands slid down his chest and came to a halt at the waistband of his boxers. You softly kissed his lips, sucking and biting his lower lip until he finally gave in to your attempts by kissing you back, wrapping his arms around your waist. Heavy rain still pattering against the windows was the only sound, leaving the bedroom completely silent. Kissing Javi like this was as if time had stopped, you were able to fully savour every second of the moment, breathing in his scent and his overall being until you felt intoxicated.

Javi gulped when your cold hand slid into his boxers, grabbing his already hard member and spoiling it with gentle strokes. You ghosted your lips over his ear and neck, smiling at the goosebumps that were forming with your light touch.

He forgot about getting you out of his shirt as soon as you knelt down in front of him.

"Fuck," Javi whispered along with sliding a hand into your hair to get a better view at your face.

His boxers were gone in no time and you started caressing his erection with feather light kisses and licks along the full length. You would've loved teasing him more, but this morning things had to be quick. Javi threw his head back with a big, long groan when your lips wrapped around him. Your hand gently cupped his balls and the frantic suction of your lips along with swirls of your tongue had him grabbing your hair tighter, gasping and trembling in pure delight. Having this control over him was magnificent and you were more than ready to feel his hot cum at the back of your throat. His cock was throbbing already and you knew he was close.

"Wait," Javi suddenly stopped you, holding your head in a still position. Without saying anything further he pulled you up from your knees and greedily opened the buttons of his shirt on your body. There was still time to neatly put it away- a second later his strong hands were around your waist, literally throwing you on top of the bed. It always drove you wild when Javi was dominant, it reminded you of all the kinky roleplays you two had made up.

He was on top of you now, spreading your legs with his hips. With a hungry kiss to your lips he slowly sank into you, stretching your walls with his size. You felt every inch of him, it amazed you how a simple movement of his hips could create this heated, electric feeling in the pit of your stomach.

"You're lucky I'm in a hurry, because next time I'll have to punish you for stealing my shirt!" Javi's breath on your ear sent shivers down your spine, at the same time you whined out loud at another thrust of his pelvis.

"I look forward to that," you whispered against his neck, yanking your fingernails down his back in arousal as he sped up his rhythm. Tingles ran from your head to your core when Javi took both your hands in his, pressing them into the mattress next to your head. He kept pumping in and out of you and you tried shifting your hips up to meet his thrusts.

The familiar feeling of your climax approached and you shut your eyes, clasping Javi's hands tightly with your own. With less than two more pushes you came hard around his member, all your senses exploding and connecting into one glorious sensation. You were so busy catching your breath you didn't realise Javi was also reaching his climax, collapsing on top of you with all his weight.

All his strength, all his power had left his body, he was motionless. His only movement were his now steady breathing against your collarbone and the slowing heartbeat becoming one with yours.

"How's this for a proper goodbye?" You whispered, moving some sweaty strands of hair from his forehead. Javi stirred and glanced up at you with a gentle expression on his face.

"Y/N, I do love you, you know that, right?"

You were surprised at this question but smiled warmly, tightening your embrace around his body.

"Of course I know that. And of course I love you too, Javi."

He kissed your lips with a softness your heart fluttered madly inside your chest.

When he pulled away, the alarm clock on the nightstand caught his attention.

"Fuck." Javi pulled himself out of you, handed you a tissue and disappeared in the bathroom to clean himself off. You already missed the warmth of his body, his scent and the feeling of his lips against your own.

In a flash Javi had put on his suit. He looked incredibly handsome and smart, you secretly smiled to yourself at the thought of him being yours, only yours.

"There's one good thing about the fact you stole my shirt," Javi grinned when he sat down on the bed beside you.

"I'll have your smell in my nose for the whole day."

His words were so sweet you couldn't believe how lucky you were. And when Javi kissed you one more time before he left with his hands cupping your face, your heart skipped a beat. You couldn't wait to have him back home.

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