Chapter 11

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Selena Arabella Calos

I don't know how long we have been here. It could be anywhere from a week to a month. There's no sense of time in this place. I miss my life. I miss the fresh air- or however fresh the air can be in a metropolitan city. I miss the sun and the moon. And most importantly I miss not being tortured constantly. The one thing I'm grateful for in this horrid place is Daniel. If he wasn't here, I would be paralyzed with the memory of being tortured in those few moments that I am not being tortured.

We actually made this rule a while ago, in which we said that when we are inside this room, we aren't allowed to think or talk about everything that happens to us outside of this room. And that rule is probably the only thing that has kept both of us sane all this time. Inside this room, we just pretend like everything is normal- or as normal as it can be.

I move out of Daniel's hold to get up and walk around the room but before I can stand up, Daniel wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back.

"I want to walk," I tell Daniel, struggling to get out of his hold. Instead, he does the opposite of what I said- he tightens his grip on me and pulls me even closer to him, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Stop moving," he whispers in my ear and I groan.

"I'm bored."


I turn my head to look at him. "Don't be arse, either let me go or entertain me."

He smiles. "How would you like me to entertain you?"

"I don't know, tell me a story or something about you."

He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against mine. "You know everything there is to know about me."

"Come on, you have to give me something. What's your relationship like with Francis?"

"Very interesting," he replies and I raise my eyebrow. "We're very different, so a lot of the times there is a personality clash but he's still my twin. We love each other even though it might not seem like it considering how often he calls me 'asshole'.

"Why 'asshole'?" I ask before he can continue. Daniel looks at me with a confused expression.

"What?" He asks me.

I roll my eyes. "There's a litany of insults that he can call you, and yet he chose 'asshole', which is like the least creative one. So why does he call you that?"

Daniel laughs. "That's because asshole is what he thinks describes my personality best."

"I can give him some suggestions," I say and Daniel glares at me. "That's not going to affect my answer," I tell him.

"Yes, it won't because you don't have one."

I smile at him. He doesn't know what's coming to him. Just because I don't swear as much does not mean I don't know how to. "Well, for starters, there's prick, twat, jackass, di-" Daniel puts his hand over my mouth before I can continue.

"Is that what you want to call me or are those just suggestions?" Daniel asks me.

I smile mischievously. "Depends."

He narrows his eyes. "On what?"

"If you continue to be an as-"

"Finish that sentence, I fucking dare you," Daniel threatens into my ear. I shiver. The power this man holds over me is unreal. When I stay quiet, he says: "That's what I thought."

I roll my eyes. "Why did you wake up so soon?" I ask Daniel, changing the topic.

"No reason," Daniel replies, putting his chin on my head.

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