Chapter 4

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Selena Arabella Calos

The dinner with the Castello's went better than expected. I received no cynical remarks from my parents about my appearance or my "overeating", so I guess better than expected is an understatement.

It also helped that the Castellos are such friendly people. I could go as far as to say that I had fun at dinner today because of them.

Francis hasn't changed much- in appearance or personality. He is the sort of person that can make anyone around him smile just because he's smiling. Francis's twin brother and little sister couldn't make it to dinner, but I have a feeling that they're just as charismatic and easy-going as him.

According to what I gathered from our short time together, Mr and Mrs Castello seemed to be the opposite of my parents. They don't seem to enforce their children's decisions, and they seem to love their children, which are the two things my parents could never understand- maybe for Jax, but never for me.

Anyways, like I said before, dinner went well, and it also gave me some blackmail material on Jax, courtesy of Francis, which I will definitely be using soon.

I look at the time and sigh. It's midnight, and Nat isn't picking up her phone, which worries me. She is never this careless.

I pick up my phone and try to call her again.

"Nat! Why the hell haven't you been picking up? I have called you four times already. Are you okay?" I say as soon as she picks up.

"Um, hello, this is Elliot. Natalie is asleep right now. I'll ask her to call you as soon as she's up," the person who calls himself Elliot replies.

I open my mouth but close it again, unsure how to reply. Who is this guy? I have never heard of him before, and I cannot be sure that Nat is safe with him.

"I am sorry, but who are you, and how do you know Nat?" I ask, trying to hide my panic. What is if he kidnapped her? Oh my lord, what if he is a murderer.... wait, he can't be. If he was, he would never have picked up the phone...


"I'm Nat's boyfriend," he says, pausing as if he expects me to know something, but I do not. Either he's lying, or Nat didn't tell me she was with someone. Knowing Nat, the latter is more likely. She knows I will start worrying about Alessandro whenever Nat sees someone new. "We've been dating for three months, but Nat doesn't seem to have told anyone about us, but that's fine. I know you, Selena; you're her best friend."

"I- why should I believe you?" The question comes out of my mouth before I can stop it.

"You can confirm everything I've said from Blake," Elliot replies patiently. He seems amused.

My cheeks warm up. "I'm sorry for questioning you so much. I just wanted to confirm that Nat was safe."

"It's okay, Selena, I understand. I'm glad Nat has friends who worry about her so much. Alessandro called earlier today too," Elliot says, and I freeze. Alessandro loves Nat. Learning that Nat is in a serious relationship with someone else would have hurt him, especially considering that she didn't tell us. And when Alessandro is hurt, he doesn't exactly make the best decisions- at times, he has ended up in the hospital because of those decisions.

"Um, thank you. Please ask Nat to call me when she has time. It was nice to talk to you. Good night," I say in a rush and hang up before he has a chance to reply, which in hindsight is very rude, but checking up on my other best friend is more important to me right now than my lack of manners.

Me: A, you up?

Sandy: You just found out about 'Elliot' too, right?

Me: We don't know if he's telling the truth.

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