Chapter 1

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UPDATES: I'm starting this book on 29th April 2022. I will be updating a chapter a week, or more- depending on how much my brain decides to work. Also the starting chapters are a bit long but they will get shorter.

Selena Arabella Calos

I have a weird relationship with mirrors.

In ways, they are my worst enemies because they make me see all my flaws. In other ways, they are my best friends because I'd probably look like a mess without them.

I try to avoid looking in mirrors as much as I can because, in short, I don't like what I see. Once upon a time, I liked my appearance, but the taunts I received from my family made me think otherwise. Now I can't even look at myself in the mirror without hating myself. When I used to look at myself before, I saw an average-looking girl, maybe even pretty. That's not the case anymore. When I look at myself now, for even a second, I see a potato- a regular boiled potato.

Now I'm just insulting potatoes.

Anyways, my family always told me I was ugly, fat, and dumb and that no one loved me. I tried to ignore them, but they were the people who were supposed to love me the most and the ones who knew me best, so after a while, I started believing them. Despite accepting their words, I always pretended otherwise because I didn't want anyone to know what I thought of myself. Because of this, I have become extremely good at hiding my emotions.

I have always thought I'm not worthy of being loved or too ugly for this world.

I try not to care about my family anymore. My parents are barely home because of their business, and my paternal Grandmother usually lives with my aunt.

Okay, back to mirrors. The thing is, my parents are obsessed with mirrors. There are mirrors everywhere in the house. The mirror I hate the most is the ceiling mirror above my bed. I don't know why my parents thought that was a good idea. The only thing that mirror does is terrify me every morning when I wake up. Just this morning, I woke up and started screaming because I thought that there was some sort of witch or demon above me when, in reality, it was only my reflection.

Even here, at my mother's office, there are too many mirrors. But I guess that's because models need them when they try on their clothes.

My mother, Aurora Calos, is the CEO of Georgia Ambrosia, a multi-million-dollar fashion empire she inherited from her mother, Georgia Ambrosia or Gigi, as we call her. Apart from my brother, Ajax, Gigi's the only person I'm close to within my family.

My elder brother, Ajax Maximus Calos, is my only brother and sibling, and he is... well, an idiot. Not academically speaking, he just graduated from Lithern, one of the best universities in the world, which is more than enough to prove his academic intelligence. What I meant was that he is an idiot, behaviour-wise. He's the sort of person who'll crack a joke so ridiculous that anyone will laugh at it. Other than that, he's overly dramatic. I'm not even exaggerating. He got a paper cut this one time, but he was so overdramatic about it that everyone thought he got shot or something.

Despite his silly behaviour, he is pretty successful. When he was eighteen, he started his tech company just to spite our parents. Now at twenty-two, he is a multi-millionaire. Jax was to take over our father's company when he got older. Our father was absolutely livid when he found out Jax decided to start his own company. I admire Jax for that, even though that left me no choice but to inherit both of my parents' companies.

Jax and I don't look alike; spare our hazel brown eyes, which we inherited from our mother. Jax has wavy blond hair, and I have straight, long, brown hair. Both of us have olive skin-which we inherited from our father. But because of how much time I spend outside, I'm a lot tanner than he is. He is really tall, and I'm the shortest person I know. 5'4 isn't that short, but when you spend most of your time with models who are over 5'7, you start feeling short.

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