Chapter 5

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Selena Arabella Calos

I want to hate Alex for bringing him up in the conversation, but I can't really blame Alex for it because he doesn't know. He doesn't know what Adam did, and nor, as far as I'm concerned, will he ever. It's bad enough that Adam lost Alessandro's friendship, but he doesn't deserve losing Alex's, despite what he did to me. I would never have told Alessandro either, but he found out because he was the one who saved me from Adam.

I don't want to think about Adam, but I can't help it. Every time I close my eyes, that night plays in my head on repeat. I am there again- scared because the person I considered my best friend was not; heartbroken because he was the last person I expected would hurt me; and vulnerable because I lost my safe haven.


Two Years Ago

I was getting ready for bed after a long day at the beach when I saw a small rock hitting my bedroom window. I rolled my eyes, already knowing who I would see if I were to open my window and look down from the balcony, but I did so anyway.

"You know, one of these days, you're going to break my window," I said, looking down at Adam from my balcony.

He looked at me, grinned, but stumbled back and fell on the sand. I closed my eyes and sighed. He was drunk again. And yes, he was underage, but he did not care. On the other hand, I did care that he was drinking so irresponsibly because he could get himself hurt. I also cared because I knew what brought on his drinking episodes, and the reason was not pretty.

"Stay there. I'm coming down," I shouted at him in annoyance, and he gave me a thumbs up. Usually, I wouldn't have been so annoyed, but this was the fourth consecutive night he had done this, and he did not choose the alternative- coming to talk to me- before drinking.

I turned around and proceeded to make my way to Adam, not bothering to be quiet because no one was in the house. Jax was going to come later, but he did not mind Adam coming to our house in the middle of the night- in fact, he was used to it.

"Drink," I ordered him, placing a glass of water on the table in front of him, and he shook his head. I resisted the urge to hit him- he did this every time he was wasted.

"No," he replied adamantly.


"No," he repeated, and I hit my head on the countertop.

Arguing with him was impossible as is, but it was even more impossible when he was drunk- if that's possible. Also, having the same argument every night was a little exhausting- especially when I knew its outcome.

"Adam, I won't ask you again. Drink the damn water."

He glared at me. "You cannot tell me what to do. No one can!"

He took the glass of water in his hand and smashed it on the table, making shards of glass fly everywhere, including at me. I backed away in surprise and fear. He never did this. Even in his addled state, he always protected me, kept me safe- made sure his actions would never harm me.

Adam picked up a larger piece of the broken glass in his bleeding hard and smiled wickedly. "He was right. He was right. He was right! He told me that everyone controlled me too much. He told me you affected me too much. He was fucking right!"

Adam shouted, taking menacing steps toward me. I continued backing away from him, looking for a way out of the kitchen, but he was blocking it, and I was too scared to go near him. I didn't have my phone either, so I couldn't call anyone. And Jax, Jax wasn't at home yet. If Adam decided to hurt me, I wouldn't be able to protect myself- I was not strong enough- and no one would be there to protect me.

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