IMAGINE: Seducing Pedro on a friend's party (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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Warnings: Smut!

Pedro and you had been invited to a friend's birthday party. You had been looking forward to it as it was the first proper event you had been invited to as a couple.

The house was crowded with people, strange faces, men and women of all age. Being in such big groups of people sometimes made you uncomfortable, but not tonight. Pedro's hand on your lower back was like an anchor keeping you grounded, his warm brown eyes always made you instantly relaxed whenever they met yours.

He looked utterly handsome in his white dress shirt and you couldn't wait for the party to be over and get between the sheets with him. However, time was hardly passing. The party was dull, the conversations less than interesting and your wine glass was emptying way too quickly.

Pedro knew half of the guests and made his way around with you in his arm, proudly introducing you to everyone as his girlfriend.

When it was time for food, you happily sat down for the first time since you've arrived four hours ago.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Pedro asked when he sat down next to you, his fingers playing with your hair. You had needed this calm, intimate moment with him after the buzzing life of the party.

"You're here. So yes."

He beamed up at you and briskly pecked your lips.

"You look very good tonight, by the way," you leant in to whisper into his ear, "I look forward to having you on top of me later rather than next to me..." One of your hands slowly slid up his legs closer to his crotch. The back of your hand brushed against his clothed member and you smiled at how Pedro trembled at your touch. Two of your fingers lightly stroked him through his trousers and you loved the fact that you had such an effect on him.

"Stop teasing me so much," he mumbled through gritted teeth, avoiding to attract too much attention. He nervously looked around the room and couldn't stifle a groan when you discreetly kissed his earlobe.

"That's enough," he grumbled and rose from his chair, desperately trying to hide the growing bulge in his crotch. Pedro determinedly took your hand in his and dragged you out of the room. The feeling of his hand in yours soothed you from the sudden adrenalin outburst happening in your brain.

Next thing you knew was being pushed against the wall of the bathroom. Pedro locked the door with his free hand, the other one was roaming your body and sliding behind your back.

"We can't do that here!" You protested between kisses, but Pedro wasn't having any of it.

"You started this, so now you have to pay for it. Plus I'm too horny to stop."

You giggled at his admission and your laugh was followed by a whimper when he sucked your jawline, his teeth grazing along your skin. Voices were audible from outside the room, obviously people were standing right in front of the door. Your heartbeat quickened at the naughtiness of this situation and you smiled on the inside at how kinky Pedro could be.

His body was so close and strong against yours you struggled to breathe, your hands fiercely searching for something to hold on to. Finally, they found Pedro's belt, you realised they were shaking when you tried to open the buckle. Pedro moved an inch, maybe two, away from you and took your hands in his, softly brushing his lips against your palms as if to calm you down. A modest smile was playing on your lips when he looked into your eyes with utter adoration and gentleness in this fiery moment.

His lips moved from your palms back to your neck, Pedro pulled down your dress at your cleavage along with your bra, planting light kisses on the soft skin of your breasts. Your nipples were already pointed from arousal and Pedro smiled, flicking his tongue over the swollen buds. Heat was forming inside your stomach, you felt your juices already soaking through your panties and ground your hips against his, longing for some friction.

Pedro chuckled against your breasts and knocked his forehead against yours, a devilish smirk on his face. His big hand slipped under your dress and as soon as it came in contact with your centre, you squirmed like you hadn't been touched for days. Your hands desperately clenched onto Pedro's shoulders as he pushed two fingers into you without a warning. They were beginning to pump in and out of you without much effort considering how much wetness had developed between your legs. You shut your eyes at the overwhelming sensation, gasping in surprise when Pedro added a third finger, curling his digits inside you just right.

"Look at me," his dark, husky voice demanded and you obliged, being met by his intense gaze. Gradually you loosened your grip on his shoulders and let your hands travel down his torso, now purposefully opening his belt. His eyes didn't leave yours for one second when you pushed trousers and boxers down to his knees. You wanted to see his erection, solid and smooth in your hands now, but when you looked down, biting your lip at the size, Pedro interfered.

"Uh-uh," he smirked, "my eyes are up here."

Your chest was heaving with tedious breaths at his command, but it was worth it. The look in his eyes when you stroked your thumb over his tip was priceless, and his hand inside you responded with one more curl of his fingers. Simultaneously now with the pumping of his hand in and out of you, your own hand built up a steady rhythm of strokes and caresses along the length of his member. Both of you were quietly moaning and gasping in pleasure, also knowing that someone could knock on the door any minute.

When you felt the nearing orgasm, your walls started convulsing around his fingers and Pedro sensed it, so he gently placed his free hand over your mouth to muffle your moans.

"Shhh," he grinned, hissing once more at another pump of your hand on his cock.

He added his thumb to circle your clit and you were no longer able to hold it back. You came hard, squeezing your eyes shut and letting out a long groan into Pedro's hand. He withdrew it and wrapped it around your waist to steady you, seeing as how weak you got with your climax.

You looked around the room for some towel in order to avoid making a mess, now that Pedro was also approaching his orgasm. He understood and grabbed some toilet paper, holding it in position. You didn't want any evidence of this to remain on some other person's bathroom floor. Pedro's free hand was beside your head now, his teeth painfully clenched as his whole body tensed up, ready for what was about to happen. Your hand still eagerly spoiled him with steady movements and you could literally feel the tension building up in his member. With his face buried in the crook of your neck he found release, his moans suppressed by your heated skin.

Your hand was now sticky and warm and when you looked down on yourself, you saw that hardly any ejaculate had ended up where you had hoped it would.

"Shit," you giggled, sighing, and Pedro lifted his head to see what you meant.

"Oops." Your dress was full of it and so was the bathroom floor.

"What are we going to do?" You bit your lip and Pedro let out a low chuckle, softly kissing your lips.

"I think we should go home and finish what we started," he purred before his mouth placed wet kisses on your neck.

"And my dress? Everyone's gonna know what this stain is." Unfortunately, your dress was black, and indeed the white stains could have only had one source.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. "Anyone in there? I need the loo!" A voice yelled through the door. There was panic in your eyes and heat rose to your cheeks.

"Come here," Pedro took your hand, turning to the door, "we'll be out in a minute! We've had a little accident here!"

You shot him a warning glance, not knowing how he was going to explain this situation.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, one eyebrow risen and you nodded. Pedro spilled water all over the stains so they were less visible.

"Hold your bag in front of it and let me do the talking." He quickly cleaned the floor and opened the door. A man was staring at you, clearly wondering what you two had been up to.

"Sorry we blocked the bathroom. She had to throw up," Pedro shrugged, not waiting for any reaction whatsoever. You giggled when he shooed you outside, both of you incredibly relieved.

"So, what do you say? Ready for round two?" His arms wrapped around you and you grinned at the cheekiness in his voice.

"More than ready, Mister." You stood up on your toes to press his lips to his, already anticipating what would happen as soon as you got through the door.

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