Chapter 17

427 13 25

Selena Arabella Calos

I pace the room, phone in my head, trying to muster up the courage to message him. I stop, take a deep breath and start typing. I can do this.

Hi. Can we please meet when you get back and are free?

I quickly lock my phone and throw it on the bed. If I didn't, I know I would keep on obsessing over the message I sent or checking to see whether he replied and what he replied with. I start pacing again to calm down. It's fine. It's going to be okay- no matter what happens. 

I pick up my tablet and start searching for apartment listings to distract myself. Over the past week, I managed to convince my parents to let me move out. It's really hard staying in this house, especially considering I'm alone here most of the time. Jax left a few days ago and my parents left yesterday for business trips. The only thing I'm thankful for is that Grandmother left as well. If I was left alone in the house with her, it would've ended in mutual demise. 

I haven't been able to find apartments that I like though- they're either too small, too far from the city center or not available for at least another month. I want to move out of this house as soon as possible. Every night I have spent here, has ended up with me waking up shivering in fear. 

I keep trying to find an appropriate apartment until someone knocks on my door making me jump. I put a hand on my chest and take deep breathes. 

"Come in," I say, putting my tablet on the desk. 

"Someone is here to see you, Ms Calos," a maid says as she enters my room. I look at her wide eyed. It can't be him can it? I just messaged him like an hour ago.


"Mr Dan-" As rude as it may seem, I don't wait for her to finish. I sprint past her, out of my room and down the stairs. 

And there he is- standing in the middle of the foyer. 

We stare at each other for what feels like hours. He's wearing a white short-sleeve shirt tucked into black dress pants. 

I bite my lip. He looks as put together and handsome as ever, whereas I probably look like a mess. 

My breath hitches as his eyes travel from my face down to my bare legs.

He looks back at my face and clenches his jaw. "Who's shirt is that?" He asks coldly.

I curse at myself when I realise what I'm wearing. I'm wearing a large black shirt which ends just above my mid-thigh. I'm also wearing a pair of shorts, but they aren't visible under the shirt. 

"It's yours," I tell him. His expression doesn't change- he still looks pissed off. "I can give it back to you, i-"

"Did I ask you to?" He says in a rude tone.


I almost run back to my room as my resolve to talk to him starts disappearing. 

I take a deep breath and pull down the shirt, so I'm less exposed. "When did you get back?"

"A couple of hours ago," he replies, his tone a little nicer.

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